by Carl Harrison
In 1978 California began building a concrete empire of jails and prisons across the state. After the building was completed, a new California Gold Rush began – a feeding frenzy for all the jobs in city, county and state law enforcement agencies.
People from all over the world and from all over America came to California to get these jobs. The unions, special interest groups in unison with this new powerful government voting pool started changing the laws to make it much simpler to lock up minorities, the poor, illiterate and uneducated, mentally ill and medically ill, developmentally disabled.
Standing armies of police were poured into the cities’ poor districts to target these people exclusively. County prosecutors and police realized that these weak people were defenseless and had to rely on public defense attorneys who were in most part overworked or lapdogs of the courts.
You see, courts control which attorneys get the most money, which places public defenders at the control of hanging judges who want convictions. Police, they obtain rank, status and higher pay when they make more arrests and cause convictions, and prosecutors also need convictions for the same reasons.
Unfortunately, the rich and middle class are simply not suitable targets for police and prosecutors because they can fight back with real defenses that police and prosecutors shy from. They prefer easy kills who can’t fight back and cause trouble for the government.
In addition, the target groups are usually a burden on government treasury because they are receiving government financial aid, which government employees want to reroute into their own agency’s pockets once the targets are locked away in jail or prison and no longer qualified for aid by virtue of incarceration.
California is going broke because crooks and corruption cannot properly run our government. In the last few years California prisons have been forced to lay off or retire over a thousand employees due to the budget problem.
During this crisis it was also discovered by numerous legal help organizations that numerous prisoners had been wrongfully convicted and had suffered years of involuntary servitude in prison. Of course these legal help agencies only helped prisoners where DNA was a factor; all the rest of us have no legal help. The California prison became a public relations embarrassment, because while they cried for more money, the taxpayer was wondering how many prisoners were unjustly locked away.
On March 18, 2009, at Mule Creek Prison, I’d been fighting my criminal case for 22 years under conditions of poverty, prison abuses, mental and physical disabilities, making my attempts almost impossible. However, I struggled inch by inch working to prove my innocence until finally I had obtained all of the evidence I needed.
As I prepared to present this evidence to the courts, legislature and executive branches of government, I made the terrible mistake of showing my evidence to several prison staff who had constantly been harassing me, saying I was guilty and should accept it and do my time. Well, on March 18, 2009, a sergeant and correctional officer took every piece of paper I had in my cell and destroyed it all, 12 boxes of legal material.
Their excuse? They said I had no pending case and the papers were just old worthless material. Both excuses were proved untrue in my prison appeal, but my appeal was denied regardless.
I filed a habeas corpus writ (10-HC-1248) and a personal injury/property damage case (09-CU-5954). Both were denied by the judge, who was untruthful and grossly abusing her position as an unbiased judge and refused to properly conduct and act on my motions to the court while I’d been moved 300 miles as a tactic to isolate my access to court.
Also, when I filed for relief, the prison began a deadly attack against me that ended me with a SHU (Security Housing Unit assignment) and 12 serious rule violations, two heart attacks and numerous seizures. In these cases I was left on my cell floor to die, but by the grace of God I recovered on my own.
Staff were trying to place their inmate thugs into my cell to kill me, but I refused cellmates (RVR 3005(c)). Sexual assaults, physical assaults – all were covered by staff and internal affairs. Of course a moron, even today, could look at prison records and prove I’m telling the truth, but it won’t happen. As for the judge, I’ve never seen a judge so deep in conspiracy and corruption in my life except for the judge in my criminal case.
This judge lied when she denied my habeas corpus writ. She stated an informal inquiry was granted and the attorney general responded and I answered. She denied the petition, saying, “After reviewing all of the evidence I find no ground to issue and habeas corpus is denied.”
I asked for court dockets and the records and told her that she was mistaken and there had been no informal inquiry, no response by the attorney general and I never answered because there was nothing to answer. Her response? Sorry, all rulings are final and I can’t give you any records in the case unless you can pay for them. I had no money and she refused to even send me the court dockets in the case, which would have clearly shown she lied in her denial.
As for the personal injury/property damage action, I was isolated at Los Angeles Prison, with no law library access and then placed back into SHU with no law library period. Every motion I filed to that judge was denied. I was unable to attend any of the court hearings in the action, by phone or personal appearance due to the judge’s denial of “all” my motions and pleas and the case was dismissed.
Anybody who cares can contact the court and obtain records in these court cases (10-HC-1248 and 09-CV-5954) to verify I’m telling the truth, and I have all documents to support everything I say in this letter. Is there an honorable citizen who cares?
Send our brother some love and light: Carl F. Harrison, J-43634, A-1-102, P.O. Box 290066, Represa CA 95671. This letter was typed by Adrian McKinney.