by The People’s Minister of Information JR Valrey
The Fantastic Travelling Film Circus speaks with rapper and executive producer of “Sweet Micky for President” Pras Michel, founder of the Fugees, about his new movie on how he helped to inspire Haitian singer Michel Martelly to run for president of the world’s first Black republic, Haiti.
We discuss the American rapper and Pras’ bandmate Wyclef entering the race as well as how the return of the beloved Aristide affected the presidential race. We discuss the earthquake, the Clintons, Sean Penn, another possible Fugees album as well as Martelly being charged with corruption – and more. Tune in.
The People’s Minister of Information JR Valrey is associate editor of the Bay View, author of “Block Reportin’” and “Unfinished Business: Block Reportin’ 2” and filmmaker of “Operation Small Axe” and “Block Reportin’ 101,” available, along with many more interviews, at He can be reached at