U.S.-NATO robbing Africa at gunpoint

by the U.S.-NATO Hands Off Libya! Hands Off Africa! Coalition

The U.S.-NATO Hands Off Libya! Hands Off Africa! Coalition consists of revolutionary and progressive African organizations in Ghana who oppose the U.S.-NATO illegal invasion of Libya/Africa and support Muammar Qaddafi and the Libyan Jamahiriya to win the war against U.S.-NATO imperialist military forces and NTC/Al Qaeda reactionaries. The coalition is organizing a march from Kwame Nkrumah Circle to the U.S. Embassy to demonstrate against the illegal U.S.-NATO invasion and for victory to Qaddafi and the Libyan Jamahiriya on Sept. 21, 2011. We are calling on all Africans in Africa and the Diaspora to demonstrate at U.S. embassies on the same day.

Kwame-Nkrumah, U.S.-NATO robbing Africa at gunpoint, World News & Views Fellow Africans, brothers and sisters of the media, today Africa is facing the most notorious gang of armed robbers in history. Africa is like the house. Libya is like the security door. U.S.-NATO bombing is like the robbers using a concrete block to beat open the door. If they open up Libya with their bombing, it will enable the armed robbers to enter with their weapons pointed at the entire African family.

Their aim is to rob Africa at gunpoint with AFRICOM (U.S. Africa Command, now headquartered in Germany) and NATO, pointing their weapons at every African with their fingers on the trigger. In Africa, the masses have discovered that when the authorities fail to take decisive action against armed robbers, they are usually getting something from the robbers, and the masses themselves must organize and take decisive action to take out the armed robbers. It is time for mass organization and action!

Economic motive

Kwame Nkrumah stated, “Military strategy presupposes political aims; all military problems are political and all political problems are economic.” The basis and motive for the U.S.-NATO invasion of Libya is economic. European and American capitalism has decayed into crisis and the NATO countries have a massive and uncontrollable foreign debt of more than $49 trillion, according to the World Bank.

Kwame Nkrumah stated, “Military strategy presupposes political aims; all military problems are political and all political problems are economic.”

America owes $14.6 trillion, the European Union owes $13.7 trillion, Britain owes $9 trillion, Germany owes $4.7 trillion, France owes $4.7 trillion and The Netherlands owes $3.7 trillion. And with their spending addiction, they all can never pay back their debts. This is the reason why they are invading Libya with international state terrorism using the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a terrorist organization, to rob Africa – a military strategy to solve an economic problem.

History of robbing Africa

These NATO countries have enriched themselves in the past by organizing an armed robbery for human beings – a slave raid – with cannons, guns and chains, using local agents to capture and steal millions of Africans from their families, tribes, nations and continent. They enriched themselves further by organizing a Berlin Conference in Germany, 1884, to invade Africa with violent armed colonization, robbing Africa for gold, diamonds and other valuable resources through the forced exploitation of African labor.

With organization, Africans have defeated the slave raid and colonialism.

With organization, Africans have defeated the slave raid and colonialism. Africa will defeat neo-colonialism, which Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah correctly called, “The last stage of imperialism” in the title to his famous book, “Neo-Colonialism the Last Stage of Imperialism.” Today, the front line is in Libya – the key country leading Africa to continental government and economic independence as a liberated zone.

Libya as an example

The Libyan masses own and control their resources! Ninety percent of all oil revenues in Libya are used to meet the needs of the masses. Every month, $500 of the nation’s revenues go directly into every Libyan’s bank account. When marrying, Libyan couples receive 60,000 dinars – about $50,000 – to begin their married life and start their family.

Tripoli-house-bombed-9-killed-inc.-2-small-children-0611, U.S.-NATO robbing Africa at gunpoint, World News & Views Libyans have free education, free health care, free electricity, free water and every citizen receives a free house. Tens of thousands of Ghanaians and other Africans have gone to Libya for work and have sent remittances to their families to raise their living conditions. Libya contributed $300 million to buy a satellite for Africa to improve its telecommunications system and was preparing to contribute $30 billion to establish an African Monetary Fund to replace the dictatorial U.S. and E.U. controlled International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB).

This $30 billion will be under the control of the African Union, which will end European imperialist economic control over African governments, to create political space for Africa to unify under a continental government. Libya has demonstrated a commitment to African unity, and Ghanaians and all Africans must stand with Libya in the spirit of Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah on Sept. 21, 2011, Osagyefo’s 102nd birthday, and MARCH ON THE U.S. EMBASSY.

