by David Scott
Geoffrey Watson, M.D, diplomat, member of the American Board Of Internal Medicine, president and CEO of the James A. Watson Wellness Center, located at 5709 Market St., Oakland, is on a mission to promote a healthier lifestyle, increase weight loss and save the community money by educating the community on the benefits of drinking water. Dr. Watson states that 70 percent of a man’s body and 60 percent of a woman’s body consists of water.
Since Berkeley passed the sugar tax initiative last year, water consumption has increased by 15 percent. “Your blood cells require water as a major component,” says Watson. “Water flows through your muscles removing toxic lactic acid, reducing cramps and fatigue. Water surrounds your brain (cerebral spinal fluid) nourishing your nervous system and maintains quality neurological functions.”
Water has 10 essential benefits for great health:
- increases energy and reduces fatigue
- promotes weight loss
- flushes out toxins
- improves skin complexion
- maintains regularities of bowels
- boosts your immune system
- natural headache remedy
- prevents cramps and sprains, promotes good mood, thinking and sleeping
- prevents complications in diabetes, sickle cell, kidney diseases and other disorders
- saves money.
Drinking water can reduce your expenses from soda and potentially toxic products. As a board-certified internist, Dr. Watson has practiced for over 30 years, conducting research, teaching and preaching.
“Water can save lives,” says Watson. Administering water (intravenous fluids) is used to manage infections (sepsis) shock, hemorrhaging (bleeding), heat stroke (dehydration), keyto acidosis (diabetic), sickle cell crisis and many other health issues.
Why not simply drink enough water to manage our health and prevent disease. Eight glasses of water a day usually helps to maintain adequate hydration for men and six glasses for women helps kidney function, muscle function, digestion and mental function. I finally realize that more than any medicine, drinking water is one of the best natural recommendations that a doctor can prescribe.
Dr. Watson holds the position of professor of clinical medicine at several prominent training institutions. “I teach all of my students that water is an essential element of health. This is why I am producing Watson Wellness Water for the young, old, athletes, men and women alike.
“I truly believe that your health is your wealth, and when you have your health, you have everything.” DRINK WATSON WELLNESS WATER.
Doctor’s Orders: Dr. Watson hosts several TV broadcasts, including Health Beat TV show every Sunday Morning from 9:00 to 9:30 a.m. on KOFY Channel 20 and also Our TV, Comcast Channel 78, on a weekly rotation.
For more information, visit Dr. Watson’s website at or call 510 444-9460.