Towards MA’AT! 

Sheng-Thao-at-Paramount-Theater-in-Oakland-by-Jahahara-0123-1400x1050, <strong>Towards MA’AT! </strong>, Culture Currents
PONGEZI (CONGRATULATIONS) to our new Mayor of Oakland, Sheng Thao. Shown here at the Paramount Theater surrounded by her loving Baba (Father), Sun, Daughter, extended Family, staff, supporters and elected officials after a swearing-in by Attorney General Rob Bonta. Amen. Asé. – Photo: Baba Jahahara

Organize to end capitali$m-imperiali$m-coloniali$m and isfet

by Baba Jahahara Amen-RA Alkebulan-Ma’at

6263 AAAK / February 2023 JC-PG

Commemorating our Alkebulan/Afrikan stories, heritage and future

Africans Deserve Reparations! ‘Cause, Black Lives Matter!

Blessings of IMANI (FAITH) Beloved, Brilliant, Bold, Brave and Beautiful G-o-ds, Elders, Sis-Stars, Bro-Stars and Youthful Revolutionaries. 

May our Most High Divine Mother-Father Creator of and in All – and incredible Ancients and Ancestors from past millennia, yesteryears and, literally, yesterday – find you and (y)our extended family thriving towards healing Spirit, Love for all Life and seeking MA’AT. WE are honored to greet you again from the occupied, unceded lands of the Indigenous OHLONE nations – named oakland/san francisco bay area by the murderous European and united capitalist prison terrorist states of amerikkka (ucptsa) enslaving, colonizing, mercenary missionaries, land-grabbing settlers. Amen. Asé.

i am sincerely grateful to all who offered me sacred arrival day no. 70 wishes in January – and my dear parents who conceived, nurtured and raised me and my six brothers and others of my and our following generations. As well as to our beloved Sun, Chioke Bakari, on his no. 23. Special shout-outs to many others who are giving thanks for another year in January and February, including Brother Stanley Petey Cox aka Mistah F.A.B. on his no. 40. Amen. Asé.

Inauguration-Day-in-Oakland-at-Paramount-Theater-by-Jahahara-0123, <strong>Towards MA’AT! </strong>, Culture Currents
PONGEZI (CONGRATULATIONS) to All who campaigned for office during the most recent election. The site for inauguration of mayor, city clerk, city council and school board was held at the beautiful Paramount Theater. A major shout-UP to Brother Mike Hutchinson, who was not sworn-in, though a recount has confirmed that he received more votes in his race for a redrawn district 4 on our school board. Brother Mike is planning to challenge the seating in the courts. However, he still has two years left on his current term in district 5. In January, as the newly-elected president of the board, Mike and the progressive majority voted to rescind the horrific school closings enacted by the previous pro-charter school board last year. WE SUPPORT YOU, BROTHER MIKE, IN YOUR DEDICATED EFFORTS TO SAVE AND IMPROVE OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS! Amen. Asé. – Photo: Baba Jahahara

Our thoughts at this moment are with our relatives and other humane beings across Turtle Island aka the “americas” and our planet who are suffering from natural disasters; as well as increasing “unnatural” and often deadly, corporate-induced climate extinction and environmental destruction. To quote our revolutionary Community Ready Corps, WE all have the duty to “Get Ready! And Stay Ready!” – and make collective and individual preparations now for the occurrences and abusive, inhumane Maa’fas that continue to confront us. Amen. Asé.

Honoring a few of our Ancestors

Over the past few months, WE have reflected on two of our great revolutionary Pan-Afrikan, and anti-imperialist, anti-colonialist leaders murdered by the imperialist colonizers. Then-Prime Minister PATRICE EMERY LUMUMBA of the Republic of Congo, was murdered in 6201/January 1961 by ucptsa’s cia and European colonialists in conjunction with neo-colonial traitorous agents led by Mobutu Sese Seko. 

Half a century ago, in 6263/January 1973, the great AMILCAR CABRAL was assassinated in Conakry, Guinea in Alkebulan/Afrika by the brutal imperialist forces of Portugal, with assistance from forces aligned around Inocencio Kani, a rival to Cabral in the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC). May their numerous contributions and lessons continue to inspire us towards liberation, socialism and MA’AT. So, please read up on them. Amen. Asé.

