by Britney Gulley
Our toughest battles in life involve our feelings and reactions. We’re all in a prison. Reality sets in. We feel alone. We feel helpless. We feel hopeless.
What are we to do now? How can we have hope in a hopeless place?
Some of us allow bitterness, resentment, feelings of abandonment, embarrassment, failure, shame or anger to rule over our minds – causing our hearts to be filled with many forms of toxins.
This fundamentally dictates our behavior. Our spirit is slowly injected with toxins and over time as we let certain negative emotions fester, they will erupt. What we allow inside must eventually come out, right?
Quick, short tempers, irritability, mood swings, antisocial behavior, loss of appetite, weight loss or gain, hair loss, unexplained pains and aches in the body, depression, inertia, the inability to forgive, the holding of grudges – sound familiar?
Our emotional instability, mental distress, spiritual darkness and physical well-being all have an effect on all the other emotions over time.
We’re all in prison – whether it be physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. A lost soul cannot be found or set free unless it is willing to give up the past, let go of its bondages and relieve itself of the unnecessary weight it is carrying.
We need to forgive ourselves, forgive others and ask others for forgiveness. These are steps toward healing and finding peace.
Negativity is venom to our spirit. Hatred poisons the soul. We must free our bodies from these ailments.
For example: If we were to get shot by a gun, we wouldn’t just put a band-aid on it, not see a doctor or get professional medical treatment, would we? No!
We would immediately seek accurate and adequate medical assistance.
If we were to try to heal that gunshot wound on our own, we’d probably make matters worse – causing infection, gangrene or worse.
So must we also seek the proper aid for healing methods to free ourselves and heal from emotional and spiritual disorder and infirmity. We must find positive channels to release those suppressed emotions. That is the key!
Exercising, listening to music, going outside to walk, getting fresh air or talking to a friend, meditating, practicing yoga, doing puzzles, drawing, writing, dancing, cooking, doing arts and crafts, reading or doing whatever hobby of choice you enjoy – utilize it to its fullest advantage to keep you on level ground.
How can we grow in a place where there is no room to grow? It’s in your will power!
Growth is progress regardless of the pace! We can also help out our fellow peers by making someone smile by simply telling them to “have a good day,” which can make a tremendous difference in a person’s day.
We’re all in prison – whether it be physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. A lost soul cannot be found or set free unless it is willing to give up the past, let go of its bondages and relieve itself of the unnecessary weight it is carrying that hinders progress.
Are you free?
Send our sister some love and light: Britney Gulley, 1601283, Lane Murray Unit, 1916 N. Hwy 36 Bypass, Gatesville, TX 76596.