On the correlation between the Autonomous Infrastructure Mission and George Jackson’s “On Withdrawal” Part 1

AIM-correlation-On-Withdrawal, <strong>On the correlation between the Autonomous Infrastructure Mission and George Jackson's “On Withdrawal” Part 1</strong>, Abolition Now!

by Joka Heshima Jinsai

“Unless the system’s cultural hold on the people is broken, no Revolution is possible.” – Hon. George Jackson

Introduction: Perhaps the single most glaring proof that New Afrikan People, Our People, suffer from colonial psychosis (i.e., irrational behavior by colonial subjects) is the historic and consistent irrational responses we have had to Our collective oppression. 

This is not to say that all of us suffer so completely from this disorder, there are indeed degrees of collective psychosis ranging from the wholly irrational (such as those who identify completely with U.S. capitalism and white supremacy, and actively embrace self-hatred), to those who are completely rational (such as New Afrikan Revolutionary Nationalists who actively seek to not only resist all oppression and the malignant sickness of bourgeois society, but are striving to build Our own independent Nation), and all manner of variations between these two extremes. 

In the following analysis, I expound upon the most rational responses to Our collective oppression in the U.S. that we can pursue under the current conditions, a response articulated by the Hon. Komrade George Lester Jackson, some 50 years ago in his tristice “On Withdrawal” (“Blood in my eye,” by George L. Jackson).

For those who don’t know, when we speak of withdrawal, we are speaking of withdrawing from the normal processes of the U.S. oppressive arrangement by creating alternative systems for Our survival and empowerment that are actually rational and responsive to the reality of Our situation as New Afrikan (Black) People in Amerikkka. Instead of manufacturing new ways to divide Ourselves from one another (be it “gang banging,” religion, political perspective, economic class, etc.), ‘Withdrawal’ requires us to manufacture as many basis for Our Unity and social cooperation that it becomes essential to Our success as a People. Instead of accepting police brutality, criminalization and the delegitimization of our history and culture by U.S. educational institutions, we move to resist such evils in an organized and deliberate fashion. “On Withdrawal,” though forcing us to confront truths most of us do not wish to accept as truth, nevertheless leaves no question as to what must be done: Resist! – rationally.  

This analysis seeks to give you, the reader, both the tools to do so effectively, and the information you need to dispel many of the myths you’ve been convinced are true. It is my hope you will leave this series with no doubt as to your relationship to the productive system, and renewed motivation to create new, more viable relationships which will in turn create New Men, New Women and a new social morality, one based on Unity and social cooperation among all New Afrikans in Amerikkka. Until We win, or don’t lose. 

Fascism has succeeded in Amerikkka. Assimilation to the U.S. ruling class means acceptance of the U.S. fascist arrangement and culture. The development of the Autonomous Infrastructure Mission (AIM) is the natural and logical expression of the People’s will to be free of the U.S. fascist arrangement as expressed through the prism of New Afrikan Revolutionary Scientific Socialism.

But why is the AIM so necessary to our aspirations of genuine freedom? Why must it be among the first steps we take if we are to have any hope of liberation? We can look to the Honorable Komrade George L. Jackson for the answer. Komrade George foresaw the need for the AIM some 50 years ago in his dissertation, “On Withdrawal.” By drawing the correlations between his analysis, the current socio-economic and political state of the U.S. and the purpose of the AIM. It is my hope to clarify the AIM’s potential and why it is so vital to the cause of the New Afrikan National Liberation, Revolution and to all of humanity. 

Mercy-of-Amaterasu-Heshima, <strong>On the correlation between the Autonomous Infrastructure Mission and George Jackson's “On Withdrawal” Part 1</strong>, Abolition Now!
This piece of art, “Mercy of Amaterasu,” is what CDCr used to “gang-validate” Heshima and justify his two decades of solitary confinement designed to break him (and other California New Afrikans because of their insistence to define, educate and elevate themselves), showing absolutely no mercy. – Art: Joka Heshima Jinsai (Shannon Denham Art- fineartamerica.org).

The U.S. is the most advanced fascist state in the history of human civilization, and into 2023, it has succeeded in convincing New Afrikans in Amerikkka, descendants of over four centuries of chattel slavery, to actively participate in their own oppression, social containment and extermination. It has indoctrinated the vast majority of its workers to identify its social, political and economic interests with the same elites who have so thoroughly exploited them, that they’ve managed to concentrate 99% of the nation’s wealth into the hands of a scant 2% of the population – while they struggle to feed their children and pay off their ever-expanding debt. 

