by Paradise
Let me be the first to say it: Nia Wilson would be alive today if somebody else had been elected president in 2016!
The man arrested for Nia’s murder was not alone. He had an accomplice. The president was not there in person Sunday night, July 22, at the MacArthur BART subway station when Nia Wilson was brutally stabbed to death and her sister viciously attacked, but his spirit was.
The president’s slimy tentacles have reached out from the White House all across America, where his foaming at the mouth, maniacal rants and raves and spewing of venom and hate and hostility has spiked and emboldened hate crimes and hate groups throughout the land. The great anti-Christian, anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, anti-Native, anti-female, anti-ethnic, anti-African, anti-Asian, anti-soul and (when the Russians are involved) anti-American president is implicit in Nia’s death!
Arrest the president, sue the government!
What could motivate a young man to give up his whole life for a senseless local act of terrorism? Was this a kamakazi act for white supremacy?
Killing somebody with a knife is very personal, much more so than from a distance with a gun. Racism is a mental illness, but not an excusable one. It is choosing to be ill on purpose.
What else would cause such a cowardly, shameful and hateful action against complete strangers – against young women?
For 400 years Black people have tried to teach white people how to be civilized and human. But where do these racists keep coming from? After the racist “Birth of a Nation” film, the KKK reached a membership high of over 60 million. One wonders how many there are now?
The government decimated the Black Panther Party, which was organized for self-defense. But these national terrorists and hate groups continue to be allowed to fester and flourish, even though the government knows who and where they are.
There are people out there who are teaching their dogs and their children to rabidly hate Black people. There are hate camps where monsters like the Wilson sisters’ attacker are being stirred into frenzies of spiteful insanity!
Arrest the president. Sue the government.
Unconscionably, KTVU, Channel 2, Fox News, showed a picture of Nia brandishing a phone case that looked like a gun! To say what? that she deserved to be stabbed to death? Such behavior from a media group that reaches millions of viewers is also a sickness and mental illness that is inexcusable! And heads should roll.
The government decimated the Black Panther Party, which was organized for self-defense. But these national terrorists and hate groups continue to be allowed to fester and flourish, even though the government knows who and where they are.
America has been brandishing guns and at war with its citizens, native citizens and citizens of other countries and of color around the world, every moment since its inception.
Arrest the president. Sue the government.
Nia’s short life had a purpose. Her parents and the ancestors knew this when they gave her the name Nia, which is a Kiswahili word meaning purpose. Sisters on the street who are out there alone are complaining that in the current racist atmosphere, what Gil-Scott Heron would call a “Winter in America,” they are being harassed by emboldened acne faced punks.
Nia’s death and the near death of her sister, Latifah, is a shocking, cold water in the face wake-up call to Black people and Black women!
Let me give you a brief 70-year history lesson of what has systematically been going down in our lives and perpetrated against us – to this very day.
In the ‘50s and the ‘60s, the government started to implement welfare programs to provide food and shelter to the needy. Government cheese. But with one special clause, you could not share your shelter with others. In Black America this meant to Black women. “We will let you in, if you keep him out.”
Keep Black men out. This marked the very beginning of the proliferation of homelessness, the prison industrial complex and the decimation of the Black family unit. Divide and conquer.
Nia’s death and the near death of her sister, Latifah, is a shocking, cold water in the face wake-up call to Black people and Black women!
Phase Two: In the game of chess, the queens are the greatest threats against the kings – and their best protection. There is a reason the chess pieces are usually black and white.
Dr. Frances Cress-Welsing, in her exquisitely telling book on the games Anglo-Saxons play, “The Isis Papers,” says it’s a race game. In the Bible, the serpent got to Adam through Eve. Black women were and are being targeted …
In the ‘70s and ‘80s, the government stepped up its divide and conquer tactics with affirmative action and the woman’s movement. Government cheese.
