Friday, May 10, 2024
Tags White supremacist rally

Tag: white supremacist rally

Things don’t get no better

“Y’know things get funnier every day you live. They don’t get no better. Dig? But they sure as hell get funnier.” This week I keep hearing those words in the back of my mind, as spoken by a Black journalist named “Roosevelt,” a character who works for a Black New Orleans newspaper in the 1960s film “WUSA.” Critics trashed WUSA when it came out in 1970 and it bombed at the box office, but Paul Newman thought it was the most important film he ever made.

Outing the Bay Area campaign contributors to KKK fascist David Duke

According to Wikipedia, David Ernest Duke, born July 1, 1950, is an American white nationalist, politician, anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist, Holocaust denier, convicted felon and former imperial wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. Some have suggested that the best way to fight back against all the hate being spread around by the Trump regime, the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists, is by exposing the supporters of hate and violence in the good old USA. One place to start exposing them would be to expose some of the local supporters of David Duke who reside in the Bay Area.