Alkebulan-African HERstory and International Women’s Month Afrikans deserve Reparations! Cause, Black lives truly matter! Asé

by Baba Jahahara Amen-RA Alkebulan-Ma’at

Oakland-Teacher-Strike-OEA-Pres-Keith-Brown-leads-striking-teachers-students-parents-supporters-in-march-from-City-Hall-to-OUSD-HQ-by-Jahahara-web, Alkebulan-African HERstory and International Women’s Month Afrikans deserve Reparations! Cause, Black lives truly matter! Asé, Culture Currents
Baba Keith Brown, President of the Oakland Education Association, leads striking teachers, students, parents and community supporters in a march from City Hall to Oakland Unified School District offices. Our teachers, residents and other unionists demand smaller class sizes, medical and counseling services for our students and living wages in our rapidly gentry-fying town. – Photo: Jahahara Alkebulan-Ma’at

6259 AAC (March 2019 JC-PG)

Greetings of IMANI (FAITH), Esteemed G-o-ds, Co-conSPIRITors, Sister and Brother Leaders,

May our Divine Mother-Father Creator of and in All – as well as Beloved Ancients and Ancestors from yesteryears and yesterdays – find you and (y)our extended Family thriving and in sacred healing Spirit. Asé.

WE remember the brave Founders, Officials and Ancestors, as well as applaud the ongoing efforts, of our Republic of New Afrika – Provisional Government. The 51st Annual Black Nation Day! commemoration will be held from 29-31 March 2019 in MedgarEversville, aka Jackson, Mississippi. More info at FREE THE LAND! REPARATIONS NOW!

Oakland-Teacher-Strike-Kamau-Bell-host-of-CNN’s-United-Shades-of-America-supports-Oakland-teachers-by-Jahahara-1, Alkebulan-African HERstory and International Women’s Month Afrikans deserve Reparations! Cause, Black lives truly matter! Asé, Culture Currents
Baba Kamau Bell, host of CNN’s “United Shades of America,” supports Oakland teachers. – Photo: Jahahara Alkebulan-Ma’at

WE honor several recently departed souls, including: Elder RAYFORD “MISTER SUGAR RAY” HARRIS, JR, who was one of the first public bus drivers of African ancestry in Kansas City, Missouri; educator and scholar extraordinaire Dr. BARBARA E.M. CANNON in Oakland; the beloved Queen Mother of Stephanie Shoffner, Director of the Lorraine Hansberry Theater; the People’s Attorney, JEFF ADACHI, who helped bring justice to so many, and exposed the horrific abuse and corruption in the police department, as San Francisco’s dedicated Public Defender for nearly two decades; and FRANK ROBINSON, one of my top seven baseball players ever, in addition to being the first African given the opportunity by the white-supremacist “owners” to manage a major league baseball team. Mr. Robinson is representative of numerous strong, principled and accomplished men and women who attend(ed) McClymonds’ High School, here in West Oakland.

Our commUNITY, in Northern and Southern California, is mourning the tragic murder of VICTOR MCELHANEY. Brother Victor is our Young (just 21), Gifted, Black and Beautiful Sun of our dear friends God(dess) Lynette Gibson-McElhaney and Baba Clarence McElhaney. God(dess) Lynette is also our councilperson here in Oakland’s 3rd District. Brother Victor was an extremely talented and evolving musician studying at the University of Southern California, in Los Angeles. Please continue to celebrate Brother Victor’s incredible Spirit and accomplishments! And, his parents, Family and peers deserve (y)our heartfelt sacred thoughts and healing prayers. Stop the Self-Hate and Killing! Increase the Knowledge and Healing! Reparations Now! Asé,

Clarence-McElhaney-Oakland-Councilperson-Lynette-Gibson-McElhany-son-Victor-McElhaney, Alkebulan-African HERstory and International Women’s Month Afrikans deserve Reparations! Cause, Black lives truly matter! Asé, Culture Currents
Parents Baba Clarence McElhaney and Oakland Councilperson Lynette Gibson-McElhany join their 21-years-old son, Victor McElhaney, for a game of pool at a happier time. Victor, a budding musician and USC student, was murdered in Los Angeles.

