by Richmond Vice Mayor Jovanka Beckles
The amount of spending on this election by any corporation is “the most amount of money spent for a small town election in the history of the world.” – Rachel Maddow
There’s an all out war being waged against working people throughout the United States. In Richmond, California, we are in a fight for our lives. Literally.
Consider the catastrophic results if the 1 percent gets its way by buying local elections and getting laws passed to allow it to cut corners in order to maximize profits. That is the only goal of greed – to maximize profits regardless of the people who die from irresponsible actions to reach that goal. But one can never reach that goal.
When will the 1 percent be satisfied? When will enough profits be sufficient? When there is no planet or people left? Why would a multi-billion dollar corporation invest $3 million on a local election for a community of 106,000? When the investment stands to further increase already obscene profits for the stockholders.
There’s an all out war being waged against working people throughout the United States. In Richmond, California, we are in a fight for our lives. Literally.
That’s why they are dropping a metaphorical nuclear bomb on Richmond. Chevron has openly bought out pretty much all the billboards in Richmond and surrounding cities.
They’ve bought TV ads, radio ads, tons of expensive, glossy mailers that state false, misleading information against me, Gayle McLaughlin and Eduardo Martinez. They are printing the same lies over and over again hoping that the more often you see them, the more likely you are to believe them.
It’s not only the locals who are noticing. Check out the nationally syndicated Rachel Maddow Show:
Richmond is once again gaining nationwide attention for what we are doing to wipe out poverty and to bring about equity in our community. We are doing what we can as people and I sincerely believe that “a people united will never be defeated.”
Richmond is once again gaining nationwide attention for what we are doing to wipe out poverty and to bring about equity in our community. We are doing what we can as people and I sincerely believe that “a people united will never be defeated.”
That is why we need you to join us in this struggle. There are many ways that you can help:
- Come out and canvass this Saturday and every Saturday at 9 a.m. at the Bobby Bowens Progressive Center at 1021 MacDonald Ave. in Richmond.
- Come out and phone bank on Sundays.
- Make a donation here:
Richmond Vice Mayor Jovanka Beckles, also a member of the Richmond City Council, works full time as a mental health specialist for Contra Costa County. She was born in Panama City, where she grew up in a bilingual, multicultural household. Her parents moved to the United States in1972, and she has lived in Richmond for the last 13 years. She can be reached at