by Mackenzie Houston, Precious Mills, Kenneth Houston and LaCharles Collins, PDEC
Positive Directions Equals Change (PDEC) is a powerful support group in San Francisco. The PDEC brand inspires a personal and social responsibility, recognizing we are a work in progress and that staying sober is number one – and a lifestyle. During a recent community meeting, an intriguing challenge was given by leadership: how to spread the power and vision of an abstinence-based lifestyle that’s bold, organic and meaningful.
In the audience were folks with lived experience, culturally relevant, tech savvy revolutionaries who answered the call: Mackenzie Houston, Precious Mills, Kenneth Houston and LaCharles Collins.
At the heart of this team, spearheaded by Cedric Akbar, their tasks are to communicate well and often, be happy to share ideas, brainstorm together, ask for feedback and be unafraid to be contradicted.
“This work inspires me to show the world support and community, unlike anything else,” Mackenzie said.
“Working with Positive Directions and being a part of the social media squad inspires me and motivates me to keep fighting,” LaCharles added.
“For me, I want to let people know about Positive Directions and my way of saying thank you for saving my life when I couldn’t do it for myself,” proclaimed Precious.
“I’m simply inspired to give back,” Kenneth emphasized.
The PDEC social media squad got busy putting together a blueprint to celebrate and create narratives of life struggles and triumphs, culture, humanity, arts, music, recovery principles, spiritual growth, volunteer opportunities, community connections and so much more.
“Storytelling is one of the most powerful means we as leaders have to influence, teach and inspire because it forges connections among people, and between people and ideas,” said Cedric.
The squad’s newest, 52-week project features the philosophy around the TRP Academy and Billie Holiday Center. We will interview TRP Academy Director Cregg Johnson and Cedric, director of the Billie Holiday Center, as well as the case managers and supervisors.
We are getting their stories, why they chose this line of work and how they are changing the lives of the individuals PDEC serves. That narrative would not be complete without capturing the voices and journey in real-time of those with lived experience.
Every Friday afternoon, the squad meets up to share ideas and to go over projects. Our brand is known in the Bayview, in the therapeutic teaching community, in the courthouse and in households as a game changer and a life saver.
“Storytelling is one of the most powerful means we as leaders have to influence, teach and inspire because it forges connections among people, and between people and ideas.”
The goal is to reach out as far as we can to get this community-based organization on the map so more people will learn about what we are doing for not only the people we serve, but globally. San Francisco’s recovery community is collaborating, and the depth of what’s happening right now to make changes in our city is huge. In such a short time, we have conducted interviews with the San Francisco chief of probation, San Francisco Adult Probation Reentry Division director and many other powerful voices here in the city.
The PDEC Podcast will launch in May and features a monthly guest speaker. Join us as we talk about the facts and how a lifestyle free of drugs and alcohol is more than you ever imagined. The episodes are on recovery and support, letting our listeners know about events coming up, our PDEC Zoom Recovery Network and getting to know our guest speakers.
This multi-generational space includes getting all of the members of PDEC more social media savvy in a specially created 4-week course starting in April and scheduled every other month. Anyone is welcome to join the trainings. We will also provide one-on-one support on how to navigate Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
It’s here: Positive Directions Equals Change’s social media platforms. Look for us on PDEC Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to start. All of the information can aid in the recovery process. This extensive information will help you to:
- Stay connected to family and friends who live far away but want to help support your recovery.
- Get support when you’re struggling with specific issues related to your sobriety.
- Participate in private accountability groups.
- Stay woke and relevant.
- Learn how to have fun and enjoy life without drugs and alcohol.
Many thanks to the SF Bay View Newspaper for creating space for the monthly Recovery Corner article. SF Bay View Newspaper, you make the difference!
If you or someone you know needs help for addiction or co-occurring disorder issues, please give us a call. Positive Directions Equals Change, a community-based organization in the Bayview, offers classes and support groups each day of the week.
If we aren’t the best fit for you or your loved one, we will take the necessary time to work with you to find a treatment center or provider that better fits your needs. Please give us a call at 415-401-0199 or email our team at The schedule is below and all are welcome.
LaCharles Collins, originally from the Westside of Chicago, has a passion for music, carpentry and helping others. Mackenzie Houston is an Intern with PDEC and works as a case manager with NoVA. Precious Mills is grateful for focusing on her higher calling. Kenneth Houston is currently pursuing his real estate license and is taking a moment to study the African American experience in California. Reach the social media squad by email at