From street combatant to revolutionary servant of the people

by Khalfani Malik Kaldun

A lump of coal becomes a beautiful diamond after enduring long and intense pressure. Then it shines and is adored by the whole world.

Khalfani-Malik-Khaldun, From street combatant to revolutionary servant of the people, Abolition Now!
This is Khalfani Malik Khaldun in a JPay selfie. Having served 30 years on a 25-year sentence for a crime he didn’t commit, with over 20 years in solitary confinement, he’s seeking a lawyer to re-open his case and help him win his freedom. To contribute, go to

When we come out of our mother’s womb, at this moment we represent the purest form of life’s existence. We develop personality and character based on what our parents instill inside us early in life. If we are exposed to affluence, our journey into young adulthood will be easy. However, those of us born into the unavoidable conditions of poverty learn early what real struggle is all about.

Growing up in economically oppressive conditions is like the molding and shaping of that diamond. Privilege breeds individualism, arrogance, selfishness. Poverty and oppression breeds a deep resistance to it in those subjected to it.

Historically, all conscious movements have declared that the change maker will come from the oppressed communities inside this country.

All who have sacrificed their lives and resources to bring about change in our society develop a passion for service. They were either coming out of conditions of oppression or were simply tired of inequality and sick of good human beings suffering oppression.

As a youth living in poverty, I rebelled against it joining a street organization and engaging in a criminal lifestyle. My conditioning, being a poor young Black man thrown into the system, molded me into the new man I am today.

Now I am sincerely a revolutionary servant of the oppressed people. Being a servant is a call to duty, to aid and serve those who need me. Sometimes, this duty calls for me to help people who are the worst forms of life. This work is truly a labor of love. This is not the work for the weak at heart.

As revolutionaries, we know we cannot save or help everybody, yet we seek to serve by saving and helping one soul at a time. I am an example that change is possible if you want it.

I am no longer a threat to society; I am a servant of the people. Collectively, we can change this world! It won’t be easy; nothing ever is. Power to the people!

Your servant and brother, Khalfani Malik Khaldun

Send our brother some love and light: Khalfani Malik Khaldun (McQuay), 874304, Q-512, P.O. Box 1111, Carlisle IN 47838. And contribute to his legal fund so this innocent man can finally go free: