Advertising with SF Bay View

logo-color1, Advertising with SF Bay View, Advertise San Francisco Bay View National Black Newspaper | 4917 Third St., San Francisco, CA 94124 | Phone: (415) 671-0789 | Fax: (415) 671-0789 | Email: | Website:


Circulation and Rates

Circulation: The San Francisco Bay View, after a long run as one of the top 10 Black weekly newspapers in the U.S., is now being published monthly in print and daily on our website,, which is second only to the Final Call as the most visited Black newspaper on the web. The print run is 15,000 copies, which are distributed throughout the Bay Area and mailed to subscribers. The Bay View remains far and away the most popular Black paper in the Bay Area and disappears from the stands as soon as it’s distributed.

We serve a portion of the public that is rarely reflected in other media. Our readers are extremely loyal and responsive to advertisers who support us. Lets discuss how we can make it easy for you to give the Bay View a try. Give us a call at (415) 671-0789.

Newspaper Format: The Bay View is a broadsheet newspaper. Dimensions (image size) for a full page are 12.5″ across by 22.5″ down. The normal format is six columns, each column approximately 2″ across.

Ad Format: Ads should be transmitted electronically – for example, by email as pdf or jpg files.

Ad Rates: All ads, display and classified, are charged by the column inch. Any size ad up to a full page can be accommodated. Call or email us for assistance in calculating the price of your ad.

  • Local Rate: $15 per column inch (gross). Thus, at the local rate, a full page (12.5″ x 22.5″) is $1,800; a half page (12.5″ x 11″) is $900; a quarter page (6.25″ x 11″) is $450; a 2 column (4″) x 5.5″ ad is $150; a 2 column (4″) x 2″ ad (business card size) is $60; etc.
  • National Rate: $18 per column inch (gross). Thus, at the national rate, a full page (12.5″ x 22.5″) is $2,160; a half page (12.5″ x 11″) is $1,080; a quarter page (6.25″ x 11″) is $540; a 2 column (4″) x 5.5″ ad is $180; a 2 column (4″) x 2″ ad (business card size) is $72; etc.

Color Ads: For full color, add $200 (net) to the price of the ad. For spot color (one color), add $150 (net) to the price of the ad. These charges can be waived in some cases.

Discounts: Deduct 10% for 6-8 insertions, 15% for 9 insertions or more. For the discount to apply, payment for the series must be made within 30 days of the first insertion.

Deadlines: Space reservations (insertion orders) and ad copy for the print edition should be received by the 23rd of the month prior to publication. Call or email if you need more time.

Inserts: Insertion into the newspaper of most advertising circulars costs $60 per thousand.

Website Ads: The Bay View website,, which is updated daily, can accommodate banner ads (horizontal ads at the top of the site) of 620 x 74 pixels and sidebar ads (vertical ads on the right side of the site) as wide as 160 pixels. Call to discuss your needs and objectives.

Generally, the following rates apply:

  • Top banner, maximum 620 x 74 pixels, $7 CPM (cost per thousand impressions, i.e. pageviews)
  • Top sidebar,
    • maximum 160 x 600 pixels, $7 CPM
    • maximum 160 x 300 pixels, $4 CPM
  • Lower sidebar,
    • maximum 160 x 600 pixels, $5 CPM
    • maximum 160 x 300 pixels, $3 CPM

Add $1 CPM for photos, $2 CPM for flash or animation.

Recently, the number of pageviews has varied from 64,000 to 94,000 per month.

Fitting website advertising to your budget: Your ad can be placed in rotation so it doesn’t show 100 percent of the time, limiting the exposure to a specific dollar amount. For example, if your budget is $250 and you want your ad to appear for four weeks, we can set it to display evenly over the four weeks, spreading the $250 across the time period. We can also set your ad to be shown only once to each visitor so you are not paying for repeat showings to the same visitor.

Classified ads composed of text – enhanced with logos, graphics or photos if you wish – should be emailed to We’ll respond with the price for your approval. If you place a classified ad in print, there is no additional charge for posting it online as well.

Advertisers: The San Francisco Bay View is ranked as one of the top 10 Black newspapers in the U.S. by major advertising agencies. Bay View advertisers include AARP, AFL-CIO, American Cancer Society, BART, Bay Area Urban League, Black Coalition on AIDS, Cities of Berkeley, Livermore, Oakland, Oceanside, Richmond, San Francisco and San Leandro, Ford, General Motors, Job Corps, KPFA, KQED, NAACP, Oakland Ballet, SF Jazz Festival, Stanford University, Target Stores, UC Berkeley, UC San Francisco, Universal Pictures and hundreds more.

Awards: Society of Professional Journalists’ Excellence in Journalism Award (1996); National Black Newspaper of the Year from the National Black Chamber of Commerce (1997); Best of the Bay: Best Newspaper from the Bay Guardian, the Bay Area’s largest weekly (1998); Best Community Newspaper from Media Alliance (2001); Bay Guardian’s Best of the Bay: Local Hero to Bay View publisher Willie Ratcliff (2003); Society of Professional Journalists’ Freedom of Information Award (2004); Best of the Bay from the Bay Guardian again (2009) and many more.

Please call us at (415) 671-0789 or email for a copy of the paper and to discuss your advertising plans. The Bay View, San Francisco’s official Black outreach newspaper, is the best way to reach the Black community.