by Baba Jahahara Amen-RA Alkebulan-Ma’at
6259 AAC (January 2019 JC-PG)
Greetings of IMANI (FAITH) Esteemed G-o-ds, Co-conSPIRITors and Sister & Brother Leaders,
May our Divine Mother-Father Creator of and in All – and Beloved Ancients and Ancestors from yesteryear and yesterdays – find you and (y)our extended Family in sacred Spirit, healing and thriving. WE hope that your Holy season was/is enlightening, reflective, productive and fun. Asé.
Let us begin with final goodbyes to our dear Cousins ARCHIE LEE WINGFIELD in Hope, Arkansas, and WOODROW “WOODY” MANSFIELD in Kansas City, Missouri. WE join with our commUNITY in support of activist/artist G-o-d Cat Brooks during this transformation to Spirit of her dear Queen Mama KATHLEEN BROOKS. And, to the families of long-time local radio hosts and artists G-o-ds EMMITT POWELL and RAY TALIAFERRO. Finally, WE are grateful for one of my all-time favorite singers, “Fancy” NANCY WILSON, whose songbook (along with that of the great EDDIE JEFFERSON), i would interpret decades ago at jazz joints, particularly in Chicago and KC. Long Live the magnificent Spirits – and the incredible and unique Gifts – of these new Ancestors! Asé. Asé. Asé-O!!!
“WE defeated wicked popes and monarchies
Like crooked Napoleon and numerous imperialist armies
Using the Power of our Pan African Unity
Won independence from Angola to Ayiti (Haiti), and Zimbabwe to Libya
More than 500 Years of Fighting for Freedom!
More than Five Centuries of African Resistance!”
– From my song “More Than 500 Years of African Resistance!!!” © (P) Baba Jahahara 6258 AAC/2018 JC-PG
In 6259 (2019), WE acknowledge 400 years since the first known kidnapped African prisoners of war were enslaved in what became the “13 European colonies” and what i call the united capitalist prison terrorist states of america (ucptsa). According to several sources, these Africans were brought to and “sold” in what became the colony of “james-town, virginia” in August of 1619, on a European-English en$lavement ship called the “white lion.”
As the tale goes, the European-English pirates had robbed the European-Portuguese raiders on the en$lavement vessel “sao jao bautista” – which was a very common occurrence of these criminals to this day – seizing cargo and several dozen African-Angolan men, women and children. The capture and trade of human beings with Black skin on this continent marked a further expansion of the massive and worst crimes ever in our story of humanity, which had intensified on an even grander scale more than a century earlier! [i outlined a bit of this horror story in my soon-to-be reprinted 6239 (1999) book titled “DRIPPING WITH BLOOD! Europe/ucptsa’s First World War, Enslavement Maafa (Holocaust) and Gang Rape of the African and Indigenous Nations” (HOPE Publications).] This is also the region to which many Africans on this continent can trace their roots, including my own.
Going forward, look for a number of special events, publications and art commemorating this 400-year event in the coming months. i encourage our readers to study and research the “james-town” acts of terrorism and the significance of enslaved, viciously-bred and super-exploited African labor and intellect – as well as the robbery and genocide of the Indigenous nations – as the primary basis of creating the wealthiest empire our world has witnessed.
More importantly, i urge you and your organizations-institutions to join and help lead and build collective actions for our movements for Kujichagulia (Self-Determination), Freedom and Reparations in all its forms. Asé.
Building Greater Pan African Unity! Big UPS to all who gathered in December in Accra, Ghana (west Africa), for the “60th Year Commemoration of the All-African Peoples Conference/Pan African Federalist Movement Pre-Congress”! WE fully support the righteous call for building – from the grassroots to the highest plane – a true United States of Africa as worked for in the past by leaders such as MARCUS GARVEY, KWAME NKRUMAH, AMICAR CABRAL, THOMAS SANKARA, KWAME TURE, WINNIE MANDELA, FIDEL CASTRO-RUZ, HUGO CHAVEZ-FRIAS, MUAMMAR GADDAFI, ELOMBE BRATH and so many others.
As this Pan African initiative develops, WE will certainly advocate that a truly independent United Afrikan States effort must be centered around:
- Total rejection and immediate removal of the so-called “AFRICOM,” or Africa Command, a joint usa-European military effort to further bombard, set-up bases, rob and re-colonize our Mother Continent!