Qaddafi: A great African leader and revolutionary

Muammar Qaddafi led the Libyan masses to forcibly remove the puppet of imperialism, King Idriss, from power and eliminated the U.S., British and Italian military bases from Libyan/African soil. He led the masses to take control of Libya’s rich oil resources, which were being robbed by U.S., U.K. and Italian companies, like Occidental, Mobile, British Petroleum and ENI.

Muammar-Qaddafi-Gamal-Abdel-Nasser-1969, U.S.-NATO robbing Africa at gunpoint, World News & Views Qaddafi wrote “The Green Book” and the “Third Universal Theory” to develop an ideology which guides the Libyan people and serves as an example for Africans and people of the world to create a just and righteous society, based on right principles and independent thinking from their culture and history. This is similar to Nkrumah writing his book, “Consciencism: philosophy and ideology for decolonization,” in which Nkrumah stated, “Practice without thought is blind; thought without practice is empty.”

Qaddafi, like Nkrumah, is a great African thinker! Qaddafi stepped down as head of state in Libya in 1977 to cede full power to the Libyan masses over their political process and resources through their People’s Congresses and People’s Committees with direct democracy.

The masses recognize Brother Leader Qaddafi as “Leader of the Revolution” because of his good works, principled life and full commitment and love for the masses of Libyans, Africans and humanity. Muammar Qaddafi slept in a tent and maintained his mother and father in a tent until every Libyan had a house, before his family would get their house.

He did this to set the example for the society. Today, every Libyan owns a house! This is similar to Fidel Castro, who began land reform by seizing his mother’s plantation to set the example for the new order and gave the land to those who worked on it. Like Castro, Qaddafi is a true revolutionary.

Obama’s Ku Klux Klan: Al Qaeda

The U.S., U.K. and France are capitalist plutocracies – ruled by a few rich. The U.S. is a settler colonial state on the stolen land of the indigenous people, which denied Africans, indigenous people, women and landless white indentured servants and settlers the right to vote for much of its history. Today in America, an electoral college of eminent private citizens votes for the president, not the people!

The U.S. president sends America’s settler colonial citizens to die in wars throughout the world against the will of its citizens. Today, the U.S. is fighting four wars. Britain is ruled, with no constitution, by a queen and an unelected House of Lords. Therefore, their crusade for democracy contrasts with their own dictatorial practice.

Britain calls those rebelling against police terrorism in Britain criminals while calling Al Qaeda in Libya pro-democracy forces. France’s Constitutional Council swears in the president of France, but when the same type of Constitutional Council swore in Laurent Gbagbo in Cote d’Ivoire, France used its military to bomb the Presidential Palace and sent French commandos to capture the Ivorian head of state and humiliate him and his wife, who remain in captivity today.

Green-Book, U.S.-NATO robbing Africa at gunpoint, World News & Views This hypocritical behavior demonstrates how the U.S.-NATO can finance, arm, train and provide military air cover for Al Qaeda terrorists. They put a NTC (National Transitional Council) mask on Al Qaeda and instruct nations of the world to recognize it as the Libyan government, providing it with billions of dollars in bombs while fighting Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. Yes, the National Transitional Council is Al Qaeda!

They are the CIA-trained terrorist organization of Osama Bin Laden. They were initially the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and merged with Al Qaeda in 2007. This terrorist organization is anti-Black! Obama, the U.S. president with a Black African father from Kenya and a Black wife and children, is sponsoring a Ku Klux Klan apartheid movement in Libya to murder Black people because of the color of their skin.

In fact, if the Al Qaeda terrorists saw Obama, his wife or his family in Libya and didn’t know who they were, they would be lynched, raped and tortured. White supremacy has massaged Obama’s head like a baby and now he has the mind of a white supremacist with the body of an African.

Obama is sponsoring a Ku Klux Klan apartheid movement in Libya to murder Black people because of the color of their skin. White supremacy has massaged Obama’s head like a baby and now he has the mind of a white supremacist with the body of an African.

Al Qaeda is Obama’s personal Ku Klux Klan. This means Africans in America and Africans throughout the world must organize to defend themselves because, like Malcolm X said, “[The house slave] identified himself with his master more than the master identifies with himself” and “if the master’s house caught on fire, the house slave would fight harder to put the fire [capitalist crisis] out than the master.”

Obama is a 21st century house slave leading an imperialist and white supremacist invasion of Africa and using an apartheid Ku Klux Klan CIA-trained Al Qaeda movement to commit genocide by bombing women, children and babies – and specifically targeting Black Africans for enslavement and genocide. The African masses must act now! United Africa is invincible!