It has strode the world stage declaring itself the bastion of freedom, justice and equality, while preserving the most lethal racism, overt injustice and glaring inequality as the very function of its every institution. Reactionary nationalism, hate-based scapegoating and violent repression are redefined and hailed as the noble values of patriotism, defense of the homeland and “national security.” In contrast, pursuit of genuine freedom, justice and equality is recast as dangerous anti-amerikkkanism, potential-terrorist militancy and threats of usurpation. 

The nature and structure of modern U.S. Society precludes the very possibility of true freedom for New Afrikans and other nationally oppressed people. We live without justice because the very function of U.S. “law & order” policy is not to achieve that end, but instead to ensure the social containment and orderly disposal of racially undesirable and economically underperforming surplus labor segments of the underclass. Equality is not possible because the very function of the U.S. economic class and race-caste systems is to ensure the hierarchy and hegemony of patriarchal authoritarian white male privilege and the ongoing extraction of superprofits for the capitalist class. 

The primary mechanism employed by U.S. fascist institutions to perpetuate themselves with little to no opposition (and neutralize any opposition if it does arise) is reform. In his groundbreaking analysis, “On withdrawal,” the Honorable Komrade George L. Jackson observed:

The People, by and large, have been conditioned to compete, not cooperate.

“Corporative ideals have reached their logical conclusion in the U.S. The new corporate state has fought its way through crisis after crisis and established its ruling elites in every important institution, formed its partnership with labor through its elites, erected the most massive network of protective agencies replete with spies, technical and animal, to be found in any police state in the world. The violence of the ruling class in this country, in the long process of its trend towards authoritarianism and its last and highest state, fascism, cannot be rivaled in its excesses by any other nation on earth, today or in history – fascism has temporarily succeeded under the guise of reform.”

When we speak of fascism, most will envision Italy under Mussolini, Spain under Franco, or Germany under Hitler, and declare this fascism. They will look to these primitive models of the system then look at Amerikkka and say they can’t possibly be living in a fascist state. To them I say: “The U.S. has more of its citizens interned in prisons, more people locked behind walls, barbed wire and gun-towers than any other nation on earth. The U.S. has more people in prison than China, Russia, North Korea and Iran combined. Fascism in the U.S. is light years more advanced than anything Hitler or any of these primitive fascists could have begun to imagine.” 

Fascism, like any other ideology, is a living thing – constantly growing, evolving and disguising itself. This process of growth, evolution and disguise is known as reform. Across the U.S. many who claim to be rebels and progressives of the day are actually clamoring for reform – be it economic reform, police reform, election reform or educational reform, it is simply a reformation of the same oppressive relationships that people are screaming to be free of. 

“If you stick a knife in my back nine inches and pull it out six inches, there’s no progress. If you pull it all the way out, that’s not progress. Progress is healing the wound that the blow made. And they haven’t even pulled the knife out much less healed the wound. They won’t even admit the knife is there.” – Malcolm X

The unfortunate reality is that so many of our people have been conditioned against collective work and responsibility, against New African national identity, against unity and against rational resistance that they will accept, even fight for, reform (thus effectively neutralizing any revolutionary potential) rather than oppose the fascist arrangement itself. 

Unity will serve Our interests more effectively than division.

So then, what must we do? What steps must be taken if we are to ever realize genuine Freedom, Justice and Equality for Our People? If the very nature and structure of U.S. institutions is to ensure these principles are forever out of our reach, then any social act we take which moves us closer to realizing them, by definition, must be Revolutionary; it will change social conditions and as such change the People and the world we live in. 

Komrade George observed:

“Fascism has temporarily succeeded under the guise of reform. The only way we can destroy it is to refuse to compromise with the enemy state and its ruling class. Today we are forced with the complexities of a particularly refined fascist economic arrangement, where the controlling elites have co-opted large portions of the lowly working class.”

When we ask ourselves, where will we attack the enemy state? We are answered, at the productive point. The next logical question is with whom and what will we attack the fortified entrance of the productive and distributive system in a nation of short-sighted, contented conservative workers? Obviously the fascist movement is counter-revolution at its very center. From its inception, the fascist arrangement has attempted to create the illusion of a mass society in which the traditional capitalist ruling class would continue to play its leading role; after it’s successful establishment in Spain, Portugal, Greece, South Africa and the United States of Amerikkka, we are faced with the obvious question of how to raise a new consciousness. 

