by Ronnie Dewberry, Lewis George, William Charles, Derek Simpson and unnamed others
Introduction by Editor Nube Brown: My hope – yes, I still have some – is that in reading the following account you will not just read this as another telling of the indignities, injustices and abuses towards our elders (in this case) taking place within California’s prisons, but rather as an indictment of the State and its officials who are misappropriating and thereby demoralizing our hard-earned tax dollars into ransoming our own sense of decency for a dollar, for a conditioned mind-set of dehumanization and excuse-making for genocide. My hope is that you will hear the call to action for the sake of our humanity and act accordingly – be accountable!
Ladies and gentlemen, we send this letter to you not so much in hopes of real change or anticipation of you all doing anything about the issues raised, but as a procedural step in making all parties aware of the actual facts and that there are abiding problems with another part of the system. These are problems that have been properly “grieved,” brought to the attention of oversight teams, patient safety program committees, Healthcare Executive committees, Medical Peer Review Board and Ethics Committees and every administrator put in place to maintain the checks and balances of the system.
So, you need not touch base with the warden, the chief medical officer, the chief executive officer or others given the duty and responsibility of making sure that the exorbitant amount of taxpayer money spent on this massive medical and mental health facility is being properly put to use as part of the system, because the irresponsible parties involved on an institutional level will feed you the same set of lies and half-truths that they feed our attorneys, families and the general public: “Due to Covid-19, a lot of the stuff that we should do per policy is not being done because we’re short of staff or trying to teach new staff”; “Trying to get out in front of the pandemic”; “Doing the best we can with what we’ve got,” etc.
(Note: there’s nothing wrong with the facility per se, the housing arrangements are perfect for many of us old convicts who are now on our deathbed – it’s the staff, both administrative and lower level.)
The California Health Care Facility is the largest, most expensive medical subsidiary of the California Department of Corrections and rehabilitation, staffed by people who lack a clear understanding of the gravity of the job, their duties or the magnitude of the responsibility placed on them for our health and safety.
My (William Charles’) case and others touched on in this letter are just a few of the hundreds of cases that you’ll never hear about; especially those patients who suffer both mental health problems and are part of the mental health delivery system but have a medical issue that acts on an Axis I causative factor. [Editor’s note: Axis I mental health disorders are the most common ones, such as anxiety and PTSD.]
Again, I reiterate that the cause of most of the problems – 90% – at this and CDCr’s other two medical facilities, CMF Vacaville and CMC San Luis Obispo, are ill-equipped, untrained, Third World people from the Philippines, India and West Africa, some who have taken online examinations and received employment under the Fair Hiring Act but have never seen, let alone worked in, a full hospital or clinic. They are unqualified to hold these positions!
Citation of cases
Patient Ronnie Dewberry, C35671
On or around Sept. 7, 2021, at approximately 12:28 p.m., 2nd watch Officer Hinojosa placed patient Dewerry on the mini yard for Max-recreation. At 1:40 p.m. or before, patient Dewberry informed Correctional Officer (CO) Hinojosa that he had experienced an active bowel movement and needed to be changed. The Ad-seg officer left patient Dewberry on the yard and informed Ms. Theresa Omeugoji, who was the CNA (Clinical Nurse Assistant) responsible for the back side of the housing unit. CNA Umeugoji left him outside sitting in his feces until 3rd watch, at which time CNA D. Acosta and CO C. Lor brought him in, cleaned him up and Hoyer-Lifted him into bed.
On or around Nov. 21, 2021, patient Dewberry was left laying in his bed in his own urine and feces (in his diaper) because CNA Fatima Adebayo and Sadik Hussein refused to change him, his bedding or transfer him to his wheelchair via the Hoyer Lift.
On or around Nov. 28, 2021, patient Dewberry was placed in the shower by CNA Fatima Adebayo and CNA Theresa Umeugoji, who went to the break room where they remained until 2:18 p.m. This would result in five and a half hours in the shower. After they returned to the unit, they signed out and left. On 3rd watch, CNA Arlene Jacks and CNA Dolorosa Acosta took patient Dewberry out of the shower, dried him off, dressed him and transferred him to his bed.
