by Mutope Duguma and Annie Morgan Banks
The message in the artwork transcribed:
Modern day slaves, sanctioned by the United States government under the 13th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution … Yes! By subjugating, marginalizing and disenfranchising the oppressed human beings, by way of economic discrimination or depriving humans of decent wages, that forces humans to live half-butchered lives that subject humans to the many social ills produced inside a society – a slave, criminal and gangster mentality that devalues, demeans, degrades and dehumanizes humans.
Where humans are concentrated in deprived areas where the militarized police department executes these humans for the slightest infractions or hauls them off to the nearest jail, where they’re then held in limbo awaiting to go before a judicial system that’s fixed with all the entrapments of a corrupt system that railroads its subjects into the many prisons that are concentrated in mostly white, undeveloped communities miles and miles away from their families, held in the industrial slave complex of America where they will spend the rest of their lives or most of it as an exploited source while building white rural AMERIKA. MODERN DAY SLAVERY IS REAL. All power to the people. Mutope Duguma
Meet the artist and author
Annie Banks: Annie is an artist and organizer living on Ohlone territories, in Berkeley, California. She is a member of the California Coalition for Women Prisoners (, the Anti Police-Terror Project ( and PLEJ for Liberation ( Annie and Mutope have been pen pals for over three years, since being connected through the Human Rights Pen Pals program (
Mutope Duguma: Mutope Duguma was incarcerated at Pelican Bay State Prison, in its notorious Security Housing Unit. He is now at CSP Calipatria. He is a member of the Human Rights Movement First Amendment Campaign and PLEJ for Liberation and is a prolific author, with articles published in the SF Bay View and many other places, including his website, Write to Mutope at Mutope Duguma (s/n J. Crawford), D-05996, CSP Calipatria B-5, C-246, P.O. Box 5005, Calipatria, CA 92233-5005.