Affirmative action was meant to appease the growing dissatisfaction of America’s women and minorities. A few doors were opened … but strategically. Black women filled two quotas: They were minorities and women. More Black women were invited into the workplace and the institutions of higher learning.
Tennis great, Serena Williams recently gave us a perfect example of what happens when society favors one gender over the other. When asked during an interview about her preference for men she basically said: What can a Black man do for me without a job or an education?
As if one’s social status were all that mattered. But some people have selective and short memories and math skills. Because the reason why Serena Williams can play tennis with the power of a Black man in a woman’s body is because of her father – a Black man!
If Serena’s mother had married Woody Allen or some other member of the Brady Bunch, she and her sister would have no tennis trophies and would not be sitting on top of the tennis world! But Muhammad Ali said it best before passing, “Black people are becoming just like white people!”
Divide and conquer. We will let you in, if you keep him out.
Any man who can still think objectively knows that humanity cannot advance without the advancement of women! However, the modern day, post ‘60s Women’s Movement was conspired to diffuse the Black Power and Civil Rights Movements and further decimate the Black Family unit. It is documented that some of the leaders of the Woman’s Movement were government agents.
And sisters of color found out when they joined the movement that it was really the “White” Women’s Movement – the same-o’, same-o’! Nevertheless, sisters of color brought the white grief, white agendas, slogans and lingos back home with them. Back to the hood. And brothers suddenly found themselves caught up in the “Battle of the Sexes”! And being called male chauvinists pigs!
But what happened to the Woman’s Movement during the 2016 elections? When white women all by themselves, just by their sheer numbers, could’ve put one of their sisters, a woman, in the White House! Instead the 2016 elections proved that the white Women’s Movement was a charade! They don’t eat the same mush they feed you.
Any man who can still think objectively knows that humanity cannot advance without the advancement of women! However, the modern day, post ‘60s Women’s Movement was conspired to diffuse the Black Power and Civil Rights Movements and further decimate the Black Family unit.
After 50 years of spending billions of dollars on women’s movement books, magazines, videos, seminars, workshops, women of color were betrayed! White women showed that when it comes to revitalizing white supremacy, they were single minded, there was no Battle of the Sexes with “their” man! And, worse, they put the poster boy for male chauvinist pigs in the White House! Hoodwinked, by the Roseanne Barrs, BarBQ Beckys and Permit Pattys!
Then came the ‘90s! The Battle of the Sexes in our communities started to pick up steam. Drugs were dumped in our communities, with guns and gangs. The War on Drugs (Black people) was in full effect.
Homeless and incarcerated brothers’ numbers were growing, from thousands, to tens of thousands, to hundreds of thousands, to (present day) well over a million! Gentrification made us a nomadic people and scattered us to the winds. It’s hard to build community without a home base.
Sisters were starting to get comfortable wearing the pants in the family. The Black Power and Black Love narratives began to change. New, vicious, hateful, self-loathing terminologies started to rear their ugly heads. We started to get comfortable calling each other the “N” word, the “B” word, crackheads, chickenheads, THOTs (that hoe over there) and Broke Azz Niggaz.
Brothers would do anything not to be considered by sisters as a B.A.N! Rob, steal, kill, just so they could show themselves on their Facebook profile pages with ill-gotten stacks of money!
Sisters, alone but dressed to the nines, not realizing they were being duped, began to boast to each other, brothers and anybody who would listen, “I don’t need a man!” Although what they really meant was, “I don’t need a Black man.” Because they were still relying heavily on The System (the Other Man).
Divide and conquer. The songs started to change. We went from singing love songs to each other like, “Aint No Mountain High Enough to keep me from getting to you …” to “Aint Nothing Going on but the Rent” and “What Have You Done for me Lately?” Then Tina Turner dropped the atomic bomb of capitalistic songs: “What’s Love Got to do with It?”
Imagine that, little Black girls singing and being taught to sing, “What’s love got to do with it?” all over America and the world. Little Black Girls who need love more than anybody else … being taught to reject the mere concept of love!
