by Charles Jordan
Please be advised: I am an elderly African American Black Male (AABM), Prisoner of Conscience (POC), serving my 48th year on a seven-years-to-life sentence. I have been eligible for parole since 1979.
On March 13, 2019, I made my 14th appearance before the parole board only to be denied three years for reasons that defy all legal, moral and logical reasons. Of course, there is always a reason for all things, so a better understanding of the BPH’s history, core values and beliefs will help to enlighten you on the arbitrary and capricious nature of the BPH decision-making process.
The following is a synopsis of why Blacks do more time than whites for the same crimes and is based on my empirical experiences and observations from within the bowels of the Prison Industrial Complex (PIC).
Racial profiling
This has always been a tool used by the BPH to deny parole to Blacks in disproportionate numbers compared to whites. This disparity has existed irrespective of the gravity of the offense, individual culpability or even the level of institutional achievement towards rehabilitation and reform. What may be surprising are the sources which influence the thinking and biases that fuel such profiling.
Institutionalized bias
Historically, the BPH panel members have been composed of ultra-conservative middle-class white reactionary males who hold core beliefs influenced by their required studies in the science of criminology. It should be noted, positivist criminology theories postulate, “Criminals are atavists from birth, hence throw-backs to an earlier stage of human evolution.”
The founder of the positivist theory in criminology is Cesare Lombroso, who believes: “Criminals are less highly evolved than law-abiding citizens and can be recognized by distinctive physical traits that he considered common among savagesand apes and the colored races,” from “Crime, Justice, and Society,” by Ronald J. Berger, Marvin D. Free Jr. and Patricia Searles, page 89.
Commissioners being exposed to such required studies in criminology are consciously and unconsciously applying these primitive, outdated theories on the job when they observe these physical traits in the AABMs who appear before them for consideration for parole. Interestingly, these theories are still being printed in college texts despite the fact they have been proven false.
In addition to board commissioners, law enforcement officers, psychologists, anthropologists and even the so-call professionals who do the Comprehensive Risk Assessments on POC(s) prior to BPH all get their background from reading the same biased theories in the textual materials.
The BPH commissioners regarded AABMs as an unpredictable threat to society based solely on the suspicion they were exposed to various degrees of Marxist-Leninist ideals, hence, never to be considered suitable for parole. Many viewed this form of McCarthyism as a latent form of ethnic cleansing and/or genocide by prison.
It should be no surprise when officials in law enforcement and the criminal injustice system appear to be directed to note the AABMs’ physical traits in their reports. In this writer’s most recent psyche evaluation it was casually reported that I have a “muscular build.”
In the George Floyd, Garner and Brown incidents, the police reports all mentioned to some degree the physical traits of the people in a way that suggested they were the subjects of biased training. Why should these officials be put in a position of authority in determining the life and freedoms of AABMs?
Political profiling
In the ‘60s, ‘70s and early ‘80s, the BPH secretly regarded POC (especially AABMs) as “undesirable radicals/political prisoners” as they were suspected of being indoctrinated by the Black Power and Prison Reform Movement inspired by George and Jonathan Jackson.
Actually, most everyone in the oppressed community during the ‘70s were sympathetic to the objectives of the Prison Reform Movement because they were considered very effective in paving the way for radical, positive changes, not only in the prison system, but the larger community as well.
The BPH commissioners regarded AABMs as an unpredictable threat to society based solely on the suspicion they were exposed to various degrees of Marxist-Leninist ideals, hence, never to be considered suitable for parole. Many viewed this form of McCarthyism as a latent form of ethnic cleansing and/or genocide by prison.
This program gave birth to the explosion in prison construction in the ‘80s. AABMs were being incarcerated in profoundly disproportionate numbers and the Davis administration compounded the oppression with a “no-parole” policy while other agents introduced special drug and gang laws resulting in a state of undeclared war on the Black community.
The Prison Industrial Complex
The undeclared war on the Black community gave birth to major changes to the demographics in prisons to the degree the average AABM prisoner was much younger with very little political, spiritual or moral consciousness. There was a gratuitous disdain for the old-school remnants of social-political consciousness, so they were labeled as some sort of mutagenic that represents a threat to the status-quo simply because they dared to survive the impossible.
The neo-misoneists (those with a hatred or fear of change or innovation) responded by locking most away in supermax dungeons for indeterminant periods of time. The new Generation X prisoners were used as agents for the state-sponsored diabolical slave machine, aka Prison Industry Authority (PIA), officially putting PIC on the map producing mega-bucks and making its presence felt all the way to Wall Street!
BPH on March 14, 2019, denied parole, yet they went on record stating: 1) Good parole plans; 2) Good marketable job skills; 3) Has community support; 4) No recent violence; 5) Commendable institutional accomplishments; 6) Is of an age less likely to reoffend; 7) We expect he would function within the law if released!
While the profits in PIA and associate industries have begun to show signs of decline in recent years, the PIC has become so ensconced in the economy that it is not in the best economic interest of the state to parole well-trained tools of the Neo-Slave Trade.
Arbitrary and capricious nature of the BPH
It is unfortunate, but in spite of the fact that over 800 prisoners such as myself have been forced to take full responsibility for crimes both the governor and legislators have determined we can no longer stand convicted of, we continue to be held via the dictates of the parole board, who somehow take our forced statements at the board and Comprehensive Risk Evaluators’ Reports to contradict the facts determined by the trial courts.