From these reasons, we can conclude U.S. imperialism is using Obama’s Black face to disguise its imperialist and white supremacist aggression and terrorism against Africa. This is an attempt to knock out Africa’s strongest liberated zone and leader. It is an attempt to save the capitalist economy and system from its inevitable collapse through militarizing neo-colonialism to accelerate the exploitation of Africa with greater force. It seeks to fuel a full-scale invasion of Africa with Libya’s oil and crush Pan Africanism and socialism in Africa, which are Africa’s greatest weapons and the greatest threats to neo-colonialism.

Black-migrant-workers-hiding-Libyan-farm-0911-by-Giulio-Petrocco-AP, U.S.-NATO robbing Africa at gunpoint, World News & Views We Africans are confident in the victory of good over evil! We will win!

The African Union Peace and Security Council chairman, Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe, has called NATO a terrorist organization likened to Al Qaeda. The African Union has decided not to recognize the NTC as the Libyan government, despite imperialist pressures and threats.

This means the NTC is isolated inside Africa, divided and near collapse. We reject terrorism in Africa and we are calling on all Africans to confront the leading international state terrorist in the world today, Barack Hussein Obama, at his house, in every corner of the world, to stop his madness.

We will march on every U.S. embassy in Africa and the world on Sept. 21 to protest against the U.S.-NATO terrorism against Libya and Africa and to demonstrate our solidarity with Qaddafi and the Libyan Jamahiriya –authority of the masses – to win the war. We urge every African to join an organization working for the people. We must take our activities from mobilization to organization; this will make our unity permanent.

On the 42nd anniversary of the Sept. 1 revolution, leader of the revolution, Muammar Qaddafi, gave a speech. This is a small excerpt from the speech:

“The Libyan people will not surrender and will not accept to be governed like animals. There are too many problems between the traitors and NATO; the crusaders and traitors will be defeated too soon. You have to continue resistance. Tripoli, you have to continue resistance in every area; attack their checkpoints like they attack us.

“Every tribe should control an area in Tripoli and so should the youth. Make checkpoints in the streets. Don’t fear them: You are millions, so attack them from everywhere … Why does it scare them when Libyan people are listening to my voice? Because they are weak and afraid. This is a trick. All you are listening to are lies. It’s false.

“Let this war be as long as necessary ‘til we win. They can’t rule Libya because we are armed. They have to surrender in front of the Libyan people. They don’t have anything, only agents. The colonizers will not be here forever, this will be finished soon.

“NATO won’t protect those agents forever; they want you to be afraid because they are afraid themselves, because they can’t breathe. They cut off all communications because they can’t breathe. They made this plan to steal our oil and to occupy our land, so don’t surrender to those agents.”

Justice-c.-50-Nigerian-migrant-worker-stabbed-treated-Tripoli-clinic-0911-by-BBC, U.S.-NATO robbing Africa at gunpoint, World News & Views We will demonstrate at the U.S. embassy on the 102nd birthday of Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah, which is officially Founders Day – a national holiday – in Ghana. The day is on the African Union calendar of special events.

We are calling on ALL AFRICANS, South Americans, Asians, Arabs, Europeans, Indians and all people who oppose U.S.-NATO-Al Qaeda terrorism to demonstrate at U.S. embassies on that day. The march and demonstration will begin at Kwame Nkrumah Circle in Accra, Ghana, and proceed to the U.S. Embassy.

We will win the war in Libya! We will unite Africa under a continental government! We will take control over Africa’s resources by the African people with socialism.

Steps to organize a demonstration

1. Write a statement of your organization’s position on the U.S.-NATO invasion of Libya.

2. Contact other organizations or individuals who might be interested in taking action. You can contact those who have a history of such work.

3. Arrange a meeting to discuss and plan the demonstration.

4. Begin to educate the public about the illegal invasion of Libya by the U.S. and NATO.

5. Get the necessary permits if necessary to demonstrate.

6. Contact the media outlets which will allow space to educate the people about this issue.

7. Write and copy education materials to give to the masses.

8. Confer with organizers who have planned demonstrations in your area to prepare for the demonstration.

9. Recruit those who participate into organizations.

10. Contact all African embassies and send them your statements to encourage them to participate in the demonstrations.

Victory to the Libyan masses!

Victory to the Jamahiriya!

U.S.-NATO: Hands off Libya!

US/NATO: Hands off Africa!

For further information, email handsofflibyaafrica@yahoo.com or call 0243-573-387. This press statement was distributed by the Pan-African Improvement Organization, panafrimprv@yahoo.com.