by Renee Asteria Penaloza, KPFA election supervisor
The KPFA station board has the responsibility to approve KPFA’s budget, evaluate management and oversee programming. Nominations for KPFA’s Station Board are now open. Anyone who becomes a member, by donating $25 or by performing three hours of volunteer work before July 15, is eligible to run as a candidate and to vote in KPFA’s Station Board elections.
You may wonder why you should participate. Only 17 percent of the world’s population lives in a country with freedom of the press. So please exercise you right to have your ideas heard by participating in these elections as a candidate or voter.
Nine seats on the KPFA station board are to be filled by listener-members candidates. The deadline to run as a candidate is July 15. Nomination packages can be found at or by contacting the KPFA election supervisor at (510) 848-6767, ext. 626, or
If you are not already a member of KPFA or need to renew your membership, you can do this by:
- Visiting and clicking on the “support us” link in the upper-right corner;
- Calling KPFA, (510) 848-6767, to make a donation over the phone;
- Sending a check to “Development” KPFA, 1929 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Berkeley, CA 94704; or
- Volunteering at the station for three hours.
A basic $25 membership, or three hours of volunteer time, qualifies you to run and vote in the 2009 election. Write to to find out your membership status if you’re not sure, as your membership may have expired.
To learn more about how you can participate, come to our KPFA Community Forum at the Ashkenaz Community Center, 1317 San Pablo Ave., Berkeley, on Wednesday, July 8, from 2 to 4 p.m.