We are faced with the task of raising a positive mobilization of Revolutionary consciousness in a mass that has gone through a contrapositive authoritarian process.” 

There are certain defining characteristics common to all fascist regimes, be they Germany under Hitler, Indonesia under Suharto, Chile under Pinochet or the U.S. under Trump.

I researched, devised and designed the AIM and its initiatives while I was in solitary confinement. As I write this, I am in prison now.

Prison provides a unique perspective on social life and the mechanisms of civilization. Within this socially hostile microcosm lies an even more repressive, more extremely brutal environment: the indefinite Solitary Confinement Unit, or SHU. It is, in effect, prison within prison – the most repressive environment in the U.S. fascist arrangement. From this unique socio-political perspective, all of Amerikkka’s contradictions are laid bare. From this point of view, the fascist arrangement is as clear as a pane of glass. Dialectically, the rational response to it is equally clear: resistance.

It was from this meager viewpoint that the Autonomous Infrastructure Mission was devised. The intention and motive force of the AIM was not simply to detach from the daily exploitation of the U.S. capitalist arrangement or provide a mere community alternative to its processes. No. The purpose of the AIM is multifaceted, with one of its core functions to transform the minds of the People themselves.

The People, by and large, have been conditioned to compete, not cooperate; to revere hyper-individualism while looking skeptically upon collective work and responsibility; to be dependent on the same institutions responsible for their oppression, instead of depending on one another. 

But what if we could provide them with the blueprint to expose the fallacy of this socially engineered lie? What if we could develop a framework where we could demonstrate, through social practice, that Unity will serve Our interests more effectively than division; that a new and more prosperous way of social life could be had right now if we only withdrew from the fascist arrangement by building our own autonomous infrastructure.

Dehumanization of New Afrikans, Latinos, Indigenous and the poor is Amerikkkan as apple pie.

If we make a dialectical materialist analysis of the primary productiveness point in the U.S. fascist arrangement, we find it is the workers, the People themselves, who are that productive point. We cannot hope to convince the People to abandon the chains they have been comfortable with, without also providing them with a liberation that still meets their basic needs. This is one of the principal functions of the AIM. 

Now, before I go any further, I want us to proceed with clarity as to the point of the U.S. being the most advanced and successful fascist state in human history. What makes U.S. fascism the most advanced, is the systematic defense/attack mechanisms built into its every institution and its uncanny ability to disguise and redefine itself. 

Nevertheless, there are certain defining characteristics common to all fascist regimes, be they Germany under Hitler, Indonesia under Suharto, Chile under Pinochet or the U.S. under Trump. Here I will present 14 of these characteristics, with an example or two, to illustrate its inherent inclusion in the Amerikkkan way of life. 

1) Powerful and continuing nationalism 

From the compulsory recitation of the pledge of allegiance in every U.S. public school to the make Amerikkka great again fervor of the white nationalist Republican party, powerful and reactionary nationalism has always been a hallmark of U.S. culture, and it only continues to grow stronger year over year with both the conservative right and liberal centrists alike.

2) Disdain for the recognition of Human Rights 

Dehumanization of New Afrikans, Latinos, Indigenous and the poor is Amerikkkan as apple pie. From the genocide of Native Americans to the system of chattel slavery; from the brutality of Jim Crow apartheid to the rampant murder of unarmed New Afrikans by police; from the brutalization of Prisoners of War at Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay and CIA black sites around the world to presiding over the largest domestic torture program in human history in solitary confinement supermax prisons across the U.S., disdain for human rights – and masking it under some other pretext – has always been U.S. national policy. To be sure, the U.S. remains one of the only industrialized nations that has not ratified the UN’s Convention on the Rights of the Child, presumably because of the Amerikan pension to imprison children. Human rights are always secondary to national interests in Amerikkka.

PHR editor note: This concludes Part 1, and we hope you are eager to read Part 2 because you have gained something here. “Until We win or don’t lose.” – Joka Heshima Jinsai 

Send our brother some love and light: J. Heshima Denham, J38283, KVSP, B-2 117U, P.O. Box 5102, Delano, CA 93216.