And one of those little Black girls who heard Tina’s anti-love anthem became one of her bad seeds! If not her baddest seed! Nicki Mirage, the Jezebel of the Juke Box! The Vulgar Vixen Vampire! The modern day Hottentot Venus!
Hottentot Venus was a voluptuous South African woman, otherwise known as Sara Baartman, who was tricked into going to Europe, where she was paraded around naked in cages to show off her large buttocks, breasts and labia. Nicki Mirage is a Hottentot Venus by choice.
One of the oldest war tactics is to first kill off the village males. Once you reach a critical mass of dead and dysfunctional males, then you can pillage and plunder the rest of the village, including the defenseless women and children. These spoils of war are, ironically, called BOOTY!
My brothers behind bars, you should see what’s going on out here in your absence. The most beautiful sisters in the galaxy are partnering up with the goofiest Gomer Pyles and the most sinister Forest Gumps! It’s a travesty and a tragedy! Off point! The Brady Bunch is getting that BOOTY because of the lack of functional Black Men available, which includes the current agenda of feminizing the Black male and making the Black female masculine! God!
Divide and conquer. We will let you in if you keep him out. Decimation of the Black family unit. Arrest the president. Sue the government.
These things really happened. All this attention paid to Black people in this country, who are only 12 percent of the population! Hair being flown into this country from all over the world to be put on sisters’ heads! Why? Because as sister Sophia Stewart said in her movie, “The Matrix” (before it was stolen), we are the “batteries” that fuel this economy, the engine that makes America go!
But, like the white supremacists, we need a singularity of purpose. Not necessarily Black supremacy. That comes naturally with knowledge of self. But Black unity!
Power comes from being focused, concentrating one’s forces and a singularity of purpose. Presently we are too scattered, confused and all over the place, tryin’ to be American, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hebrew, Democrat, Republican, Green, Feminist, LGBT, Hare Krishna, military, sports fan, college-New York-Paris bound etc. The reason they say traveling is a fool’s paradise is because all roads lead back to self. The pole star that remains in a fixed position – and consistently shines – causes the other stars to revolve around it.
But, like the white supremacists, we need a singularity of purpose. Not necessarily Black supremacy. That comes naturally with knowledge of self. But Black unity!
The only thing you need to know in the Bible are three words, “Ye are gods!” Or a few more that say the same thing in a different way: “Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven” and “The kingdom of heaven is within you.” Or as Marcus Garvey said, “Be Black, think Black and buy Black. And everything else will take care of itself.” You might as well be Black – and revel in it – because that’s how the world is going to treat you.
Serena Williams, in that same interview in 2004 where she was dissin’ Black men, said Black men would be obsolete in 10 years. Well, you were almost right, sista. But we still here. Isn’t it amazing?
I’m Fela Anikulapo Kuti. I’m still here. I’m Malcolm and Martin and Marley and Muhammad and Michael and Mandela and Marcus and Magic Johnson and the Moors. And I’m still here. I am Toussaint L’Ouverture and Steven Biko and Patrice Lumumba and Kwame Nkrumah and Nat Turner and Ankhenaton and Beethovan and Shakespeare and Krishna and Kryst and Adam. The first man. The original man. The alpha and omega man.
I’m that face on Mars, and when you look up into the night sky, my eyes are the stars. And I will always be here. And relevant. The Eternal Black Man. And that white boy you married is a Black man too. Just a very pale version of one.
We are going through the Middle Passage of Black male-female relationships and have suffered many casualties! Sixty thousand Black girls are missing, and America doesn’t seem to feel the pain. But we will not let you die in vain, Sister Nia. Our Nia, our purpose, is God’s purpose, and it will never die. Black people, it’s time to wake up and peep the game!
Paradise is president of the International Black Writers & Artists. He was honored with Paradise Day, Oct. 6, by Ron Dellums and the city of Oakland. Hear more of his work at