by Bambari S. Kelly Anderson
Today, Jan. 23, 2015, I appeared before the Director’s Review Board and I was granted release from PBSP SHU (Pelican Bay State Prison Security Housing Unit) after 26 years in solitary confinement. I’m to be transferred to Salinas Valley State Prison, where I’ll be able to have human contact and new experiences and hopefully be able to re-meet my family – sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, grandchildren, nieces and nephews who are scattered all over the Bay Area, Oakland, San Francisco, Concord, Vallejo, Berkeley and Sacramento etc.
I was granted release from PBSP SHU after 26 years in solitary confinement. I’m to be transferred to Salinas Valley State Prison, where I’ll be able to have human contact and new experiences and hopefully be able to re-meet my family.
So I salute all the brothers and sisters inside and out from all walks of life and cultural identities who stood and who stand for progressive positive change and unity, especially the Bay View newspaper for your continuous work in the community and for being the people’s newspaper.
In love, honor and respect!
Justice, equality and liberation from all forms of oppression!
Send our brother some love and light: Bambari S. Kelly Anderson, D-05765, PBSP SHU D1-114, P.O. Box 7500, Crescent City, CA 95532.