On or around Dec. 7, 2021, at approximately 11:42 a.m., patient Dewberry was again placed in the shower by CNA Sadiq Hussein and CNA Fatima Adebayo, and left there until 3 p.m., at which time 3rd watch CNA Rosemary Lucia and CNA D. Acosta once again processed him out of the shower. Negligent pattern of behavior with zero accountability!
. . . will feed you the same set of lies and half-truths that they feed our attorneys, families and the general public: “Due to Covid-19, a lot of the stuff that we should do per policy is not being done because we’re short of staff or trying to teach new staff” . . .
Patient Lewis George Jr., E82941
This patient, like Mr. Dewberry, had two strokes that left him with acquired lymphedema, Dupuytren’s contracture and aphasia. This means that he can’t walk or stand without help, shower, shave, use his hands, control his bowel and bladder, or effectively communicate his needs clearly. Plus, he is a mental health patient at the EOP (Enhanced Outpatient Program) level of care. On May 18, 2021, CNA Murni Saulus slapped Mr. George upside his head because he did not want her taking his vital signs due to unnecessary roughness. (Note: This level of unprofessional behavior is commonplace here in unit DIA, and practiced with impunity by CNA Saulus, CNA D. Acosta, CNA Fatima Adebayo, CNA T. Umeugoji, and others associated with lead nurse Eniola Oguntuase and SRN II (Supervising Registered Nurse II) M. Lawrence).
On May 19, 2021, at approximately 2:46 p.m., RNA Proda, RN Varinderjit Sidhu, and RN Bob Mutebi inserted a catheter into Mr. George’s vein with a thin flexible tubing for intravenous administration of an unknown drug that they claimed “the doctor ordered for patient George’s legs.” Several times RN Proda tried but misplaced the needle by inserting it intramuscularly right through his vein. After the fourth time, he told her, “This is your last try.” So, RN Sidhu took control and wrongly placed the needle both intramuscularly and intravenously and forced a saline solution into him through a 10 CC needle into his arm. (Note: At no point in time was there effective communication between staff and this patient.).
On May 21, 2021, RN Sandeep Kaur attempted to administer the same drugs into patient George’s system that had been given the night before – through the same misplaced intravenous line. But this time a bubble began to come up in his arm, at which point patient Charles, who was sitting across from him said, “Hey, you’re not in his vein!” At which RN Kaur stopped and began trying to remove the needle from his arm. When RN Kaur started being rough, patient George stopped her as she was clearly upset. She then called RN Kormasah to help George to remove the needle from his arm. However, when she finished, she failed to apply pressure at the needle site which resulted in a profusion of blood through the gauze and strip of tape. This resulted in patient Charles having to call “Man Down!” and hold pressure to patient George’s arm, despite the fact that CNA Fatima Adebayo, his one-on-one nurse sitting there two feet away watching movies on the laptop. (See camera video).
On May 25, 2021, at approximately 10:45 a.m., patient George returned from the dentist where he had gotten one of his canines and incisor teeth removed. Upon his return, he was sitting at a table with patient Charles when his mouth began to bleed profusely through his Covid-19 mask. Lead nurse E. Oguntuase and several others, RN Sandeep Kaur, CNA Fatima Adebayo, CNA Jane Abanum, LVN H. Kaur and others did absolutely nothing to help him. After three to five minutes, a 5-by-7-inch amount of blood had seeped through his mask onto his shirt, at which point patient Charles called “Man Down!” Only then did RN Kaur respond to the scene. This violates several aspects of HIPPA and the safeguards of the patient safety clause. (See housing unit video).
On May 26, 2021, at approximately 2:15 p.m., lead nurse E. Oguntuase, CO A. Lor and the one-on-one staff of patient George argued about allowing him equal access to the dayroom. CO Lor said that he wasn’t allowing him access to dayroom because he felt that patient George was being overly hostile to his one-on-one staff member. When that didn’t work, CO A. Lor arrantly lied and told RN Proda that he “attempted to hit or touch his one-on-one nurse,” to have her write up patient George so they could put him back on Max so they “don’t have to deal with him.”
