by Dr. Donald R. Evans Sr. for the National Afrikan Amerikan Family Reunion Association (NAAFRA)
Mound Bayou, Mississippi – I’m sending out the most important press release that it has been my prayerful blessing to accomplish as a clarion call to Black Family Amerika to take a stand. To Black MegaChurch Amerika to take a stand. No more playing the do-nothingism game while expecting great change to occur.
The Black family’s path forward is known as “ethno-aggregation,” found in two textbooks by Dr. Claud Anderson, “PowerNomics: The National Plan to Empower Black America” and “A Black History Reader: 101 Questions You Never Thought to Ask.”
As the founder and president of our family movement, I have made it mandatory that these two text books are in the family library of each member family. In order that each family shall become completely indoctrinated with this program, we will work to eliminate manmade poverty from the lifestyles of poor people forever, from the bottom upward, by first activating our “Perpetual Financial Support Plan (PFSP)” immediately and continuously.
Perpetual Financial Support Plan (PFSP)
This plan calls for technology to be applied to the financial needs of the below listed entities; in a continuous perpetual (institute to be in effect or have tenure for an unlimited duration) state; making it possible the Black Family can bring its poverty power together, where the strength of our Jesus, who has blessed the plan, will come forward immediately. Where all the doubting Thomases, Black and White, can see, our Jesus is the one who tipped Hip Hop guru Jay Z about Queen B, because my Jesus is Black like me!
Our PFSP makes it possible for poor power to become the power of the hour, by going to your computer and investing $1.00 in each of the entities listed below, so that when you read in the Bay View newspaper of our success or the jobs created by the Black Amerikans waiting to receive funds to begin putting all unemployed Black Family members to work building the kind of Blackenized Amerika we want, by using the principles of ethno-aggregation, immediately and continuously:
- PowerNomics Corporation of America, Inc.
- San Francisco Bay View National Black Newspaper
- Mound Bayou/Shelby Youth Development Fund
- Edward Pickney’s Black Family Recovery Plan
- Ethel Cain Russel’s POP Production Company
- UBUS Communications System
- The Black Armerikan Amateur Economic Sports Alliance BAAESA
- Ken Peterson Greenology Company
- I Am One in a Million
- NOI Three Year Economic Savings Program
- NAAFRA Perpetual Resource Treasury
- SIMS-Fannie Lou Hamer Museum
- Rosie Milligan’s Black Writers on Tour
- National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice
- Vickey Lindsey Project Cry No More
- The National Association of Brothers and Sisters In & Out
- Dickson’s RedTails Black Youth Aviation Academy
- Sisters of Empowerment, Inc.
- Sisters of Today and Tomorrow
Trained entrepreneurial youth future industrial owners
The above listed activities make up our 20 most worthy groups that made our list needing our family support, in order to meet the needs of our 20 listed activities. The NAAFRA staff has evolved a “Perpetual Financial Support Plan,” a system worked out to be affordable from the bottom upward, to remain for as long as these activities are in need of this system.
Our staff will go in fast track public relations work in order to make our total population aware of this doable plan to grow funds from the bottom upward bringing change to the lifestyles of our most impoverished families. Each adult family member is respectfully requested to use your computer to make a one-dollar investment to 10 activities you will commit your support to, while doing your very best to get your immediate and extended families to support your choice of activities to commit to supporting. This plan makes it possible for our family movement to inspire confidence in ourselves to bring forward the change we so desperately need.
NAAFRA Home Activity (Study)
The purpose of this carefully chosen preferred list of textbooks is to begin building a home library for the first step in a journey to build a national behavior of self-educating our families throughout the National Afrikan Amerikan Family Reunion Association, NAAFRA, in our homes with each member in attendance around the dinner table, where possible.
We must learn all about ourselves, in order to eliminate our weak habits that can, and often do, impede our ability to escape the evil tentacles of manmade poverty. These instructions are vital to the holistic survival of the Black Amerikan Family that daily seeks positive change in our lives – change that is 99 percent certain to come into the lifestyles of all family members that will make the commitment to implement this plan into your family daily
Behavior in your homes:
Who am I? What have I done? Where did I do it?
Answer: “A Black History Reader” by Dr. Claud Anderson.
How can I change the effects of slavery, Jim Crow, mass incarceration and our modern caste system?
Answer: “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness” by civil rights lawyer Michelle Alexander.
When are Black children ever going to be taught the truth about their greatness?
Answer: Now, in our home activity (study), beginning with the text “The Mis-Education of the Negro” by Carter Godwin Woodson.
What is the plan NAAFRA will use to escape the evil entrapments of manmade poverty?
Answer: Ethno-aggregation is the plan chosen because it is already a proven model used by ethnic, racial, religious and cultural groups to strengthen and self-empower their groups. Ethno-aggregation is different from segregation and integration. A full explanation is found in the text, “PowerNomics: The National Plan to Empower Black America” by Claud Anderson.
Black children throughout the Amerikan school system are being under educated, in addition to the mis-education that was exposed by Carter G. Woodson in 1933, still occurring in 2018. What, if anything can be done to put a stop to this condition?
Answer: To become a member in NAAFRA’S family movement is to agree to give 100 percent of your support to all programs set forth by the leaders of our membership. One of NAAFRA’S priority programs is the elimination of the undereducating of our children with our home activity program 24/7 immediately. This program will remain in place until our movement is strong enough and financially capable of establishing classrooms in our rising communities, using our own textbooks, such as “SBA: The Reawakening of the Afrikan Mind” by Asa G. Hilliard III.
One among many problems facing Black Family Amerika is a serious lack of knowledge concerning the truth about the founding slave masters and the government these slave masters called Amerika. As it relates to us, the Black Amerikans who were made IN AMERIKA, what’s our next step in this escape from doom?
