Friday, May 10, 2024
Tags Bay Area Air Quality District’s Dust Mitigation Plan

Tag: Bay Area Air Quality District’s Dust Mitigation Plan

University of California’s disservice to the Bayview Hunters Point community

Nine months gestation birthed what? The review by the UC expert panel about retesting procedures for Parcel A and Parcel G in Hunters Point Shipyard, nine months after the report’s release, seems to have resulted in a stillbirth as there is no evidence of benefit to the parent Bayview Hunters Point (BVHP) community. Foul play is suspected.

Lennar, the corporation that ate San Francisco, gobbled up Hunters Point...

Lennar’s track record in Bayview Hunters Point and on Yerba Buena Island clearly demonstrates a pattern of offering assurances they will provide poor, Black and Brown people affordable housing, then finding ways to renege on their promises and kicking them out. Join the protest by residents of Bayview Hunters Point, the Mission and Treasure Island at Lennar’s sales office at 645 Howard St., between Second and Third in downtown San Francisco on Thursday, Jan. 28, at noon, for a rally and a quick march to US EPA headquarters.