On May 27, 2021, at approximately 3:26 p.m., while out for dayroom, patient George was accosted by CO A. Lopez, who told patient George that he was going to his cell. When he attempted to say, “Dayroom ain’t over yet,” she grabbed the handles of his wheelchair and began to drag his feet on the floor, which was extremely painful to him because he has acquired lymphedema (very puffy feet and extremely swollen legs).
After violently hitting patient George several times, CO Lopez used excessive force to snatch him out of his wheelchair, straddle and continue beating him in the face, head and torso area.
When patient George lifted his hand to say wait, CO Lopez was bending down to unlock his wheelchair and contact was made. At which point CO Lopez delivered several hard blows to the patient’s face, head and shoulder area. Note: Patient George is DPW (Disability Placement Wheelchair) with a fall alert. Both of his hands are locked in a claw-like position and his extremely swollen legs are at all times in a stretched-out position due to two strokes and a medical condition known as Dupuytren’s Contracture. So, he was in no position or condition to resist, fight back or assault staff.
After violently hitting patient George several times, CO Lopez used excessive force to snatch him out of his wheelchair, straddle and continue beating him in the face, head and torso area. (Note: There is video of this incident). All the while, lead nurse Eniola Oguntuase, CNA Fatima Adebayo – who was George’s one-on-one staff member at the time – and an unknown (Indian) male CNA stood two to three feet away, but did nothing to protect the health and safety of the patient or enforce healthcare operational procedures.
In fact, the unit video will show that Lead Nurse Oguntuase and CNA Adebayo stood by laughing during the incident. It then shows Lead Nurse Oguntuase hugging CO A. Lopez and giving her congratulatory pats on the back for attempting to murder one of the 30 patients that she is responsible for.
There’s zero accountability. Lead Nurse Oguntuase now threatens other patients by telling them, “The same thing that happened to George can happen to you and we will get away with it.” (Note: this particular case was presented to everyone. Nothing was done to any medical staff involved. So, we live in fear.)
Patient Gary Simpson, BJ9879
This patient was a mental health cancer patient who had undergone chemotherapy for prostate cancer and other forms of the disease. On April 24, 2021, or Feb. 10, 2021, Lead Nurse Oguntuase knowingly, with malice and ill intent, administered the Covid-19 vaccination to patient Gary Simpson. Mr. Simpson suffered from pneumonia and other medical issues that already compromised his immune system. So, he should not have received the shot.
Note: Lead Nurse Oguntuase had already used the Covid-19 vaccine on two other patients: Mr. Wackker and (?), with pneumonia and compromised respiratory systems – both died immediately. So, she knew what the results would be.
Patient Simpson held on for three days in between life and death. His cancer came out of remission and metastasized. On March 3, 2021, LVN H. Kaur administered a second shot of the Covid-19 vaccine. Mr Simpson’s right arm swelled up and he once again became deathly sick.
(Note: The Covid-19 vaccine, which is made of a live, weakened virus, can cause extreme sickness and death for patients undergoing chemotherapy or just completing a round of radiation therapy, radioactive iodine injections or the small pellets or radioactive palladium seeds, which is what patient Simpson had. With the Covid-19 vaccine, patients suffer febrile seizures, respiratory distress syndrome and death.).
On or around the first part of November 2021, patient Simpson was transferred to hospice care at CMF Vacaville and died soon thereafter. There was zero accountability! for his death.
Patient Alalem Saleh, B91312
Alalem Saleh was a quadriplegic patient here who died at the hands of medical staff. Due to this patient’s condition, he was unable to feed himself and had to rely on CNA staff for assistance in this activity. One afternoon in November 2021, CNA Bilquis Naeem was feeding Alalem lunch when he began to choke on his food. CNA Naeem stood and looked at him for a few seconds, then walked to the bed controls at the end of the bed and activated the button to adjust the recliner. Once the bed was flat, patient Alalem shook for several minutes. Once he stopped breathing, CNA Naeem can be seen on the unit camera coming out of the patient’s room and calling Ms. Sandeep Kaur over. RN S. Kaur grabs his left wrist to see if there was a pulse. She held his wrist until he no longer had a pulse, then activated her alarm. The patient had been dead for over seven minutes.
