by Tony White
This letter is written in response to a letter Zaharibu Michael Dorrough wrote to a friend that was published in the August Bay View. Zharibu wrote, on July 11, three days into the 2013 hunger strike: “We are now housed in 4A-3R, and three of the guys have been housed in 4A-3L. These blocks are designated as SNY/PC (sensitive needs yard/protective custody) buildings. All of the guys in this building, as well as 4A-3L, are informants. They have debriefed.”
Although they moved you from 4B-1L to 4A-3R and 4A-3L, not all are debriefers or snitches or “stool pigeons,” as you call all SNY/PCs. Some of the dudes on this side (SNY) are participating in the hunger strike to help you!
Regardless, they have, or we have, suffered the same injustice you have here in Corcoran State Prison. I’m not a snitch, nor did I debrief. I just asked to go SNY. There’s nothing negative in my jacket except for being a homosexual.
I am currently in Ad-Seg for a battery on an inmate with a weapon. Prior to that, I was in the SHU back there, 4A-3R and 4A-4L, and I’ll be on my way back. Just like you, I have suffered grave injustice. The homie Smurf, who I got this newspaper from, got his arm broken by a sergeant. Another Black inmate was slammed face-first into the ground while still handcuffed right in front of my cell.
On July 16, I tried to kill myself by slicing my wrist. Upon entering ACHC “on site” hospital, you see signs posted stating not to give hunger strikers any “water, nutritional shakes (Boost, Ensure); do not ask.” They’ve also moved hunger strikers to 3B-02 building. They don’t send food to that building because it is for hunger strikers.
Although they moved you from 4B-1L to 4A-3R and 4A-3L, not all are debriefers or snitches or “stool pigeons,” as you call all SNY/PCs. Some of the dudes on this side (SNY) are participating in the hunger strike to help you!
Warden Connie Gibson, supposedly the first Black female warden, knows of all that her officers are doing. If the taxpayers could see that 90 percent of their money is going to officers’ overtime checks and not to what it’s supposed to!
The EOP (Enhanced Out-patient Program) Ad-Seg is a terrible place to be. I’ve been in six buildings across Corcoran State Prison and the conditions are the same, from spider webs and black stuff hanging from the ceiling to poor air ventilation, to being disrespected and assaulted by officers.
Warden Connie Gibson, supposedly the first Black female warden, knows of all that her officers are doing. If the taxpayers could see that 90 percent of their money is going to officers’ overtime checks and not to what it’s supposed to!
We are all in this hell-hole together. We need to fight together against the actions being put before us. Obviously these COs (correctional officers) and the warden don’t care that you’re GP and I’m SNY. We’re getting treated the same.
Regardless, I send you and all who read this the utmost love and respect. I commend you and your bravery to stand and fight. You are a role model for those beside you and those that may follow behind you.
We are all in this hell-hole together. We need to fight together against the actions being put before us. Obviously these COs (correctional officers) and the warden don’t care that you’re GP and I’m SNY. We’re getting treated the same.
Keep the faith.
Send our brother some love and light: Tony K. White, K-87527, CSP-Corcoran, 3A-03-114L, P.O. Box 3466, Corcoran, CA 93212.