by Garfield Patterson
“Organization is a great power in directing the affairs of a race or nation toward a given goal. To properly develop the desires that are uppermost, we must first concentrate through some system or method, and there is none better than organization.” – Marcus Moziah Garvey
Greetings in the spirit and blood of our Afrikan ancestors and those who carry the torch of Black liberation ideology, Afrika for the Afrikans at home and abroad.
New Afrikan comrades, sisters and brothers, let us organize our struggles and thoughts into one system in order to lay the foundation of New Afrikan government in theory by standing on the principles of our Afrikan ancestors and following the laws of our own development.
I call on New Afrikans in the “belly of the beast” and those that are caught in “the beast” social net to help keep the Black liberation torch burning by donating or making a $5 pledge each month for a year and educate your families and friends about the Bay View newspaper and its mission.
We need Bay View’s support and Bay View needs our support in return. Let the voice of the oppressed be heard. Contribute to the Bay View National Black Newspaper. First in the air!
Send our brother some love and light: Garfield Patterson, 12496-014, Federal Correctional Institution, P.O. Box 1000, Otisville, NY 10963.