Vietnam vet issues call to arms to save his home

On Wednesday, Jan. 4, 3 p.m., meet at Lake Merritt’s Snow Park, 19th and Harrison, to march to Wells Fargo Bank

by Jerome Loston

Oakland – On Jan. 9, 2012, my home is scheduled to go on the auction block. I am a 63-year-old Vietnam veteran rendered totally disabled as a result of injuries sustained during active duty in Vietnam on Jan. 9, 1969. I was the sole survivor of the 11th Armored Calvary Blackhorse Basecamp.

Jerome-and-Linda-Loston-at-front-door-of-home-facing-foreclosure-010112-web, Vietnam vet issues call to arms to save his home, Local News & Views Following the attack, I lay in a coma for six months. My parents were told that I was dead. I was told I would lose my legs. Against the odds, I survived the injuries I sustained in Vietnam. On Jan. 4 I will find myself again in the trenches, but this time against Wells Fargo Bank. I need your help. This is a Call to Arms!

I am not alone in my struggles with Wells Fargo Bank. I am only one of millions who have fallen victim to the banks’ criminal practices in their dealings with homeowners. I ask that you stand with me and show the banks that we are an “Army of One” and ask that they put an end to their criminal dealings now!

Please call me at (925) 838-8442. I am in the process of mobilizing efforts in order to secure a modification from Wells Fargo Bank so my family can stay in our home. I am a victim of World Savings’ “Pick-a-Pay” loan and the World Savings-Wachovia-Wells Fargo merger. You can get more information about the atrocities committed by World Savings here:

We have heard the stories of how banks have not been fair in their dealings with our veterans and service members:–get-justice/.

It’s time that we stand as an “Army of One” and demand that the banks stop abusing our citizens, veterans and service members. We need to let the banks know that the buck stops here. I am asking that you stand with me as we fight to get a modification so we can keep our home. We have designated Wednesday, Jan. 4, as our “Day of Action” against Wells Fargo Bank.

We will be meeting at Lake Merritt’s Snow Park, at 19th and Harrison, on Jan. 4 at 3 p.m. and walk as a group to Wells Fargo Bank headquarters to speak with Jim Foley, regional president for Northern California.

If you cannot make it on Tuesday, Jan. 4, at 3 p.m., we encourage you to contact Jim Foley at (510) 446-5194 or Remind Wells Fargo Bank and Jim Foley how the veterans and service members have bravely served our country without hesitation. Tell him that Wells Fargo can do a better job of keeping our veterans and service members in their homes.

Let Wells Fargo Bank and Jim Foley know that you are standing in solidarity with Jerome and Linda Loston and ask that Wells Fargo Bank modify the Lostons’ “Pick-a-Pay” loan. If you really want to make a difference, tell Wells Fargo Bank and Jim Foley that you are going to divest your money from Wells Fargo Bank unless they do the right thing. Let him know that you are part of the “Army of One.”

If you – or someone you know – are also facing foreclosure or having problems getting lenders to assist you with a modification, contact Occupy Our Homes at and the Home Defenders League at (510) 269-4692, ext. 502, for assistance.

Jerome and Linda Loston can be reached at (925) 838-8442 or