(Note: Neither CNA Naeem or RN Kaur found it necessary to activate their personal alarm until after the fact. A code should have been called as soon as the patient began to choke. Also, there are several 115s on Mr. Alalem for allegedly “spitting on staff” – Teresa Umegoji and CNA Cynthia Obiora to name two. In every instance the patient was choking, but the write-ups were made to reflect otherwise).
After a “code” was called, LVN H. Kaur, SRN II Manuwa Lawrence were seen using a plastic trachea tube to push the food he choked on down his esophagus, so as to make his death appear “natural causes.” Again, there was zero accountability!
This Healthcare facility has an annual budget of over a billion dollars, more than an adequate amount of money to provide proper staffing, rehabilitative medical programs and the implementation of measures put forth in the Plata agreement, the Clark agreement and Coleman. However, this cash cow is giving milk, lots of it, without these programs and the terms of the settlement being met. So why change the system of things?
After a “code” was called, LVN H. Kaur, SRN II Manuwa Lawrence were seen using a plastic trachea tube to push the food he choked on down his esophagus, so as to make his death appear “natural causes.”
An examination or audit of the books would show that this facility is being paid millions of dollars to care for each inmate patient that Sacramento endorses here. Yet, the quality of management and level of care is absolutely deplorable and substandard for such a high-priced institution. It’s getting to the point where some administrative staff and lower level managerial staff consider themselves too high and mighty to be brought down, while others are so drunk on their limited power that they’re now comfortable enough in their misuse of their authority and disregard for health care policy that they tell patients, “Write it up. I don’t care.”
Needless to say, if a patient has an understanding of health care policy and the positions of those in power to enforce those policies, that patient is considered a threat, especially to those managers and administrators who play the game, milk the system and thumb their nose at health care policy.
Here you have a statewide health care system within CDCr that is supposed to be maintained by a set of multidisciplinary leadership teams who use a standardized governance structure to guide the performance objectives for the system. The problem with these multidisciplinary teams is that they are made up of the same ethnic group of people that they are duty-bound to discipline. So, when an LVN accidentally gives a patient the wrong medication or fails to change his feeding tube and they get violently sick and complain to headquarters on a healthcare grievance 602, those patients are complaining to the sister, brother, tribesmen or friend of the staff member who made the mistake. Hence, those responsible for guiding the performance objectives of the CDCr healthcare organization never see the grievance. What’s known as a cheat sheet is used to screen out the complaint.
Needless to say, most management teams are headed by members of the same ethno-cultural group. You have Nigerian SRN IIs, Nigerian chief leaders, Nigerian nurses, Nigerian LVNs and Nigerian CNAs – even the “Pride” clean-up lady is Nigerian – which makes accessing the members of the Complete Care Oversight Committee, Clinical Guideline Committee, Patient Safety Program Committee or Healthcare Ethics Committee utterly impossible!
Ladies and gentlemen, we as patients are helpless to change the flaws in the system but not powerless in challenging the staff and this facility to upgrade their level of care and the staff that must implement the policy objectives of this facility. We are making it very clear that the essence of our existence matters in the onward march of humanity. Hence, we demand our human rights.
Actions requested
1) An immediate hearing preceded by an investigation into who it is (staff) that America has turned her facilities’ and citizens’ health care over to. Give us a senate hearing, an assembly hearing and the safety of knowing that there’s some type of oversight.
2) An immediate investigation by state agencies, the FBI and the district attorney of Stockton and Sacramento into all claims.
3) A Category 2 investigation by secretary Kathleen Allison’s office by SSU/OSJ Sacramento, into every medical document produced by those named in this report.
4) Termination of employment for all staff named in this report based on the findings, for their misuse of authority and for undermining the integrity of healthcare operations.
5) Identification of individual case liabilities and departmental litigation exposure due to claims made in this report.
Thank you for your time,
Respectfully submitted by the patients