- Fair Trade for Africa’s majority … not the exploitive “free trade agreements” which extract Africa’s people and resources to benefit the corporations and elite of Europe, ucptsa, China, Japan, Africa etc.
- Continuing our demands for Reparations Now! (including land for the people, cancellation of the odious “debt,” return of stolen African treasures etc., etc.).
You can connect with the new effort c/o or
A HOLLA 4 OUR SCHOLARS! CONGRATULATIONS … to the outstanding scholar-athletic Warriors and their teachers, coaches and administrators at McClymonds High School in west Oakland on their 3-PEAT in winning the California Interscholastic Federation state football championship! Also, to our scholar-athletic Eagles of Oakland’s Laney College and their supporters who soared to their first-ever California Community College Athletic Association’s football title. Keep on studying, my young Brothers! And, achieving at the highest levels! WE are so proud of and support each of you! Asé.
KICK-OUT THE PIMPS, aka “raiders”! For decades, the owners of this franchise, the Davis family, have hustled the people and public treasury of Oakland, Alameda County, Los Angeles, the state of California, and now, the taxpayers of Las Vegas and the state of Nevada. When i first moved to the Bay Area from Chicago in the mid-6230s (1990s), i was honored to represent and negotiate on behalf of thousands of public sector workers in Oakland and the County of Alameda. At that time Highland and Fairmont hospitals, as well as several public clinics were being threatened with closure, and the potential loss of hundreds of necessary and living wage jobs, due to a supposed $70 million dollar.
WE researched and exposed that the County and City had just spent tens of millions of dollars in building a new jail (Santa Rita), where i also represented staff members. In addition, the misguided elected, desperate and in some cases, corrupt officials had approved spending hundreds of millions of dollars on reconstructing the Oakland (now Oracle) Arena for the Warriors, who were playing in San Jose at that time; and, then a couple hundred million dollars more to please and renovate the Coliseum for the gangster NFL business that had abandoned Oakland and Alameda County decades prior (for 10 to 13 days a year, at most).
As the robber-raiders prepare to run-out-of-town again, WE residents are stuck with the bills. WE do applaud the current city council and board of supervisors for not succumbing to their demand for a new stadium; and, for taking these profit-hungry enterprises to court to get some of our deserved funds back. Asé.
On 15 January, WE commemorate the 90th sacred B’EARTHday of our great Ancestor, Rev. Dr. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. In past years, i have held “Cash the Check” events in Chicago, Oakland, San Francisco, Berkeley, San Diego, Brooklyn and at Harlem’s (New York) ARTURO SCHOMBURG Library to collectively celebrate, read, discuss and plan actions around Dr. King’s most famous speech, aka “I Have A Dream.” Since i will be traveling this month, please consider hosting your own “Cash the Check” action and sharing dialogue around this and other works by MLK Jr. Asé.
Please join the Anti-Police Terrorist Project on Monday, 21 January 2018 (my 66th sacred arrival day) for the 5th Annual PEOPLE’S MARCH TO RECLAIM Rev. Dr. MARTIN LUTHER KING’s RADICAL LEGACY! The rally begins at 11 a.m. at OSCAR GRANT Plaza, in front of Oakland City Hall at 14th & Broadway, with a march in the streets to follow. Asé.
Finally, but just as critically, please make a much-needed contribution of any amount, place an ad, or subscribe now for yourself or an incarcerated family member … which will help keep our San Francisco Bay View in print and distributed throughout the Bay Area and around the ucptsa (including to numerous prisons where WE are not banned). Your donation will also allow us to update our website. Call us at (415) 671-0789; or send donations to 4917 Third Street, San Francisco, CA 94124. Asé.
Asante Sana (Many Thanks)! Amen-RA Hotepu! Ase’-O!
#BlackLivesMatter #AfricansDeserveReparations #FreeOurPeople #LoveandDefendMotherEarth
Jahahara Amen-RA Alkebulan-Ma’at, fka European enslavement name “James Armstrong,” is a Baba (Father), a “FREE-tired” community-labor-environmental and justice organizer, writer, musician and author of several books, including “Many Paths to Kujichagulia (Self-Determination).” Take a listen to songs from his musical catalog, including the new “500 YEARS OF AFRIKAN RESISTANCE!!!” at Reach him c/o or FONAMI, P.O. Box 10963, Oakland, CA 94610 usa.