Black August is a time to remember and recommit to freeing our political prisoners who were targeted by COINTELPRO and similar schemes and have been imprisoned ever since – many for more than 30 years.
Jalil Muntaqim
Anne Lamb of the NYC Jericho Movement writes that she “was just on the phone with Jalil’s mother, who lives near Atlanta, Georgia. She is planning to visit Jalil in August and needs help with funds for travel expenses.
“If you can send any donations for Jalil’s mom, please make checks out to IFCO/NYC Jericho and send to: NYC Jericho, c/o Lamb, P.O. Box 574, New York, NY 10018. Thank you for your help.”
Marpessa Kupendua adds: “Please support. Any amount would be greatly appreciated! The enemies of our freedom fighters are empowered when they are able to keep them disconnected from their families!”
Write to Brother Jalil: Jalil Muntaqim (A. Bottom), 77A-4283 Attica CF, P.O. Box 149, Attica NY 14011.
Sundiata Acoli
“I’m so sorry to have to bear this bad news,” writes Kiilu Nyasha. “Below you’ll find the copy of a post Sundiata sent out. One of our finest freedom fighters, former member of the Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Army, you can find more info on his website: He has already done nearly 40 years in federal prisons and is now 74 years old.
“Please send him some love: Sundiata Acoli (Clark Squire), 39794-066, FCI Cumberland, P.O. Box 1000, Cumberland, MD 21501-1000.”
Sundiata wrote: “Greetings all, Sundiata’s parole hearing was held today. He was denied parole and his case referred to a three-member panel to determine the size of his ‘hit’ (i.e., the amount of time he must do before becoming eligible for parole hearing again). Take care. Thank each of you for your support. Love, Struggle, Sundiata.”
Imam Jamil Al-Amin, formerly H. Rap Brown
In early July Imam Jamil Al-Amin wrote: “I am currently being denied telephone calls and my mail is being diverted (some). If you would, can you get some people to call the warden at ADX and Eric Holder to inquire as to why this action is being done. I don’t have any institutional violations and have not been informed as to why this is being done.”
Don’t forget the Imam’s number, 99974-555, and address when you call or write:
- Warden Charles Daniels, USP Florence Admax, P.O. Box 8500, Florence CO 81226, phone (719) 784-9464, fax (719) 784-5290, email flm/
- Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington DC 20530-0001, (202) 514-2001, public comment line (202) 353-1555
Here is a letter written by a supporter for Imam Jamil Al-Amin. Feel free to use it as the basis for your letter:
Dear Attorney General Holder:
I have just written Mr. Charles Daniels, Warden of USP Florence Admax and am also enlisting your help on behalf of one of the prisoners there. I am writing to urge you to do everything in your power to assure that Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, 99974-555, receives all telephone calls and his mail. He has not committed any institutional violation and has not been told why he is not being accorded the right to communicate with the world outside the supermax prison in which he is confined.
Further, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture, Juan Mendez, has stated that solitary confinement is tantamount to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. The treatment afforded Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin currently violates the United States’ obligations under the Convention Against Torture and can only reinforce the need for the kind of prison reform politicians and others are demanding.
Throughout his long ordeal in solitary confinement, Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin has shown extraordinary resilience and courage. Over the years, he has had an exemplary disciplinary record. Indeed, many international human rights advocates, among them the chair of the Islamic Human Rights Commission, Mr. Massoud Shadjareh, have spoken out on behalf of Imam Jamil Al-Amin.
Now more than ever it behooves all of us to be vigilant in doing all we can to assure that every individual receives fair treatment under the law. Indeed, at the very least, Imam Jamil Al-Amin should be accorded the right to letters and phone calls.
Sincerely, [your signature]
Please also write to Imam Jamil: Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, 99974-555, USP Florence Admax, P.O. Box 8500, Florence CO 81226.