Flexing our power on May First: International Workers’ Day! Continuing unity-building throughout African Liberation Month!
by Baba Jahahara Amen-RA Alkebulan-Ma’at
6260 AAAK/ May 2020 JC-PG
Africans Deserve Reparations! Cause, Black Lives Truly Matter!
Greetings of IMANI (FAITH) Esteemed G-o-ds, Elders, Sister and Brother Leaders,
May our Divine Mother-Father Creator of and in All – and beloved Ancients and Ancestors from past millennia, yesteryears and, literally, yesterday – find you and (y)our extended Family healthy and staying positive during these extraordinary crises in our story of humane-ity. Sacred prayers to, and supportive actions for, everyone, including: those sacrificing and working hard to serve us; who have lost their job and source of income; and, to all who have tested positive for the covid-19 virus, suffered from other illnesses, had loved ones become ill or, worse, suffered the ultimate tragedy.
WE pay our immense respect and gratitude for several notable humane beings who recently transformed to our Spiritual Realm. i begin by honoring our beloved cousin, TOMMIE “MISTER” MORRISON JR. Asé. DONNA STEWART, a former high school classmate who started out as a reporter in 1977 and decades later became the editor, publisher and owner of the now 101-year-old The Call newspaper in Kansas City, Missouri, one of the most widely-circulated African American publications in the mid-west. Asé.
PHILIP RANDLE, a life-long friend and team-mate. Asé. Rev. Dr. BILLY BIRMINGHAM, who contracted and succumbed to the virus while saving lives as a dedicated EMT. Asé.
Our great composer and professor Baba ELLIS LOUIS MARSALIS, JR., who, with his late wife Mama DOLORES FERDINAND MARSALIS, raised six accomplished Suns – Branford, Wynton, Ellis III, Delfeayo, Mboya and Jason – as well as positively-influenced numerous youthful musicians in New Orleans and around the world. Asé.
Brother Minister ABDUL-HAFEEZ MUHAMMAD, fka Kevin Muhammad, who led the Nation of Islam’s famed Temple Number 7 in Harlem, New York, where Ancestors and Ministers MALCOLM X, KHALID ABDUL MUHAMMAD and others served nobly. Asé. TONY HALL, Trinidadian playwright, filmmaker and director. Asé.
STEVEN TAYLOR, who was murdered by brutal police at a Walmart here in California’s Bay Area while suffering from untreated mental health issues. Asé. And, Baba MILTON MCGRIFF of Philadelphia, a fellow activist, Reparationist and past National Co-Chair of our N’COBRA. Asé.
WE are so grateful for the incredible lives and contributions of these new and All of our incredible Ancestors. May Their Work and Memories Continue to Inspire Us … For Generations! Asé. Asé. Asé-O!
WE are the ‘eight ball’
i’ve had nicknames a-plenty over the decades. Some were super-cool, like “Chocolate” by little girls and, as i grew older, from grown women. Or “Natural High” from some street cats who initially thought my immense energy and positive attitude were due to some foreign substance. Others were self-hating put-downs by some misguided relatives and friends who wanted to ridicule me for my naturally deep, rich melanin. Like “Mid-night,” “Night-time,” “Blue,” “Purple,” “Black Angus” and “Oil Can.” Or, “Moon-shine,” “Bubbles,” “Frog,” “EYESenhower” (for a former President) and “EYESwald” (for the alleged assassin of another President) for my big round n’ brown peepers.
Since a lot of WE then teenagers liked to shoot pool, my father, CLEVELAND LEE “Da Deacon” ARMSTRONG SR., decided to buy a pool table to keep his six boys and their friends out of the local joints. That’s when some folks started calling me “Eight-Ball.” Not solely based on me being an excellent player, which i was, and still am. But, again, for my highly-melaninated complexion.
Which brings me to our theme for this month. Have you ever heard the term “caught behind the eight ball”? If you didn’t know, it’s another anti-Black saying which implies being in an extremely negative situation. Cause, what could be worse, some would reason, than to be in back of the Black(s)? Especially, with the white (cue ball of) terrorist supremacy knocking you around. Trying to drop black, and all the colors, into the hole. So, that they could holler, “Game over!” And “win” again.
Well, in application to this major global imperialist monopoly capitalist (gimc) Spiritual, health, economic and political crises, African people in the usa are not just “behind the ‘eight ball.’” WE ARE, INDEED, THE EIGHT BALL! People of African ancestry, from New York to Chicago to New Orleans to east Ohlone-Oakland, are becoming infected and dying at incredibly disproportionate rates. The reasons are many, but can be traced to the continuing first world war of enslavement that brought us here, historical abuses, widespread discrimination, chemical modifications and ongoing state-sanctioned terrorist crimes against our humanity.
It should not be surprising that WE Black folks – who already suffer excessively higher rates of systemic dis-eases such as chronic impoverishment, multi-generational maladies, mass enslavement and incarceration, deep-seated mis-education and more than 500 years of the most intense trauma and long-standing stress – are now facing such dire and deadly outcomes.
WE are up against billionaire gimcs, such as “doctor” Bill “GMO” Gates, who are working feverishly to use their “pander-demic” to re-colonize our nations and control the labor, land and resources.
Those facts OVERstood, different remedies are necessary. Our starting point must be a just re-claiming of truth, justice, resources, re-education and healing. Meaning, REPARATIONS RIGHT NOW! While nearly every public official, including gimc Agent 45, has acknowledged that Africans in the usa are the most “at-risk,” WE still are the least tested.
