Fasting can be of great help in overcoming cancer, and so can observing something called the ketone-rich diet – read on to learn more
by Mauris Emeka
In 1971 President Nixon declared war on cancer. Clearly, we have lost that war, because cancer is fast overtaking heart disease as the number one cause of death in America.
Hopefully, we are finally coming to understand the knowledge about the 11 body systems and that to successfully respond to cancer requires changing the environment in our body so that millions of misbehaving cancer cells cannot thrive. Our emphasis should be on safe and reliable things we all can do to make our body a place where cancer is not welcome. The remainder of this article discusses two proven facts about destroying cancer cells, and doing it without adversely affecting normal cells.
The first proven fact is that cancer cells need to consume food in the form of glucose every minute of every day and night. The second proven fact is that glucose is the only food or nutrient that cancer cells can consume in order to thrive and generate energy. (The facts just mentioned were first brought to light by Dr. Otto Warburg, the winner of the 1931 Nobel Prize).
On the other hand, normal cells within our body can go for hours and days without food and still remain alive and functional. Also, normal cells are not limited to glucose for generating energy, because they function just fine by consuming nutrients known as ketones.
Consider initiating something called intermittent fasting – such as avoiding eating for roughly 16 hours out of every 24 hours. Also, consider replacing glucose with a ketone-rich diet. These two changes can make an environment in the body where cancer cells cannot thrive but where normal cells do just fine.
Boston College Professor Thomas Seyfried, Ph.D., recently did extensive research in this area; he authored the book “Cancer as a Metabolic Disease.” The author Ty Bollinger also explains the benefits of intermittent fasting and ketone dieting in his recently released book, “The Truth About Cancer.”
Consider initiating something called intermittent fasting – such as avoiding eating for roughly 16 hours out of every 24 hours. Also, consider replacing glucose with a ketone-rich diet.
Question: What are some examples of ketone foods that enable normal cells to thrive and carry out their assigned duties in a ketosis environment, while making it impossible for cancer cells to thrive? Ketone foods include good fats – such as unrefined virgin coconut oil, butter, olive oil – walnuts, avocados, Brazil nuts, whole plant-based foods, and moderate amounts of high quality proteins to include pasture-raised eggs, sardines and wild salmon.
Question: How do we nourish our bodies so that glucose, cancer’s one and only food, is not present? We must refrain from consuming lots of simple carbohydrates, such as white sugar, brown sugar, white flour, white rice, macaroni, spaghetti, white potatoes and various refined grains.
Consider something called the Glycemic Index, which is a measure of how quickly a food converts to glucose when eaten. Simple carbohydrates each have a Glycemic Index of well over 55, and that indicates that they quickly convert to glucose once they are consumed.
But lima beans, lentils and black beans, however, are examples of complex carbohydrates. They do not convert to glucose very quickly, and their Glycemic Index is well below 55.
Question: What are two examples of daily intermittent fasting that have proven beneficial? Eat at noon, and then eat dinner at around 5 to 6 p.m. After dinner, avoid eating anything until noon the next day. This accomplishes roughly 18 hours of fasting.
A different intermittent fasting routine involves eating for three days and fasting for three days, and continuing this routine for several rounds. Again, the good news is that cancer cells cannot handle fasting because they need food in the form of glucose 24 hours a day without interruption.
Incidentally, readers of this article are encouraged to go to, and in the search box at the top type in the following three words: Fasting Cancer Cure. One can then watch several very revealing videos.
The foregoing information should not be viewed as stand-alone things to do to prevent and overcome cancer. There is also the need to detoxify the body, live with less stress and strengthen the immune system, increase your oxygen supply (note: cancer cells hate oxygen), drink lots of high pH ionized water, and change the body’s environment to make it less acidic and slightly alkaline. In that regard, avoiding carbohydrates and introducing a ketosis-forming diet can be a big step in the right direction.
Mauris Emeka is a retired U.S. Army officer who lost his wife of 36 years to cancer and has since authored and published two well-researched books about cancer and nutrition. Email him at and visit his website,