Long Live the Spirit of All Our Great Ancestors! Asé. Asé. Asé-O!!!

Alkebulan-African HERstory and International Women’s Day/Month

In March, our focus is on recognizing the great work, contributions and leadership of our women and girls. And not just for past accomplishments. But for women’s continuing visionary role in creating the equal, prosperous and just society that WE are building. For decades, WE commemorated the 8th of March as International Women’s Day. However, like February’s Negro (Black, African) History (Heritage and Future’s) Week, initiated by the great Dr. CARTER B. WOODSON, International Women’s Day was also expanded into an entire month.

Oakland-Teacher-Strike-Toussaint-Haki-Stewart-teacher-owner-of-Oakland-Pesto-Co.-0219-by-Jahahara-web, Alkebulan-African HERstory and International Women’s Month Afrikans deserve Reparations! Cause, Black lives truly matter! Asé, Culture Currents
Baba Toussaint Haki Stewart, Oakland teacher, fellow vegan and owner of An Oakland Pesto Company marches for better schools in our city. – Photo: Jahahara Alkebulan-Ma’at

Now, let’s set the record straight. i often hear uninformed comments like “they gave Black people the shortest month.” No, our movements of workers, activists and scholars determined that a day or a week was too limiting. So, WE evolved the specific celebration, commemoration, planning and evaluation efforts. Same with International Women’s Day to Month. Furthermore, though WE have extra-special events throughout the year, such as African Liberation Day/Month each May, this does not mean that WE discontinue our individual and collective actions the rest of the year. Simply put, most of us don’t celebrate our Arrival or Birth Days every day of the year. But, indeed, many of us do give Gratitude for each new day that WE are blessed to awake and continue doing our life’s work. Asé.

So, during March, and in the months and years that follow, i encourage each of us, especially WE men and boys of Alkebulan-African ancestry, to do several things to continue re-educating ourselves and showing support for our movements to overturn HIStoric patriarchy, capitalist oppression of women, white supremacy and racism, violence and abuse (sexual and otherwise). In addition, WE need to look for additional ways to connect more deeply with our dear (Grand) Mothers, wives, (Grand) Daughters, partners, leaders, comrades, co-workers, classmates, etc.

Jahahara-Dolores-Huerta-at-screening-of-Carlos-Santana’s-film-about-her-0319-by-Jahahara-web, Alkebulan-African HERstory and International Women’s Month Afrikans deserve Reparations! Cause, Black lives truly matter! Asé, Culture Currents
The great visionary and organizer Dolores Huerta with Baba Jahahara at the movie in her honor, produced by the generous musician and San Francisco native Carlos Santana. Queen Warrior Dolores will turn 89 on 10 April, and WE are requesting Governor Newsom to declare it “Dolores Huerta Day” in her honor. Asé. – Photo: Jahahara Alkebulan-Ma’at

Some key women in my networks have expressed the need for WE males to do more:

  1. Listening sessions, collective and individual, and discussions with women and girls about their interests, priorities, challenges, fears etc.;
  2. Reading books about the development of slavery-colonialism-capitalism and its “devaluation” of women and the forced double-labor, as well as works by or about one or more of our many wise African and female leaders, past or present, such as HARRIET TUBMAN, SOJOURNER TRUTH, IDA B. WELLS, CALLIE HOUSE, AMY GARVEY, QUEEN MOTHER AUDLEY MOORE, CLAUDIA JONES, ELLA BAKER, CHARSHEE MCINTYRE, FRANCES CRESS WELSING, WINNIE MADIKIZELA (MANDELA), YURI KOCHIYAMA, Assata Shakur, Angela Davis, Kathleen Cleaver, Barbara Ransby and many, many more;
  3. Researching and studying the depths of contemporary patriarchy, women’s oppression, male domination and specific remedies and best practices to address and overcome – like, say, the City of Joy in D.R. Congo or the more democratic efforts in Rwanda’s Legislature;
  4. Participating in women-led events and actions, especially ones that promote independence, self-determination, self-defense, true equality, full healthcare rights and access, pay equity, affirmative action, specific reparations etc.);
  5. Getting out of women’s way when requested (meaning leaving the building when asked so that women can discuss freely);
  6. Taking on more responsibilities in home-care, child-rearing, food prep etc. in both our communal and individual settings;
  7. Much more to be determined and offered in this forum in future months … As always, your wisdom, experience and suggestions are most welcome. Asé.
Dorothy-Burnham-104-of-anti-lynching-We-Charge-Genocide-campaigns-daughter-Linda-Burnham-granddaughter-Ilyana-great-grandson-‘Action’-Jackson-by-Jahahara, Alkebulan-African HERstory and International Women’s Month Afrikans deserve Reparations! Cause, Black lives truly matter! Asé, Culture Currents
One of our very wise, visionary and supreme organizers for human rights is Queen Warrior Dorothy Burnham. She and our beloved Ancestor LOUIS BURNHAM carried forth revolutionary work for many decades in the anti-lynching and WE CHARGE GENOCIDE! Campaigns … with the likes of WILLIAM and LOUISE PATERSON, JOHN PITTMAN, PAUL ROBESON, W.E.B. DuBOIS, JAMES MALLOY, HARRY HAYWOOD and so many, many other contributors. Here’s Queen Mother Warrior Dorothy with her daughter Linda Burnham, an outstanding organizer and contributor in her own right, grand-daughter Ilyana and great-grandson (Action) Jackson. WE are celebrating Mama Dorothy’s amazing 104 YEARS on this 24th March. Asé. – Photo: Jahahara Alkebulan-Ma’at

CONGRATS to The Final Call, Charlie, Boots, Kap and ER!!!

CONGRATULATIONS (!!!)… to The Final Call, weekly newspaper of the Nation of Islam, on 40 years of continuous publishing. The publication was initiated by Elder Minister Louis Farrakhan in February 1979 to continue the legacy of our great Ancestor Minister ELIJAH MUHAMMAD, and to rebuild the NoI and the previous Muhammad Speaks after his passing. WE are proud to have been a supporter of this important community vehicle for decades.

It has been our pleasure to work with and share stories and press releases with the staff, editors, including Ancestor ABDUL WALI MUHAMMAD and James Muhammad, and other contributors. And one of my highest honors was to have my photo appear on the cover page of The Final Call in recognition of our life’s calling for REPARATIONS NOW! at the United Nations’ European headquarters. Please continue to support these truth-tellers by picking up copies from one of thousands of independent street distributors; taking out a subscription to the paper; or going online at

Jahahara-Rev.-Deborah-Lee-dir.-Interfaith-Movement-for-Human-Integrity-Pierre-Labossiere-at-Day-of-Remembrance-of-Japanese-internment-0219-by-Jahahara-web, Alkebulan-African HERstory and International Women’s Month Afrikans deserve Reparations! Cause, Black lives truly matter! Asé, Culture Currents
Baba Jahahara, Rev. Deborah Lee, director of Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity, and Pierre Labossiere, co-founder of Haiti Action Committee and Haiti Emergency Relief Fund, reconnect after annual sacred Day of Remembrance for Japanese-American families unjustly criminalized, tortured, robbed and herded into concentration camps by President F.D. Roosevelt and the usa government, during the 1940s. This year, Baba Pierre was asked to participate in the ceremonial candle-lighting. In past years, Baba Jahahara was invited by our beloved new Ancestor MARY “YURI” KOCHIYAMA and Japanese-American reparations leaders to light a candle based on their mutual support for each other’s movements for redress. – Photo: Jahahara Alkebulan-Ma’at

CONGRATS … to activist, solidarity worker, writer and artist Charlie Hinton on coming back strong from a major battle with cancer!!! He is now planning to pick-up on his incredible play, “Solitary Man,” about prisoners detained at Pelican Bay and other torturous “shu” institutions.