This exception to the word of law is being used to deny AABMs and POC the benefit of law as decreed in SB1437. It should be noted that SB1437 is only the most recent of seven laws of the land that say this writer should be released and/or have my conviction overturned:
1. The Wheeler Baston law against the use of an all-white jury.
2. MERD (Minimum Eligible Release Date), which says I have been eligible for release since 1979.
3. Youth offender should be released due to diminished capacity at time of the offense.
4. Elderly law: Those over 55 years are no longer a threat to society.
5. Compassionate release says those with terminal illness should not die in prison if they were not sentenced to death.
6. Cruel and unusual punishment: A half century of incarceration on a seven-years-to-life sentence is by law considered excessive cruel and unusual punishment, according to People vs. Palmer.
7. SB-1437: Only the actual trigger person found and determined by a trial court can be guilty of murder.
Note: The most recent BPH on March 14, 2019, denied parole for reasons that defy all legal and moral reasoning to the degree they went on record stating: 1) Good parole plans; 2) Good marketable job skills; 3) Has community support; 4) No recent violence; 5) Commendable institutional accomplishments; 6) Is of an age less likely to reoffend; 7) We expect he would function within the law if released!
That last acknowledgement is the “ultimate” qualification for release, yet they somehow concluded a finding of “unsuitable” for parole – defies logic!
Why defund the parole board
By now you may be thinking the aforementioned is enough reason to defund the BPH, but there is a more profound reason for an indictment to defund the BPH. On March 18, 2021, at 8:30 a.m., the BPH paneled by Commissioners Paul Michael Ruff, Patrick Reardon and Deputy D.A. Michelle Adamson at Mule Creek Prison granted parole to Mr. Eugene A. Allen, B-45816.
A February 2019 article by Prison Policy Initiative revealed a state-by-state grading system regarding parole. California received an F-.
Before I go any further, I want to make it abundantly clear this writer personally knows Mr. Allen and knows without doubt that he is long overdue and deserving of his freedom. Mr. Allen’s suitability is not at issue here. What is at issue here is the unsuitability of the BPH to serve and protect society! I will also state it’s my opinion the BPH did the right thing to grant Mr. Allen’s parole, but what is in dire need of review is the reason the BPH granted parole to Mr. Allen.
A careful review of all the factors the BPH has been appointed to consider in finding a person suitable for parole will reveal in no uncertain terms beyond a shadow of a doubt to a moral certainty that the BPH did not rely on any of the factors tending to support suitability, but rather relied almost exclusively on factors tending to support unsuitability for parole!
From this, any sane thinker would have to come to the inescapable conclusion the BPH reason for granting release is a direct planned attack on the current administration. In the trained thinking of the BPH, Mr. Allen will likely get out and commit a horrendous act of violence in response to his perceived injustice against him!
As in past incidents of partisan hatred, the goal is to undermine the good faith efforts of this administration to build a more civilized, diverse and unified nation by passively orchestrating an incident worthy of right-wing media exploits to manipulate the public into supporting a more fear-based and divisive administration.
This brings me back to the science of criminology. According to all the primitive scientific findings the BPH ascribes to as taught by C. Lombroso, Mr. Allen’s case factors are perfect to afford the supporters of hate an opportunity to roll back the progress the current administration is working so hard to achieve in justice reform.
This article will be published to serve as fair warning and prophecy of what’s to come, so that when it comes this will serve as hard evidence why the BPH needs to be defunded now and have their resources directed to a Community Based Release and Parole Committee composed entirely of peer residents who live in the community.
Editor’s note: A February 2019 article by Prison Policy Initiative revealed a state-by-state grading system regarding parole. California received an F-.
The designated community leaders will be made up from a diverse group who have lived in the community for a period of time sufficient to know the soul and consciousness of that community. Such a Community Release and Parole Committee will surely be more responsible to the future of our community than the ill-fated thinkers of the BPH!
Send our brother some love and light: Mr. Charles Jordan, B54540, Mule Creek State Prison, 4001 Hwy 104, P.O. Box 409060, lone, CA 95640. To learn more about Charles Jordan, visit, Prisoners Helping Terminally Ill Children, a plan for prisoners seeking penance, redemption and reform to reach out to terminally ill children in need of lifesaving organ transplants. Email him through his friend at
Editor’s note: How we can help
I encourage anyone reading this to see this article from Mr. Jordan as an educational tool, a call to a deeper understanding of how prisoners’ lives are actually being constructed, designed and manipulated. Six actions we can take to help are listed on Charles’ website, at – and this help applies to the thousands of other men, women and children unjustly held captive under the genocidal policies and procedures of the BPH.
Mr. Jordan’s first request of readers is to petition Gov. Newsom for immediate release and/or commutation of his sentence on the basis of compassionate release. On that basis, he qualifies for release under the Elderly Parole Law, under the Youth Offender Law, under SB 1437 and under state and federal law against cruel and unusual punishment. On that basis, he qualifies under Medical Compassionate Release, and on that basis he qualifies under international and human rights laws against genocide because he represents the only living male of his family lineage.
How many of you are suffering this? Understand and share your story!