by JR Valrey, The Minister of Information
“Crawfish: We the Invisible” is a theatrical production written by the lead actor Gamal Chasten that will be featured in this year’s San Francisco International Arts Festival on Saturday, June 17, at 6 p.m. and on Sunday, June 18, at 4 p.m. at the Brava Theater, 2781 24th St. in the Mission District. The production centers around homelessness, which is currently a catastrophic social ill locally in one of the richest cities in the United States and, for that matter, the world. I talked to the writer and lead actor Gamal Chasten about his inspiration as well as the purpose behind the theatrical production of “Crawfish: We the Invisible.”
JR Valrey: What inspired you to write “Crawfish: We the Invisible?”
Gamal Chasten: I am a playwright and actor. This piece was inspired by the character which I had developed for another play about Hurricane Katrina. The play was named Amerivlle. I then revisited the character for my theater company’s follow up play, Americus, in 2020, which premiered at Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park in 2020. It was then that I realized the character Crawfish had more to say.
JR Valrey: How long were you homeless? Where?
Gamal Chasten: I have almost been homeless. There were two occasions where I came very close to being homeless, but I have never been homeless. It is because of those close calls that I learned how fragile things are and how easily it can happen to almost anyone.
JR Valrey: What is the San Francisco International Art Festival? How did you become a part of it?
Gamal Chasten: The SFIAF is run by Andrew Wood, who has known my work for a long time and approached me about wanting me to be part of the festival as a way to support my work.
JR Valrey: What do you want people to get out of seeing you and your castmates perform?
Gamal Chasten: I want people to not blame the victim. I want to attach a face and a life’s history to a growing human condition. The hope is that the next time an audience member passes a homeless person in the street, they think of them as human and someone with a story rather than an annoyance and someone who makes them uncomfortable.
JR Valrey: Where did the production get its name?
Gamal Chasten: The character was born in New Orleans, and a crawfish is a bottom feeder, so it spoke to me for those reasons. Because that is how the homeless are viewed.
JR Valrey: How long have you been writing for theater? How did you get started in that?
Gamal Chasten: I have been writing for theater for 30 years. I began as a poet and co founded my theater company Universes in the late ‘90s, and we started writing plays for off-broadway after being nurtured by poets from the Nuyorican Poets Cafe; poets like Willie Perdomo, Reg E. Gaines, Dael Orlandersmith and Miguel Pinero.
JR Valrey: How long have you been a thespian? How did you start?
Gamal Chasten: I’ve been an actor for 30 years. My career as an actor and playwright started at the same time.
JR Valrey: When do you perform next with Crawfish at the Brava?
Gamal Chasten: The performances are June 176-7:15 p.m. and the 18 4:30-5:15 p.m at Brava Studio Theater.
JR Valrey: How do people keep up with you online?
Gamal Chasten: Gamal Chasten on Facebook and Instagram. My website is
JR Valrey, journalist, author, filmmaker and founder of Black New World Media, is also the editor in chief of the San Francisco Bay View newspaper. He teaches the Community Journalism class twice a week at the San Francisco Bay View newspaper office.