Outlaw to walk free July 14

by Heyward, Justice 4 Outlaw Crew

We are excited about the impending release from prison of our beloved friend and comrade, Frank “Outlaw” Reid, on July 14. Outlaw will finally walk free!

Frank-Outlaw-Reid-Justice-for-Outlaw-300x197, Outlaw to walk free July 14, Abolition Now!
Frank ‘Outlaw’ Reid ‘Justice for Outlaw’

Allies in D.C. and Virginia have been raising financial support for his re-entry. Our latest effort is a mixed media zine called Justice for Outlaw, which includes an intensive study, by Outlaw, on the origins of the Virginia prison system and how it functions today as a continuation of the state’s history of policing and enslavement tactics.

It begins with an examination of white elite efforts to maintain the legality of slavery at the end of the Civil War, in large part through the build-up of the prison system.

The Justice for Outlaw zine also offers a compilation of six songs from rebel musicians Saul Williams, MIA, The Coup, Dr. Israel, No Assumptionz and Oshun and features artwork from Outlaw’s comrade Kevin “Rashid” Johnson, another rebellious captive of the Virginia prison system.

To get a copy of the zine, go to SPARC Virginia’s Fundrazr site: https://fundrazr.com/campaigns/ckuZ5?psid=fe240c34db0f4b6793da546c9edec5ce.

If you prefer not to give online, you can message us directly or send a donation to 3403 Taylor St., Brentwood, MD 20722 c/o Justice 4 Outlaw. Include your mailing address and other wanted prints or books featured on the SPARC-VA fundrazr site noted above.

Our collective goal is to raise $2,000 for Outlaw by July 14, and we are halfway there. Thank you for your support!


Outlaw is an imprisoned revolutionary from Richmond, Virginia, who is almost finished serving a 16-year-long prison sentence. He spent many of those years in solitary confinement at Red Onion and Wallens Ridge, state supermax prisons isolated in the Appalachian Mountains.

He recently brought four prison guards to trial for an attack he suffered at Red Onion State Prison in 2009. The trial took place in October 2013, and Outlaw represented himself pro se, in a small mining town in Virginia called Big Stone Gap. You can read his pre-trial statement – and subsequent reports from the courthouse – here: http://justice4outlaw.blogspot.com/2013/10/public-statement-by-frank-outlaw-reid.html.

Outlaw also co-authored the book “Defying the Tomb” with Kevin “Rashid” Johnson, a conversation through kites (letters passed between the two by a guard) about revolutionary history and prison politics. He has published several essays that highlight their years-long struggle within and against the Virginia prison system.

Outlaw has long stood steadfast in solidarity with fellow prisoners and oppressed people throughout the world and plans to support re-entry efforts on “the outside” upon his release.

Peace after justice! FTP!