All power to the Peoples

Women-of-the-Black-Panther-Party-for-Self-defense-raised-fists-1, <strong>All power to the Peoples</strong>, Abolition Now!
Uhuru Sasa! – Freedom Now! There is the potential for something of unprecedented beauty to arise out of an unspeakable ugliness against the racial oppression of Black peoples in this country,” declares Dr. Voodoo. – Photo: Scott Rhor

by Dr. Voodoo, conscious poor righteous teacher

Uhuru Sasa! – Freedom Now! There is the potential for something of unprecedented beauty to arise out of an unspeakable ugliness against the racial oppression of Black peoples in this country. African peoples could play a crucial role in putting an end to the existence of this boogeyman monster we helped create. 

Everybody should know that the boogeyman’s criminal system only grows stronger and more insidiously murderous with each denial of its existence. Grassroots Prophet, beloved Malcolm X, warned us about this boogeyman’s greedy criminal system we now are living under.

For so long, Black people in this country, not just those who have been enslaved, exploited, dehumanized, terrorized and tormented in a thousand different ways, we are suffering alone with the rest of humanity under such a criminal monster Babylonian empire.

The entity of life positive energy and creation is using Black people as an example, and our suffering, to emancipate humanity by fighting to put an end to the long nights in which human society has been divided into masters and slaves. And the masses, just like Black folks along with humanity, have been lashed, beaten, enslaved, raped, slaughtered, shackled and used as modern-day slaves.

The beauty to emancipate humanity will come from the grassroots peoples of all colors as grassroots prophet revolutionary, Malcolm X, came to realize. Black folks can not save humanity by ourselves, damn we can’t even save ourselves from this nightmare we’ve been living under for 500-plus years. And the boogeyman has been playing chicken not only with our lives, but with humanity, and the fate of the nuclear fire has all of us held hostage on this planet.

Reactionary forces with superior destructive power and weapons are going to continue pushing a hard line to stay in power, because this criminal white supremacy system is set up to strengthen negative energy and power over humanity’s lives.

Nutcases like Trump, Hitler, Clarence Thomas, J. Edgar Hoover, are strengthened by the very nature of this criminal system; and the pigs are allowed to kill for any reason because their own gun is aimed at the people, not the criminals in power.

Our total liberation will come from the Grassroots, the Grassroots struggle of unity across all racial lines and people’s power of power to the peoples.

The head pig of all pigs, J. Edgar Hoover, who’s now in hell with his master the devil, this fool was fixated on preventing the “rise of a Black Messiah.” And before he died and went to hell, his actions are still being carried out. It’s true that beloved Malcolm X was such a threat, and he was not only the Black Messiah, he was Humanity’s Messiah. Our Grassroots Prophet, beloved Malcolm X, was connected to positive energy, because his spiritual righteousness, honesty with integrity of truth made him who he became – a trustworthy man on the right path who understood the positive and negative energy of life.

The late Black actor, playwright and activist Ossie Davis, who knew Malcolm X personally and gave his eulogy, said that he felt shameful because he knew that many of them let Malcolm X down. Ossie Davis called the beloved Malcolm X our shining prince. He knew that Malcolm X’s extremism for what was right, his love for truth and his integrity made him outgrow the Nation of Islam – and to embrace humanity and stay connected to the positive energy of righteousness.

J. Edgar Hoover’s plans and actions are still in motion and being carried out by this boogeyman’s criminal system. We didn’t protect the last great beloved Grassroots Prophet Malcolm X, but we could save and emancipate humanity and save this planet from total destruction and annihilation.

Our total liberation will come from the Grassroots, the Grassroots struggle of unity across all racial lines and people’s power of power to the peoples. It’s true, we need a complete change, a total revolution of power and change. But in a criminal, capitalistic, corporation and exploitation country like the United Snakes, the people must come together first to gain power before we could move forward for real, total change.

Do not think for one minute fools like donald trump or any slave or nutcase won’t blow up this beautiful planet we call Earth. Because these dummies and paranoid schizophrenia greedy materialistic fools are under negative energy. And the lust of greed has driven them insane to either live a life of luxury on this planet or destroy all life on this Earth to live. 

We the peoples must come together and seize power. We must unify a political party of power to the people and bring about real power in change, because in my own opinion, no real change will ever come from either of these criminal political parties of this country.

Republicans or Democrats my ass. It’s two of the lesser evils or a Black face to disguise the racism of this country – don’t be nobody’s fool: George L. Jackson, revolutionary Sun-God, the Black Dragon was assassinated over 50 years ago. His Queen Soul Sister, Angela Davis, has been freed. Let’s free all our political prisoners now. Let’s build a campaign to free those who gave us a voice. 

Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, H. Rap Brown and all Political Prisoners in this prison nation.

Dr. Voodoo, Soledad Brotha

Asante sana

Send our brother some love and light: John Keller, H52472, SVSP. P.O. Box 1050, Soledad, CA 93960.