Adrian-Williams-and-Village-Project-at-Kwanzaa-SF-City-Hall-by-Jahahara-1222-1400x1050, <strong>Towards MA’AT! </strong>, Culture Currents
“HABARI GANI (WHAT’S THE WORD, Swahili)? UMOJA!UNITY!” shouts Queen Mama Adrienne Williams of The Village Project in san francisco’s “Feel Mo’” district. Here she is opening the first day of our Afrikan amerikkkan Holy Days of KWANZAA, at sf’s City Hall. Amen. Asé. – Photo: Baba Jahahara

WE also mourn, celebrate and pay tribute to several recent transformations to our Ancestral realm, including: our high school classmate BYRON “Bee-Red” WILLIAMSON, friend and teammate who went on to serve as a brave fire-fighter for more than three decades. Also, ALFRED MASSEY, LEON YOUNG, ROBERT CLARKSON and EDWARD “Smoove Pres” NIXON. As well as DWIGHT CHAPLIN JR., beloved Sun of my state champion track and football team-mate, Dwight “Goin-to-da-Chapel” Chaplin Sr. Amen. Asé.

Queen Mama ROSALIND ANN GUMBY-BAUCHUM, who i grew up with in the same church as well as attended the University of Kansas with. Roz became an expert genealogist and traced her family’s story back generations to the 5900s-1700s, as well as teaching others how to search for and uncover their roots. Amen. Asé.

Queen Mama BLANCHE THOMAS, our Queen Mama ELIZABETH’s long-time friend, as well as her second Sun, Baba WILLIS JAMES THOMAS who spent the last five decades-plus in the sacred Indigenous Aboriginal Black homelands brutally invaded, colonized and settled through genocide by the European invaders and now called the “australia.” Amen. Asé.

FRED ROSS JR., inspired by his namesake Father and other notable labor organizers, who helped grow the United Farm Workers and supporters on the west coast; as well as health care workers with our Service Employees International Union (SEIU). Amen. Asé.

Malik-Seneferu-closing-out-Kwanzaa-SF-City-Hall-by-Jahahara-1222-1400x1161, <strong>Towards MA’AT! </strong>, Culture Currents
HARAMBEE (LET’S ALL PULL TOGETHER, Swahili)! Baba Malik Seneferu closes out the first day of KWANZAA with his powerful wisdom and our Seven Sacred Harambees. Amen. Asé. – Photo: Baba Jahahara

EDSON ARANTES DO NASCIMENTO aka “The Great Pele,” possibly the best fútbol (soccer) player ever, also joined our Ancestral realm. As a youngster, i/WE had the opportunity to meet him and witness his incredible Spirit and spectacular skills. With four of my blood brothers, i was one of the mostly teenage Afrikans on the grounds crew at kansas city’s then-Municipal Stadium. 

With the stadium right in our predominantly Black neighborhood, WE managed the field for the k.c. Chiefs, the brand new Spurs soccer team and the Royals baseball – who replaced the Athletics after they moved to a far-away place called oakland, calif., because the city and county refused to build them a new stadium, which might sound familiar to some. On 4 July 1968, our Queen Mama ELIZABETH’s Sacred Birthday, Pele and his Santos Fútbol Club, located in the State of São Paulo, Brasil, outscored the Spurs 4 to 1 before a large crowd, in a totally unfamiliar sport to most. Amen. Asé.

Clint-Sockwell-and-Jahahara-at-SF-City-Hall-Kwanzaa-1223, <strong>Towards MA’AT! </strong>, Culture Currents
Activist, teacher and KWANZAA organizer and presenter Baba Clint Sockwell checks-in with Baba Jahahara on the UMOJA (UNITY) first day of KWANZAA. Amen. Asé. – Photo: Baba Clint Sockwell

ANITA POINTER, a member of the hugely-popular OHLONE/oakland-bred Pointers Sisters and family musical group, which WE mentioned last month as being first cousins of new Ancestor PAUL SILAS. Amen. Asé. And, Chi-Light (chicagoan) FRED WHITE, an outstanding drummer with the great DONNY HATHAWAY before joining his blood brothers, Verdine and MAURICE WHITE, as a co-founder of one of my favorite groups Earth, Wind and Fire. Amen. Asé.

