from the cell of Comrade Bobby Dixon, Minister of Justice, NABPP-PC
Editor’s note: Bobby Dixon called as the Bay View was going to press to say that he and some comrades at CMF are still on hunger strike. They are planning to commemorate this Black August more seriously than ever and are encouraging all prisoners to refuse meals on Aug. 7, 21 and 30, as he explains below.
All eyes are on us. All elders must remain focused on the youth during the month of BLACK AUGUST and come with strong teaching.
From behind enemy lines in the belly of the beast – in the California state prison system, which is part of the Amerikan injustice system – I greet you and call your attention to the annual commemoration of Black August. I invite you fellow prisoners and families through the world to join us in honoring our beloved martyrs with fasting, study, sharing Panther love and knowledge in the spirit of Hasan Shakur, Oscar Grant, Sean Bell and Gus Rugley, Jonathan Jackson and all who have laid down their lives in the struggle to give humanity a brighter future.
Comrade George Jackson was a founder and the field marshal of the original Black Panther Party Prison Chapter, who was gunned down in the yard by guards at San Quentin, and Hasan Shakur was the original minister of human rights of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party Prison Chapter (NABPP-PC), who was executed by the state of Texas for a crime he did not commit.
We also remember our comrade Oscar Grant, a 22-year-old Afrikan man whom the Oakland police handcuffed behind his back, forcing him to lay face down on a subway platform, and then shot him in the back. This cold blooded murder was caught on cell phone videos and millions have seen it on the internet.
People in Oakland immediately took to the streets in righteous protest and protests continue. This has become a symbol of the continuing national oppression in “post-racist” Amerika. This must stop! And we must move beyond protest to make revolution and advance society to communism.
We shed tears for our fallen comrades and for the masses brutally victimized by the racist, fascist, murdering police. We have a right to cry over our dead – for every life is precious beyond measure. This loss of each who has been killed by the oppressor in this land of our exile and enslavement is intolerable. We consecrate this month to those who have been taken from us but who will never be forgotten – for the love of freedom which their lives were dedicated to.
Our grief is real, and so is our determination to continue the struggle until all are free and the oppression of our people is no more. Our grief and our pain make us more human and give us more strength because it is based upon love. Our love fuels our determination to win our liberation in this century.
We are to also be in solidarity this Black August with all the state of Georgia prisoners who went on the biggest prison strike and protest in U.S. history that took place from Dec. 9-16, 2010, in the Georgia state prison system.
As minister of justice, my message to all the members of the NABPP-PC is long live the Panther! Empower yourselves: Don’t fear freedom. And empower yourselves to know that violence is not the answer. Yes there are too many uncommitted comrades. We must learn how not to draw violence from the evil beast who is our real enemy.
Now, as comrades, have we stopped to think about how we have allowed the evil enemy to destroy and murder other comrades with the power of their tongue? My case and point is to reach one teach one to guard your tongue.
To clear our minds, I propose that we eat one meal a day throughout the month of August – and fast completely on Aug. 7 in honor of Jonathan Jackson, again on Aug. 21 in honor of George Jackson and again on Aug. 31 in honor of Hasan Shakur and all other true revolutionary comrades who have fallen in the struggle.
On these three fast days, we should be quiet and contemplative and throughout August we should study and abstain from watching TV and listening to the radio with the exception of educational programming.
During this month, the veterans of the struggle and elders among us are to make a very special serious effort to reach out to the youth and teach our history and the lessons of our people’s struggle. And not allow our youth to feel all alone in the world.
We should strengthen our commitment to practicing Panther Love and throw away old grudges and resentments and initiate new friendships. We draw those around us closer and build the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood between us.
Besides fasting, comrades should work out and get a little physical exercise and strive to put mind, body and spirit in balance. Some texts I recommend for study are:
• “Revolutionary Notes” by Julius Lester
• “Race and Ideology: Language, Symbolism and Popular Culture,” edited by Arthur K. Spears
• “The 48 Laws of Power” by Robert Greene and Joost Elffers
• “The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors” by Dr. Frances Cress Welsing
• “The Rape of the American Constitution” by Chuck Shiver
• “How to Make Black America Better,” compiled and edited by Tavis Smiley
To all who shall inherit the future
The world is a huge place. Let your minds become one with understanding. Many things can occur and time is bound by no structure. The days upon this planet have caused the growth of a useful resource called “knowledge.”
To seek such knowledge comes with a great cost. Many have failed in the attempt to obtain true knowledge. The true accomplishments of life require the true knowledge contained within this planet.
My objective to you is the comfort of success. If any shall seek to correspond or further their enlightenment, send me a message. Please beware of misinterpretation along the path of success.
This letter has been caused by the Almighty. This is also fashioned for the heart. Do not give more than desired from within the heart. And always let righteousness be your guide.
Send our brother some love and light: Bobby Dixon, C-41652, CMF, H-209L, P.O. Box 2000, Vacaville CA 95696.