No joy, no peace

The joy of fatherhood: Helpful tips for fathers and men who want to become fathers

by Morris Turner

You may have noticed that my monthly article offering helpful suggestions to fathers and would-be fathers has been on somewhat of a vacation – a vacation that’s taken me on a journey deep inside myself to look at the pervasive attacks and legalized annihilation being levied on our children and our families.

DeJuan-Eaton-300x267, No joy, no peace, Culture Currents
DeJuan Eaton, experiencing a mental health crisis, was shot and killed by Fremont police in November 2013.

An environment supporting “business as usual” murders as commonplace doesn’t lend itself to joyful inspiration.

How could I bring myself to write about the beauty of raising our wonderful children with my heart so heavy with pain? Something had to and has to happen. But what?

Thankfully, many folks have stepped up, expressing our united frustration and intolerance of this behavior, saying with one voice, “Stop, we won’t take this anymore.” Through the marches, rallies, teach-ins and demonstrations throughout the country, all carried via social media, people who were once blind to the true brutality of our society are now seeing clearly the horror some of us have endured for generations.

We are now in a non-negotiable situation where we will no longer accept any excuses or explanations for the outright disregard of our unalienable rights as citizens. What good are sensitivity trainings, community relations boards or even cameras when murder caught in full view is repeatedly described away as “necessary force”?

How could I bring myself to write about the beauty of raising our wonderful children with my heart so heavy with pain? Something had to and has to happen. But what?

Thanks to all of you who have taken your feelings and transferred them into the direct action of hitting the streets and proclaiming. “All lives are important.” All lives, without regard for race, believe me, are important. Continue to stand together and don’t be distracted by the “bumper sticker” commentary about Bill Cosby, Cuba or the wonderfully low price of gasoline.

Morris Turner is the father of two sons, ages 39 and 35. Over the past 45 years he has worked with children and young people in a variety of settings, including as preschool teacher, career counselor, family mentor and sports coach. He is also an author and recognized researcher in the area of African American settlement in the United States, but his greatest pleasure today is learning to be a good grandpa. He can be reached at or by calling 707-794-0729.