‘Afrikans deserve Reparations! Cause, Black lives truly matter! Asé.’
by Baba Jahahara Amen-RA Alkebulan-Ma’at
6258 AAC (June 2018 JC-PG)
Greetings of IMANI (FAITH) Esteemed G-o-ds, Co-conSPIRITors, and Brilliant, Bold and Beautiful Leaders,
May our Divine Mother-Father Creator of and in All find you and (y)our relations thriving and in healing Spirit. Asé.
At every opportunity, WE remember and honor our Beloved Ancients and Ancestors from yesteryears and yesterday. While celebrating the long-awaited release of political prisoner of war Baba Herman Bell at the end of April – from 45 years of torture and confinement – WE were informed of the tragic death of his dear wife NANCY JACOT-BELL, just two weeks later. WE praise Mama Nancy for her decades of advocacy, legal work and love on behalf of Baba Herman and all our unjustly-held revolutionary leaders. Our sacred-most thoughts and prayers are extended to Baba Herman, their son Kamel and the entire family. Asé.
On a much happier note, WE offer our CONGRATULATIONS to the San Francisco Community Development Corporation (SFHDC), for its 30 incredible years of community-building and work to battle poverty! Great applause also to our own Baba Willie and Mama Mary Ratcliff, publisher and editor of this San Francisco Bay View newspaper! They were honored by the SFHDC for their decades of service to our mostly Afrikan communities in San Francisco and around the Bay Area, as well as being a voice for those being terrorized behind the prison walls.
In a spectacular celebratory gala at the beautiful Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park, the Ratcliffs shared their inspiring, but often turbulent, journey of creating businesses, progressive political action and community empowerment programs… from Texas to Alaska to this land of Queen CALAFIA. WE are working to get and post the video from this event so that everyone who wasn’t in da house that night can view it.
Hosted by popular comedian and writer Brian Copeland, other honorees on this fabulous night included our great conscious songwriter, musician and no-shoe-wearin Michael Franti and his now expectant wife Sara Agah Franti; Kimberly Bryant and her precious daughter who inspired Black Girls Code; Perman Hardy, an Alabama community activist in da sho nuff Sisters’ voting effort which defeated then U.S. Senate candidate and Trump supporter Roy Moore; and other significant contributors. Asé.
Also, please join me in expressing Blessed Sacred B’EARTHday wishes this June to our incredible Afrikan visionary, professor, writer, radio host and Bay View arts columnist God(dess) Wanda Sabir. WE are wishing her a safe return to OHLONE/oakland after touring Alabama in our Black Belt South … as well as on the west coast of Alkebulan/Afrika. Send her some love at http://wandasabir.blogspot.com/ or wandasabir@gmail.com Asé.
As WE commemorate Juneteenth Freedom Day(s) again this year, it is always necessary to OVERstand the real Lessons in the Blessings (as my beloved God-Mother ELIZABETH ELIZANN OAKS-ARMSTRONG would often say).
While Juneteenth is possibly the oldest and largest commemoration of the “official” ending of the murderous war of enslavement, many of our people have never grasped its true origins and significance. For the record, Juneteenth dates back to 6115 Approximate Ancient Alkebulan/Afrikan Calendar (AAC)/1865 Julius Caesar-Pope Gregory XIII Calendar (JC-PG).
It is documented that though the previous President Lincoln had issued the so-called “Emancipation Proclamation” in 6112/ 22 September 1862 (finalized on 1 January 1863), more than three years earlier, this life-and-death order, and enforcement, somehow “didn’t get around to the brutal enslavers or the enslaved Afrikans in this part of (stolen) ‘Mexico’” (in the newly “conquered” state of Texas, as it came to be known).
WE, of course, find this completely unbelievable! Even in a period of time without a developed postal service, internet or the social media of today.
As it was, Afrikan people remained enslaved, tortured and robbed of the fruits of our labor for the benefit of the (“white”) European land-grabbers, planters and ranchers not only from 6113-6115/1863-1865 … but disproportionately impoverished, without land, imprisoned and murdered on the state’s death row to this very moment.
Therefore, the centuries-long wars of enslavement sanctioned by the 13 colonies and U.S. federal government, and its “inaction” in Texas (and other areas) that led to Gen. Gordon Granger’s “General Order 3” and our Juneteenth Freedom or Emancipation Day should be seen as another in a long series of horrific crimes against humanity, as the United Nations affirmed at our movement’s urging in 6241/2001. And, based on these injustices, the nations of our world, with the exception of the apartheid-like USA and state of Israel, concluded that Reparations are due!
In conclusion, WE ask our readers to consider the following questions: Do you celebrate Juneteenth? Why or why not? How do you celebrate? Are Reparations due to correct this and/or other crimes? How will WE get and achieve those Reparations?
UPDATE: In our May column, WE ran a photo from a decade ago featuring yours truly and San Francisco Bayview Hunters Point homeowner Elder Lawrence Jackson. Our non-profit solar company GRID Alternatives had just installed a free solar photovoltaic (electric) system on his roof.
Back then, WE were installing a few dozen per year, nearly all in the Bay Area’s so-called “toxic triangle” of Oakland, Richmond and BVHP. Well, here WE are a decade later, and GRID has just celebrated its TEN THOUSANDTH INSTALL! What an incredible achievement! Go to www.gridalternatives.com to see if your home qualifies for FREE solar; or, if you are interested in NO-COST training in solar basics, installations, energy efficiency and saving money on your utility bills.
WE also ran a photo of yours truly with “The Tree Lady,” Urban ReLeaf Founder/Director Kemba Shakur. To support, volunteer or build your skills through the Urban Forest Stewardship Program, go to www.urbanreleaf.org
Asante Sana (Many Thanks) for your review and positive responses. Asé. Amen-RA Hotep!
#BlackLivesMatter #AfricansDeserveReparations #FreeOurPeople #LoveandDefendMotherEarth
Jahahara is a Baba (Father), a “FREE-tired” community-labor-environmental and justice organizer, writer, musician and author of several books, including “Many Paths to Kujichagulia (Self-Determination).” Check out songs from his musical catalog at https://soundcloud.com/search?q=jahahara Reach him c/o support@africansdeservereparations.com or FONAMI, P.O. Box 10963, Oakland, CA 94610 usa.