by Cedric ‘G-Boy’ Clerk
I am currently serving life without parole in the Missouri Department of Corrections. I have been incarcerated since the age of 15.
I’m being held under an unconstitutional sentence along with 80-plus others who were sentenced to life without parole as juveniles (JLWOP). In June 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court found it unconstitutional to sentence a juvenile to life without parole, according to Miller v. State of Alabama (2012). We must be taken back in front of our respective courts and be resentenced.
I’m being held under an unconstitutional sentence along with 80-plus others who were sentenced to life without parole as juveniles (JLWOP).
In August 2016, Missouri passed Senate Bill 590, which states that those who fall under Miller v. Alabama can “petition” for parole after 25 years of incarceration. Still we are being held with life without parole sentences. How can we possibly make parole on a life without parole sentence?
Of those who have petitioned for parole, only one has been granted parole. How can a ruling by the highest court in the land be ignored and disregarded?
The main reason for the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Miller v. Alabama is that it’s a scientific fact that a human being doesn’t mentally mature until the age of 25. Yet when the “hostages” see the Missouri Parole Board, none of this is considered – only their institutional records.
We are being held as “hostages” in some sick game being played by Missouri politicians and its court system.
Send our brother some love and light: Cedric B. Clerk, 1034680, Jefferson City CC 6C-215, 8200 No More Victims Rd, Jefferson City MO 65101.