by Britney Gulley
In Texas, genocide of the Black community and LGBTQIA community is real. Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ), is a racist enterprize, utilized for slavery and other horrific crimes against humanity in the Black and LGBTQIA community.
Not only in Amerikkka’s free world are innocent Black and LGBTQIA humans being slaughtered like cattle by the white man, but behind the barbed wire in the middle of no-man’s land of Texas – Lane Murray Unit is pulverizing those imprisoned, mainly Blacks and LGBTQIA.
Considering Texas is one of the top three states in the U.S. that has a grotesque and infamous history of racism, lynchings, rapes, gay bashing and other hate crimes towards Blacks and the LGBTQIA community, this does not come as a surprise.
In Texas, where some of the TDCJ prisons are named after famous slave owners, and many of the prison staff are racist chiefs of white supremacists and widely known KKK-affiliated terrorists at Lane Murray Unit, labor is just another one of a thousand forms of abuse.
A cycle of violence, administered by highly known KKK-affiliated prison officials at Lane Murray Unit, is being utilized to suppress prisoners like me from speaking out. In Texas, where the heat index and temps rise higher than 100 degrees, prisoners at Lane Murray Unit are denied respite to cool off from the dire heat, posing serious danger to health as a means of punishment.
At Lane Murray Unit, the white officers show deliberate indifference to prisoners’ medical needs. Being denied respite proves the prisoners are subjected to sufficient serious deprivation. So many violations of the U.S. Constitution occur at Lane Murray Unit. Unnecessary and wanton infliction of pain is practiced at Lane Murray Unit, violating the Eighth Amendment by cruel and unusual punishment.
Black people already went “from slaves to criminals with one amendment.” Instead of abolishing the 13th Amendment, Texas embraced it. Transgender prisoners are often targeted by TDCJ staff with sexual and verbal harrasment, bullying and other forms of violence.
. . . known KKK-affiliated staff chanted “white lives matter!” after brutally beating a Black prisoner to the point of unconsciousness.
Black women prisoners are often targeted by the male staff to be forced into engaging in sexual intercourse, touching or oral sex. Black women are often targeted by male staff for unwelcomed and unwanted sexual advances and activity. This leaves the Black and LBGTQIA community psychologically damaged. It’s as if time has stood still at Lane Murray Unit and it’s the year of 1855 all over again, where Blacks are being used as slaves, for sex trafficking and other horrific crimes by the white man.
What happened to the 14th Amendment that guarantees equal protection? Why are the Black and LGBTQIA communities being discriminated against? Why so much hatred towards prisoners? We’re already serving our debt to society by being imprisoned – why must we be abused, degraded and humiliated as human beings, too?
In the notorious TDCJ system, many have fought for years for human rights and prisoners rights, to no avail. At Lane Murray Unit, the inhumane conditions are beyond tortuous – the staff embraces fascism!
At Lane Murray Unit, known KKK-affiliated staff chanted “white lives matter!” after brutally beating a Black prisoner to the point of unconsciousness. Then, to suppress the other prisoners who witnessed the brutal assault from calling home or writing their families to report the abuse, the KKK-affiliated staff locked the buildings down that are populated with a majority of Black prisoners.
I cry out genocide! on the daily at Lane Murray Unit. There is no statute of limitations on genocide. So, why has the Texas Department of Criminal Justice or its employees not been indicted or fired?
TDCJ is feeding the rich, starving the poor, silencing the voice of Black people and enabling the white man to legally and domestically terrorize the Black and LGBTQIA community. White supremacy must be confronted and relinquished within TDCJ.
Staff sign up for a job that claims they must, at all times, be professional, have integrity and adhere to the rules, regulations and policies. So, what happens when these simple protocols are not followed? NOTHING!
The white man gets away with abusing prisoners just as Trump got away with an open insurrection with having the capitol breached. Known high-ranking KKK-affiliated TDCJ staff, Capt. Buostos, Sgt. Warren, Warden England, P.A. Bennett, C.O. Stanley, C.O. Williams, C.O. McMann, Lt. McCumber, Sgt. Soria, grievance investigator Taylor, Sgt. Smith and Sgt. Ruff, who blatantly target Black and transgender prisoners and voice their affiliation with the KKK openly, have yet to face disciplinary charges, but on the contrary, received promotions higher up the chain of command within TDCJ, with more responsibility and a lavish paying salary.
Where is the liberation? Where is the justice? There is only terrorism and genocide at Lane Murray Unit.
Send our sister some love and light: Britney Gulley, 1601283, Lane Murray Unit, 1916 N. Hwy 36 Bypass, Gatesville, TX 76596.