Imam Jamil Al-Amin denied cataract surgery – Call Bureau of Prisons

H.-Rap-Brown-to-Imam-Jamil-composite, Imam Jamil Al-Amin denied cataract surgery – Call Bureau of Prisons, Abolition Now!
H. Rap Brown was so influential and so feared by the US government that a law was named after him, criminalizing crossing state lines to incite a riot. Decades later, after he had established a mosque and become an imam and a pillar of his ‘hood in Atlanta, the FBI, still determined to silence him, framed him and sent him to federal prison nearly 20 years ago, moving him from one supermax to another, hoping we would forget about him. We have not – and will not!

by the Imam Jamil Action Network

We have been informed by Imam Jamil (H. Rap Brown) that he is suffering from cataracts and is being denied immediate treatment to relieve him of this burden. Imam Jamil is 75 years old and has been incarcerated for going on 20 years even though the facts of his case prove his innocence.

We waged a campaign against the Federal Bureau of Prisons previously when Imam Jamil was diagnosed with Smoldering Myeloma and was being denied treatment. This was attempted assassination by medical neglect.

Now we have to call out the BOP again to get this man, who has been at the forefront of the struggle of human rights since his teenage years, the treatment that he is owed. This is a campaign to bombard the BOP with phone calls and emails as advocates on behalf of Imam Jamil.

Please call the following number: 520-663-5000. This is the number to the facility in Tucson. Imam Jamil is currently held at the SuperMax Unit at the USP Tucson in Arizona.

The receptionist will answer and then ask which prisoner the caller is calling about. The caller should give Imam Jamil Al-Amin’s last name, spelling it out if necessary, and then give them his inmate number, which is 99974-555.

The email is

Please ask 10 friends, co-workers and family members to call at least 10 times – or until you get word to stop.

While our ultimate goal is to get him exonerated and released, we want him to be moved closer to his family and lawyers, preferably to Georgia or the Southeastern portion of the US. Any relevant info can be found on the Facebook page of Imam Jamil Action Network or Peace and blessings.

“Blessed are those who struggle, oppression is worse than the grave, better to die for a noble cause than live and die a slave.” – The Last Poets, a favorite quote of Imam Jamil Al-Amin aka H. Rap Brown

Thank you and may you be blessed for all you do.

Imam Jamil Action Network

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