Editorial by Troy Williams
I have chosen to use a piece of poetry as my editorial for this month. I had not written poetry in years but was inspired after reading an article written in the Bay View by Chinyere Egu, listening to the music of Grand Opus, and spending the weekend with my daughter and grandchildren.
Spoken word, whether it came in the form of old Negro spirituals or old school hip-hop, has always inspired our people to move beyond the limitations of our current situation. Moving beyond our current situation is not just addressing some external threat to our people but addressing how we have allowed those threats to internalize. Hopefully the poem speaks for itself.
For me, our freedom is not violence, aggression nor dependence on some external force that is our oppressor. It is assertive and begins with knowledge of self and love of seed.
March With Me
Some always talking about what’s wrong with me
Well let’s take a moment and see
Whether we the ones in need of third degree
Or some just need a little closer scrutiny
They came like missionaries looking for souls to convert
A ploy so covert – it leads us away in a hearse
Or worse – shackled and chained thinking it the fate of some curse
In the bow of a ship built of concrete and dirt
It’s your children you hurt when you let them lurk in your mind
Told you time after time, “You one of a kind”
By design some attempt to keep us asleep
With dreams of escaping nightmares of the street
Criminal just-us, a microcosm of divide and conquer
50 years later shots still clapping like thunder
The beast will cease to feast when we pause and wonder
Then out of thirst and hunger – shout, “NO LONGER”
Pick up the Bay View – what do you read
Written by people with conscious degrees
The visionaries are woke – beyond mere hope
Able to cope – cause love for our people our dope
Spent the weekend with my seed
She’s counting on me to succeed
So with every breath I breathe
I want you to march with me
Bay View editor Troy Williams can be reached at Troy@sfbayview.com or 415-671-0789.
P.S. Troy highly recommends that all who can must see the film “Crown Heights” during its first run; it’s now showing in theaters everywhere. What’s it about? “When Colin Warner is wrongfully convicted of murder, his best friend Carl King devotes his life to proving Colin’s innocence” is the synopsis. Troy calls it the best film he’s see in a decade, evoking all the emotions of the prison experience. Black filmmakers need you to patronize their films upon release, so they can raise the money to make more films that change minds and change the world.
Grand Opus – Joc Scholar and Centric – present “Enter the Opus.”