If Black lives truly matter … then Afrikans deserve reparations!
by Jahahara Amen-RA Alkebulan-Maat
Greetings of IMANI (FAITH) Esteemed G-o-ds,
May our Divine Creator of and in All – and Beloved Ancestors from yesteryear and yesterday – find you and (y)our extended Family in healing Spirit.
Jambo (Welcome) to Black August! In this (and every) month, WE reflect on our past movements, recommit to our principal goals for freedom and justice, and prepare for future battles. Black August takes us from the tradition of Bwa Kayiman, a planning gathering preceding the successful revolution which overthrew the brutal French and European enslavers that created a powerful and truly democratic nation in Ayiti (Haiti) – to the birth of the great MARCUS GARVEY … from Rev. Dr. MARTIN KING JR.’s “Cash the Check” speech for Reparations at the March on Washington to the courageous rebellion in the capitalist-torturous prison system and state murders of JONATHAN and GEORGE JACKSON and so many others. WE encourage our readers to re-double your studies and re-imagine our current strategies during this month.
Furthermore, please join us in advocating for the immediate release of our long-suffering revolutionary Elders, like Ruchell Cinque Magee, the longest-held political prisoner in the united capitalist prison states of amerikkka, Romaine “Chip” Fitzgerald and many others wrongfully imprisoned for decades. At the encouragement of Baba David Johnson of the San Quentin Six, WE strongly encourage you and your organizations to send letters to California Gov. Jerry Brown to Free Them Now! A great start would be the important National Lawyers Guild Resolution, posted HERE.
In this continuing revolutionary Spirit, WE invite you to our Fifth Annual MARCUS GARVEY CommUNITY B’EARTHday Celebration and Reading. On Sunday, 20 August, between 12:30 to 3:30 p.m., please join us at MARCUS (GARVEY) Books, 3900 MLK Jr. Way in Oakland, just two blocks from MacArthur BART station. WE will, as always, gather in front of our “Abundant Knowledge” mural to recognize the many contributions of this great leader and other worthy Ancestors, as well as read Garvey’s profound words and wisdom.
Please bring your children, your open minds, your powerful voices and your drums and musical instruments. Be ready to take a photo with Garvey on our Red, Black and Green carpet. As a special Gift to all participants, you will be granted a 10 percent discount on each book purchased at our oldest African-owned store in the ucpsa, on this day. Asé. Amen.
In this continuing revolutionary Spirit, WE invite you to our Fifth Annual MARCUS GARVEY CommUNITY B’EARTHday Celebration and Reading on Sunday, 20 August, between 12:30 to 3:30 p.m.
Speaking of Garvey, i am so proud of our incredible non-profit solar installer, GRID Alternatives, which is based here in OHLONE/Oakland. Before being Blessed to “FREE-tire” in 2014, i played a small role in helping GRID grow from a tiny seven-person operation … to the now major provider of mostly free solar systems and no-cost job trainer for tens of thousands of lower-and-no-income families, un(der)-employed workers and the formerly-incarcerated across the usa (including California, the Indigenous nations, New York, D.C./Maryland, Colorado and many other areas), and in other parts of our world.
Recently, GRID installed 22 solar photovoltaic (electric) units at the MARCUS GARVEY Commons in West Oakland. These systems – combined with what i call implementation of my “Basic Rules” articulated best by the greatest energy efficiency “expert” of all times, Ancestor Dr. THEODORE “TEDDY” PENDERGRAS, who passionately lectured us to “Turn Off Yo Lights” and “Close Yo Doors” etc. – will help families at the Garvey development save hundreds of thousands of dollars on utility bills, collectively. If you are interested in possibly receiving free solar and other improvements for your home or apartment or acquiring the technical skills to enter the “green” industry, contact GRID Alternatives at www.gridalternatives.org.
Recently, GRID installed 22 solar photovoltaic (electric) units at the MARCUS GARVEY Commons in West Oakland. These systems will help families at the Garvey development save hundreds of thousands of dollars on utility bills, collectively.
Asante Sana (Many Thanks, in Swahili) to everyone who took time to read and discuss Ancestor FREDERICK DOUGLASS’ speech, “What to the Enslaved (Africans) is the Fourth of July?” And, who helped provide nutritious food, much-needed water, toiletries and special Gifts to some of our currently shelter-less Sisters and Brothers.
Finally, WE remember and celebrate the life and many contributions of our Ancestors, including MARTHA RIVERA CHAVIS. God(dess) Martha, who worked for many years on international and African issues on the continent and diaspora, is the wife of long-time human rights activist and former political prisoner Dr. Benjamin Chavis, who is also the CEO and President of the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), of which our San Francisco Bay View was a longtime member. Long Live Martha’s brilliant, bold and beautiful Spirit! Asé.
Amen-RA Hotep!
Jahahara is a Baba (Father), a “FREE-tired” community-labor-environmental and justice organizer, writer, musician and author of several books, including “Many Paths to Kujichagulia (Self-Determination).” Check samples of his musical catalog on Soundcloud.com (search Jahahara). Reach him c/o www.africansdeservereparations.com or FONAMI, P.O. Box 10963, Oakland, CA 94610 usa.