Monday, October 14, 2024
Classifieds Requests for Proposals and Qualifications

Requests for Proposals and Qualifications

SFCTA seeks design, engineering for I-280 off ramp – bid date Feb. 11

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR DESIGN AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR I-280 OCEAN AVENUE OFF-RAMP PROJECT (RFP 21/22-13) Notice is hereby given that the San Francisco County Transportation Authority is requesting proposals from qualified respondents to provide design...

SFCTA seeks On-Call Transportation Planning Services – proposals due Dec. 15

REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR ON-CALL TRANSPORTATION PLANNING SERVICES  (RFQ 21/22-03) Notice is hereby given that the San Francisco County Transportation Authority is requesting statements of qualifications from qualified respondents to provide on-call transportation planning services...

Bayview Hunters Point Legacy Foundation seeks Scholarship Application Services – bids due May 6

The Bayview Hunters Point Legacy Foundation in partnership with the Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure (“OCII”) is seeking qualified respondents to submit proposals to provide Scholarship Application and Management Services for two student...

SF County Transportation Authority seeks annual audit services

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR ANNUAL AUDIT SERVICES (RFP 20/21-07) Notice is hereby given that the San Francisco County Transportation Authority is requesting proposals from qualified respondents (proposers) to provide annual audit services. The full RFP...

SFCTA seeks proposals on Yerba Buena Island Pathway Project – due Jan. 28

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR HILLCREST ROAD WIDENING AND YERBA BUENA ISLAND MULTI-USE PATHWAY PROJECT (RFP 20/21-06) Notice is hereby given that the San Francisco County Transportation Authority is requesting proposals from qualified respondents (proposers) to...

SFCTA issues RFP for Pennsylvania Avenue Extension Study Report – due March 26

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR PROJECT INITIATION REPORT FOR THE PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE EXTENSION STUDY (RFP 19/20-07) Notice is hereby given that the San Francisco County Transportation Authority is requesting proposals from qualified respondents (proposers) to prepare a Project Initiation...

SFCTA RFP for engineering US 101/I-280 express lanes – due 3/4

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FOR THE US 101/I-280 EXPRESS LANES AND BUS PROJECT (RFP 19/20-06) Notice is hereby given that the San Francisco County Transportation Authority is requesting proposals from qualified respondents (proposers) for engineering...

SF OCII issues Request for Proposals for parks maintenance, janitorial and property management services

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS - PARKS MAINTENANCE AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT The Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure has released a Request for Proposals for parks maintenance, building janitorial services and property management services for public parks...

SFCTA and Treasure Island Mobility Management Agency seek legal services

REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR ON-CALL GENERAL LEGAL COUNSEL SERVICES (RFQ 18/19-11) Notice is hereby given that the San Francisco County Transportation Authority and the Treasure Island Mobility Management Agency (collectively “Agencies”) are requesting statements of qualifications (SOQs) from qualified...

OCII seeks support services for Hunters Point Shipyard Citizens Advisory Committee

The Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure (“OCII”) is seeking qualified respondents to submit proposals to provide support services for the San Francisco Mayor’s Hunters Point Shipyard Citizens Advisory Committee (“CAC”) and OCII. Services include: site office management,...

SFCTA seeks technical and communications services for Downtown Congestion Pricing Study

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR TECHNICAL AND COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES FOR THE DOWNTOWN CONGESTION PRICING STUDY (RFP 18/19-10) Notice is hereby given that the San Francisco County Transportation Authority is requesting proposals from qualified respondents (proposers) for technical and...

SF County Transportation Authority seeks Performance Monitoring and Analysis Services

  REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR PERFORMANCE MONITORING AND ANALYSIS SERVICES (RFP 18/19-06) Notice is hereby given that the San Francisco County Transportation Authority is requesting proposals from qualified respondents for performance monitoring and analysis services. The...

SF CTA issues RFQ for On-Call Strategic Communications Services

  REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR ON-CALL STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (RFQ 18/19-05) Notice is hereby given that the San Francisco County Transportation Authority and Treasure Island Mobility Management Agency are requesting Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from qualified...

S.F. Housing Authority seeks bids for Sunnydale Roof Repairs

  REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR  SUNNYDALE ROOF LEAKS AND STRUCTURAL REPAIRS Solicitation : 18-050-IFB-0014-1 The Housing Authority of the city and county of San Francisco will receive sealed bids for the Roof Leaks and Structural Repairs...

SF Housing Authority seeks bids for Seismic Upgrades

  REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR  SEISMIC UPGRADE AT 363 NOE STREET AND 4101 NORIEGA STREET Solicitation: 18-050-IFB-0020   The Housing Authority of the City and County of San Francisco will receive sealed bids for Seismic Upgrade Project for 363...

SF Housing Authority seeks bids for Sunnydale Roof Leaks and Structural Repairs

  REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR  SUNNYDALE ROOF LEAKS AND STRUCTURAL REPAIRS Solicitation : 18-050-IFB-0014   The Housing Authority of the city and county of San Francisco will receive sealed bids for the Back Building Roof Replacement Project for the...

OCII seeks affordable rental housing developer for Block 56, Hunters Point Shipyard

  NOTIFICATION: DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY Request for Proposals ("RFP") for Block 56 in the Hunters Point Shipyard Redevelopment Project Area  The Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure (“OCII”), the Successor to the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency (“SFRA”), is seeking...

SF County Transportation Authority seeks Computer Network and Maintenance Services

  REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR COMPUTER NETWORK AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES (RFP 18/19-04) Notice is hereby given that the San Francisco County Transportation Authority is requesting proposals from qualified respondents (proposers) to provide Computer Network and Maintenance...

SFCTA seeks planning and technical services for the ConnectSF Streets and Freeways Study

  REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR CONNECTSF PLANNING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES (RFP 18/19-01) Notice is hereby given that the San Francisco County Transportation Authority is requesting proposals from qualified respondents (proposers) to provide planning and technical services...

RFQ for Subcontractor Qualifications for SF PUC WW-647R Biosolds Digester Facilities – Deadline 9/6

  ADVERTISEMENT FOR SUBCONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS   This Document includes a facsimile of the legal notice informing all potential Subcontractors of MWH Constructors & Webcor Builders, A Construction Joint Venture (hereafter referred to as MWH/Webcor) intent to...