Last year, Charlie and fellow actor-musician Fred Johnson did several critical benefits to raise desperately-needed funds for our Bay View newspaper and other worthy causes. The next performance will take place on Charlie’s birthday, 18 March 2019, 7 pm at the Berkeley Marsh Cabaret, 2120 Allston Way (1 block from the Downtown Berkeley BART). “Solitary Man” will be followed by a no-host bar and performance by the City Jazz group. Call 415-282-3055 or visit Charlie’s new website at

CONGRATS (!!!) … to Brother Raymond “Boots” Riley of Oakland and his group The Coup on the nomination of “OYAHYTT” from the “Sorry to Bother You” film as “Best Song” at the 2019 Academy Awards, aka “Oscars.” This song was ranked number 5 of the 15 selected. Boot’s film also won the Independent Spirit Award’s “Best First Feature Film” category, which preceded the “Oscars-still-so-white” event.

Quite significantly, Boots used his acceptance speech to highlight the need to express the class struggle of working people and communities in the arts; and he courageously condemned the Republican-Democrat parties’ coup attempts to overthrow the elected socialistic government in Venezuela to regain control of that nation’s immense oil reserves.

See our “NO BLOOD FOR OIL! Keep the imperialist corporations’ hands off Venezuela’s wealth!” segment in last month’s Bay View (February 2019). To stay abreast of this worsening situation and ways to protest the Trump-Pence-Republican-Democratic parties corporate-imperialist war plans please visit or

CONGRATS (!!!) also to Brothers Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid on securing a satisfactory settlement of their exclusion and collusion “white-balling” case against the wealthy super-exploiters of the “non-profit” industry known as the National Football League (NFL). As you surely know, Kap and E.R. began kneeling during the playing of the “star-spangled banner” in protest of police murdering African people with no repercussions and centuries of usa oppression of Black people.

Gratitude to our beloved JOYful Queen for Gifting me a powerful 777Kaepernick jacket for my 65th solar return last year. It was produced by the east coast designer Art God, aka Da Real Icon. Having sat down, or turned my back, on the ucptsa’s “national anthem” and “pledge of allegiance” since my high school days in the early 1970s, i have worn it with great pride. Asé.

Jahahara-sports-7-Kaepernick-jacket-back-by-Jahahara-web, Alkebulan-African HERstory and International Women’s Month Afrikans deserve Reparations! Cause, Black lives truly matter! Asé, Culture Currents
Baba Jahahara sports 777Kaepernick jacket by Art God, aka Da Real Icon. – Photo: Jahahara Alkebulan-Ma’at

Asante Sana to Our Readers and Contributors

WE are so appreciative to those of you who have made a much-needed contribution to our San Francisco Bay View newspaper, placed an ad, or taken a subscription for yourself or an incarcerated family member. Certainly, this is helping keep the paper in print and distributed FOR FREE throughout the Bay Area and around the ucptsa – including to numerous prisons where WE are not currently banned. To make a donation, call us at (415) 671-0789; go to our website at or send contributions to 4917 Third St., San Francisco, CA 94124. Asé.

#BlackLivesMatter #AfricansDeserveReparations #FreeOurPeople #LoveandDefendMotherEarth

Jahahara Amen-RA Alkebulan-Ma’at, fka European enslavement name “James ‘Harry’ Armstrong,” is a Baba (Father), a “FREE-tired” community-labor-environmental and justice organizer, writer, musician and author of several books, including “Many Paths to Kujichagulia (Self-Determination).” Take a listen to a few songs from his musical catalog, including the new “500 YEARS OF AFRIKAN RESISTANCE!!!” at Invite Jahahara to present at your group, school or event c/o or FONAMI, P.O. Box 10963, Oakland, CA 94610 USA