‘Reversing the Outmigration’ is a project allowing Black journalists to examine the myriad issues affecting the Black community in San Francisco, in collaboration with SF African American Chamber of Commerce President Fred Jordan
by Kevin Epps
San Francisco is a city that prides itself on its diversity and inclusion, a city that’s been unconditionally loved by the Black community, but has not given the Black community any love back. From the historic Fillmore district to Bayview Hunters Point, the Black community contributions have been immeasurable.
Today the City’s Black population stands at a dizzying 3-5 percent, down from 13 percent in 1980 – leaving us with the smallest Black population and the fastest exodus of any big city in America.
However, it’s not by accident; it’s by design. When you look at the implicit bias and deliberate decisions that have devastatingly displaced long-time Black residents and businesses, it’s crystal clear that San Francisco’s exclusion of Blacks from community and business decision making has been conscious and catastrophic: the disproportionate number of Blacks in the criminal justice system, 50 percent, the highest proportion of the homeless population, 37 percent, the closing of Black-owned businesses at alarming rates, the lockout of Black contractors and construction workers, the highest unemployment rate.
The greatest disparity in annual median household income: Blacks, $29,500, next to whites, $104,300. Need I say more? It’s time to sound the alarm about human rights and civil rights violations of epic proportions.
In “Reversing the Outmigration,” Black journalists will explore these atrocities: It’s not business as usual no more. You have a city of immense economic, social, cultural and many other rich contributions that are the result of the Black community labor, creativity and artistic talents, with nothing to show in return. San Francisco mistreatment of the Black community is akin to a slavocracy. Reparations now!
Kevin Epps is an award-winning filmmaker, activist, author and Dad. He lives and works in San Francisco. He can be reached at kevepps@gmail.com. Visit www.kevepps.com and follow him on Facebook: Kevin Epps, Instagram: Kevin Epps1 and Twitter, Kevin Epps.