I need help to educate
Dear San Francisco Bay View,
My name is Gabriel Saunders and I was just notified that my donated subscription has expired.
Although I do not have the funds for your newspaper, I still need a possibly donated issue again to help educate the general population of what is taking place in the U.S. penal institutions.
Enclosed please find a copy of my submission that the magazine, “Mother Warriors Voice,” published in their ‘Messages from the Inside.’
“Dear Mother Warrior, I’ve been locked up behind these walls for 22 years flat. I continue to fight these people under the authority of what they call administration. I do a lot of legal work. I not only fight for myself, I also help men who may not know how to fight these people’s administrative standards – you would be surprised at how many people here are afraid to fight them!
But I can’t do this all by myself without some outside help! I do civil lawsuit issues, criminal and medical situations. I consider myself to be a “Prisoners Rights litigator” and a voice for them. I’m writing to find out more about “Mother Warriors.””
Send our brother some love and light Gabriel Saunders, 872140, Allred Unit, 2101 FM 369 North, Iowa park, TX 76367.