Answer: Our next move as an organization that has as its mission to build the largest family movement of Black people with the commitment to shape our own destiny known to mankind. With our own minds, our own hands, our own families, our own churches, and through the spiritual influence of our ancient ancestors, and the continuing support of our Creator of origin. Begin with the text “What They Never Told You in History Class (Volume One)” by Indus Khamit-Kush. NOW!
Every ethnic group has the right to their own god. What they do not have is the right to impose their god upon others, as is the case of the Western man in his relationship to those he brought into the Western Hemisphere in chains. They came to the Black man’s continent with lies and evil orders from their corrupt religious leaders and greed imbued royalty that would kill their own people to gain or remain in power. To know the truth of who we are, how our religion came into the minds of our ancient ancestors, before there were others around, you need to own the text, “The Africans Who Wrote the Bible: Ancient Secrets Africa and Christianity Have Never Told” by Nana Banchie Darkwah, Ph.D.
Answer: Never in the farthest reaches of my mind did I imagine that there would come a book out of Arkansas, my state where I was born some 90 years ago. This book ws first made known to me by one of my beautiful great granddaughters, from my first grandchild. She found this book on her computer while searching for a list of new books she would recommend that I buy each month to be added to my personal library. Out of 24 great grandchildren, she is the only one who fully understands my hunger for the truth to unravel the lies, who has written about the Black Amerikan Family that will continue to be written by others. Lies are used to keep hidden the truth of Black Amerikans’ greatness.
Knowledge is a weapon in the hands of the Black Family. It can and will usher in a change that will no longer accept poverty as an inescapable incarcerated condition among Black Family Amerika. No longer will we stand idly by and witness the theft of our children’s potential for greatness by undereducating them. Our movement will make every effort to make certain the books are in their home libraries, full of facts they need in their minds to prevent them from having future greatness stolen from from our children right in their classrooms daily. How do we plan to end this crime against the Black Amerikan child?
Answer: The greatest theft against the Black man was the raping of our Motherland. Even before that period, the European Athenians under Alexander the Greek set out to steal the majestic accomplishments of our ancient Egyptian ancestors, found inside the covers of the text “Stolen Legacy: The Egyptian Origins of Western Philosophy” by George G.M. James. This is our starting place where our home activities study will begin teaching our children the identification of the thieves who have been stealing the Black man’s truth since ancient times to the present.
In my younger days as a military person, I attended Communication School at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois, where I experienced the pain of being undereducated throughout my public education school years. I was ill prepared for the course I was enrolled in. There is not space to relate how I came to be there at the time. I will just say that after integration in the military, schools that had once been for whites only were opened up to all military personnel. Although I know being undereducated caused me not to be qualified for this course, I refused to drop out.
My pride would not let me fail my wife, new baby girl, family and the president who made it possible for me to be in this course. So, I buckled down and burned many hours of midnight oil and made it through. What action am I prepared to take to end this evil behavior?
Answer: The most important thing we must do is to make certain the right textbooks become a part of our children’s lives. Thus, the building of home libraries is vital to ending the undereducating of our children. All I learned when I was studying that was identified as Amerikan and European actually was ancient Egyptian. Proof is found in the text, “THE ANKH: African Origin of Electromagnetism,” by Nur Ankh Amen.
The importance of using leverage power is illustrated 17 times in Professor Amos N. Wilson’s text, “Blueprint for Black Power,” a necessary tool to be used by powerless groups to effect change in relationship to very powerful groups. Professor Wilson makes it plain this is a weapon Black Amerikans should employ in dealing with oppression.
This tool of change is most effective when used by groups with large memberships – memberships that can enforce their word stop buying from or to boycott a car dealership or any business for unreasonably high finance charges. Thus, our NAAFRA family movement must all work hard to build our membership into the millions, to make our use of leverage a force to be reckoned with. What plans do we have in place to build our membership to the leverage numbers Professor Wilson suggests?
Answer: The first step is to make sure our members understand NAAFRA has a plan to bring forward change from the bottom upward, under the title, “ethno-aggregation,” a PowerNomics principle that is best defined as the voluntary concentration of individuals, resources and votes around a population’s common need to improve their economic and political competitiveness. This plan is found in two textbooks by Dr. Claud Anderson, “A Black History Reader” and “PowerNomics: The National Plan to Empower Black America.” Our members cannot learn this plan without these texts.
Part of the plan to bring change from the bottom upward is to get these text and others in the hands of our total membership immediately.
Closing remarks: I have lived my entire 90 years under a racialist system that at times presented itself as the greatest evil in existence, an evil that brought into existence a new ethnic group, the native Black Amerikan. The unspeakable evil blamed for this occurrence is the taking over the sacred reproductive systems of our slave foremothers to bring forth from their loins live human beings to be sold for profit and satanic entertainment.
From this evil, our God has spoken into the spirit of the evidence, the native-born Black Amerikan: This is your day, your time, to rise up like a phoenix of our ancient times, coming forward with the Black Family on one wing, the Black Church on the other, the Black Man as the lightning rod for positive change.
Included in this press release is our listing of 20 entities that will now have their own individual GO FUND ME ACCOUNTS that are computer compatible to receiving one-dollar donations. These donations are made possible for the impoverished families can help themselves to come up out of poverty and not stand around and let our beloved entity like the San Francisco Bay View National Black Newspaper go down for lack of support.
Our family members behind bars and our families locked in the grasp of poverty need this champion. As the founder of our family movement, it is my responsibility to fix this need with your help, Black Family Amerika. WHEN YOU SEE THIS 90-YEAR-OLD LEADER’S APPEAL IN THE BAY VIEW, START THE DOLLARS TO FLOWING IN!
Contact Dr. Donald R. Evans Sr. at 213-247-4189 or and learn more at