Therefore, it’s on us to collectively seize the time, as Elder Bobby Seale directed, and demand immediate and preferably World Health Organization tests be made available now and at no cost. WE don’t want the current multitude of unreliable usa-corporate “procedures” that take anywhere from 1, 2, 7 or more days for results.
Second, of course, is for free quality medical care, with an assurance that our people will not be used as trials (“guinea pigs”) for vaccine development. And, third, since Africans are proportionately lacking in so many necessities of life, WE must heighten our demands and organizing for high quality nutrition, shelter, living wages, public transportation, educational opportunities, clean air and water, and justice on the streets, in the courts and out of the jails.
Finally, now is also prime time to heighten our collective discussions and action planning to expand movements to reach our Destinations of Self-Determination and Reparations!
Yes, Beloveds, WE can change these horrific war games! WE Blessed, bold, brilliant, beautiful and black Eight-Balls here in what’s now called the usa – as well as on our African continent and Diaspora – are already creating a new and better Way. But, WE are up against billionaire gimcs, such as “doctor” Bill “GMO” Gates, who are working feverishly to use their “pander-demic” to re-colonize our nations and control the labor, land and resources.
i am confident that in struggle and solidarity with all the other powerful colors of workers and under siege nationalities – like the Indigenous nations, LatinX population, immigrants and nations around the world who have also been beat-up and knocked into the holes by the white ball of terrorist supremacy and gimc – that WE will utilize our collective Power to claim some major and lasting Victories going forward! So, together, let’s continue our efforts to change the game! Asé.
Destination REPARATIONS!
As WE have expressed in our last few columns, our H.R. 40, “The Commission to Study and Develop Reparations Proposals for African Americans Act,” is at a critical moment. First introduced by Congressman and new Ancestor JOHN CONYERS JR., the bill was most recently sponsored by Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee of Houston in January 2019. With appreciation to our National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA), and many of you and your networks, WE now have more endorsers in the U.S. House of Representatives than ever before. But, WE need an additional 23 to reach our goal of 150 to force full hearings beginning this June(teenth).
So, once again, WE are calling on all Africans, as well as our true friends and allies, in San Francisco and the south bay to immediately call up Speaker Nancy Pelosi (at 415-556-4862 and 202-225-4965), as well as Rep. Zoe Lofgren (at 408-271-8700 and 202-225-3072), one of the designated Trump Impeachment Managers, representing parts of the south bay including San Jose. Tell them to endorse H.R. 40 right now!
Please note that due to the current pandemic, the 31st Year Annual National Convention of our National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA), scheduled for this June in Selma, Alabama, has been CANCELLED! WE will be holding a virtual conference gathering online. Tune in to our website for details; and, please become a member at www.ncobraonline.org. Of course, you can reach us locally at support@africansdeservereparations.com. With our collective actions and contributions, WE will soon reach our Goal and Destination of REPARATIONS RIGHT NOW! Asé.
WE still have much to be grateful for during this deadly pandemic and economic depression. PONGEZI to all the students who are completing their studies and graduating at every level. WE continue our campaigns to get you all the support you need going forward to achieve (y)our destiny. Asé.
PONGEZI to our Republic of Zimbabwe on 40 Years of Independence!!! End the usa Sanctions Now! CONTINUE TO FREE THE LAND! Asante Sana to Baba Abdul Haqq and the December 12th Movement for sharing the ZANU PF video message from H.E. President and Commander-in-Chief Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa. Asé. Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh6OXfmNOwY&feature=youtu.be.
CONGRATS to some of our truly inspirational composers, musicians, healers, teachers and African Kings and Queens, here in Ohlone/Oakland! For Baba Kev Choice (who i respectfully call the “Duke Ellington Maestro of Hip-Hop”), Baba Karega Bailey of Sol Development and others … in collaboration with our extraordinary creative Queen Warriors like Jennifer Johns, Ryan Nicole, Viveca Hawkins, et al … for producing their new album “Social Distancing” in the midst of this worldwide health pandemic, economic depression and fascistic capitalist responses. Asé. Go to https://soundcloud.com/kevchoice/sets/social-distancing-pre-release.
Please Support Our Bay View
During these unparalleled times, WE again appeal for your desperately-needed contributions to maintain our San Francisco Bay View newspaper. please, Please, PLEASE consider placing an ad, or taking out a subscription for yourself or an incarcerated family member. WE are struggling mightily to keep this voice of liberation in print and distributed FOR FREE throughout the Bay Area and around the united capitalist prison terrorist states of america (including to numerous penitentiaries where our Bay View is not currently banned due to our radical political stances and giving a voice to the voiceless). Make a tax-deductible donation ASAP by calling us at 415-671-0789. Or, go to our website at www.sfbayview.com. You can also send contributions the old-fashioned way by mailing a check or money order to 4917 Third St., San Francisco, CA 94124. Asante Sana (Many Thanks)! Asé.
#BlackLivesMatter #AfricansDeserveReparations #BringOurEldersHomeNow #AbolishPrisons #LoveandDefendMotherEarth
Jahahara Amen-RA Alkebulan-Ma’at is a Baba (Father), Pan Africanist, socialist, internationalist, “FREE-tired” community-labor-environmental and justice organizer, writer, musician, yogi, vegan and author of several books, including “Many Paths to Kujichagulia (Self-Determination).” He is also a Life Member, former National Co-Chair and recently-assigned Acting Western Regional Representative of the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA). Take a listen to a few songs from his musical catalog at, https://soundcloud.com/search?q=jahahara. Invite Baba Jahahara to present at your group, school, church or event c/o support@africansdeservereparations.com or FONAMI, P.O. Box 10963, Oakland, CA 94610.