Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Tags Sun-Tzu

Tag: Sun-Tzu

Tactical targeting of iconic activist Hugo Pinell

Time and time again, those of us behind these enemy lines are forced to consciously recognize the significance of the Black August attack on one of the iconic San Quentin Six. It is no puzzle for those familiar with the tactics and practices of prisoncrats that their spin doctors, like (CDCr spokesperson) Terry Thornton, promulgate deceptions to try and conceal the fact that the End Hostilities policy instituted by prisoners has been reasonably effective.

City in the shadow of Chevron fights back: Vote Team Richmond

As Chevron Corp. tries to kill the world, one tiny corner of the world is fighting back. Running for seats on the 2014-2015 Richmond City Council, Team Richmond, comprised of Gayle McLaughlin, Jovanka Beckles and Eduardo Martinez, continue to rise to the occasion. Nov. 4 is days away. For the Bay View's election recommendations, see Bay View Voters Guide: It's time to claim our political and economic power

A discussion on strategy for the Occupy Movement from behind enemy...

Our hunger strikes were the only way to effectively resist the nonstop assault on our humanity which is the inevitable consequence of burying us indefinitely in these sensory deprivation torture units. The success of the Occupy Movement, like the hunger strikes, requires sacrifice and strategic insight. The kind of sacrifices you exemplify – we love it, we love you and we stand with you.