Bay View Voters Guide

Shirley-Weber-John-Hamasaki-Shamann-Walton-Gordon-Mar-Honey-Mahogany-Mano-Raju-voter-guide-composite-1022-1400x1082, Bay View Voters Guide, Local News & Views News & Views
The SF Bay View’s endorsements include, clockwise from top left: Shirley Weber, John Hamasaki, Shamann Walton, Gordon Mar, Honey Mahogany and Mano Raju. – Photos: LA Times, Davis Vanguard, Portia Li/Wind Newspaper, Stephanie Lister/KQED

Vote 100% by Nov. 8


San Francisco School Board: Gabriela Lopez, Alida Fisher, Karen Fleshman

SF College Board, full term: William Walker, Anita Martinez, Vick Chung

SF College Board, term remainder: Adolfo Velasquez

SF Supervisor, District 4: Gordon Mar

SF Supervisor, District 6: 1st choice: Honey Mahogany; 2nd choice: Cherelle Jackson

SF Supervisor, District 10: Shamann Walton

SF District Attorney: John Hamasaki

SF Public Defender: Mano Raju

California Secretary of State: Shirley Weber

Superintendent of Public Instruction: Tony Thurmond

California Assembly, District 17: David Campos

US Representative, District 15: David Canepa

California Propositions

Prop 1,  Reproductive Freedom: Yes

Prop 26, Legalized Sports Betting: No

Prop 27, Online Gambling: No

Prop 28, Funding Arts in Education: Yes

Prop 31, Flavored Tobacco Ban: Yes

San Francisco Propositions

Prop A, Retirement Benefits: Yes

Prop C, Homelessness Oversight: Yes

Prop D, Affordable Homes Now: No (allows higher income for affordable housing)

Prop E, Affordable Housing: Yes

Prop F, Renewal of Library Preservation: Yes

Prop G, Grants to School District: Yes

Prop I, Use of JFK and Great Highway for All: Yes

Prop J, Close JFK Drive to cars: No

Prop L, Fund Transportation Projects: Yes

Prop M, Tax on Keeping Residential Units Vacant: YES

Prop O, Parcel Tax for City College: YES