Long live the Spirit, legacies and numerous contributions of these new and All our incredible predecessors. Asé. Asé. Asé-O!

Towards MA’AT: Organize to End capitali$m-imperiali$m-coloniali$m and isfet, Part 1

In our present times, isfet is ruling our planet. Isfet, in our Kemet/KMT language – ancient Hapi or “Nile” river valley, renamed lower egypt by foreign Arab and European invaders – stands for the “(d)evil” of lies, negativity, chaos, confusion, corruption, calamities, violence and destruction. 

Looking at our current world and societal situation, isfet has taken hold on a grand scale. In nearly every area. Our precious environment and climate are in disorder. In some areas of our planet, the seasons are now totally unpredictable. Or, disappearing completely. 

WE are, for example here in OHLONE, not getting any rain, causing massive wildfires for nearly a decade – and then, witnessing rivers of water in a one short week causing mass destruction, flooding and death. As for the primary economies, ruled by wealthier and wealthier capitalists and financiers, disparities are growing wider by the day. Billions of working people are facing lowering real wages and basic protections fought and won over centuries of struggles, strikes and organizing. 

Dolores-Huerta-and-Teresa-Romero-UFW-leading-march-to-Newsom-office-for-AB-2183-by-Jahahara-2022-1400x1050, <strong>Towards MA’AT! </strong>, Culture Currents
PONGEZI (CONGRATULATIONS) to the United Farm Workers, allies and supporters! A belated, well-deserved CONGRATS to our brave essential labor Sisters and Brothers on their Victory regarding AB 2183. Last August 2022, UFW members and supporters marched 335 miles to the State Capitol in sacramento to demand Gov. Gavin Newsom sign the legislation which would have given these most essential workers more protections in organizing for unionization and labor rights. Without interference and intimidation by the rich corporate agricultural bosses. The governor had refused to sign the bill, though the overwhelming majority of our labor unions and legislators pressed him. Months later, he finally signed on. Leading the final miles of the 335 mile march were our legendary UFW co-founder Dolores Huerta and the first immigrant UFW president Teresa Romero. Amen. Asé. – Photo: Baba Jahahara

There is no such thing as “job security,” in any industry, no matter the nation or state. Just look at the tech industry, for example, where terminations are now in the tens of thousands and growing. WE also are witnessing the continuation of pandemics and mass health crises, which have fully exposed the lack of basic necessities for so many, –  inadequate housing, nutrition, medical care, education and transportation. 

Surely, the priorities of most national governments, controlled by their corporate and financial backers, is investing in might over righteousness; profits, police and prisons over protecting our planet. The distribution of guns instead of providing fresh, organic, real food and healthy groceries. And, where war and destructive weapons are a bigger priority than our valuable and life-giving fresh water sources. Certainly, WE are in a sad and difficult condition, locally and worldwide. Isfet has the upper hand.

Anti-Police-Terror-Project-house-in-Oakland-by-Jahahara-0123-1400x861, <strong>Towards MA’AT! </strong>, Culture Currents
PONGEZI (CONGRATULATIONS) to the Anti-Police Terror Project, co-founded by visionaries Queen Mama Cat Brooks and Baba Field Marshall Tur-Ha Ak! APTP recently opened THE PEOPLE’S HOUSE, in OHLONE/west oakland during the Ninth Annual Reclaim MLK JR.’s Radical Legacy series of events, inspired by the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, which was born in the area. The location will Serve the People as an alternative healing resource center, with professional mental health care and as a safe non-carceral way station for those suffering from our internal domestic violence. Also, check the APTP on the web and social media for events around the annual Black Solidarity Week and birthday tribute to Ancestor HUEY P. NEWTON in February. Amen. Asé. In addition, i encourage you to check-out and support APTP’s powerful agenda to our new mayor, Sheng Thao and our new city council here. – Photo: Baba Jahahara

On the contrary, the sacredness of MA’AT is on the move. It is so inspiring to see the power of our collective peoples’ movements, while still disconnected and mostly one-issue focused, seeking key principles of MA’AT: Divine truth, justice, righteousness, order, reciprocity/solidarity, balance and harmony, true peace and love. More and more, WE are learning that what affects those locked-down without basic human rights in prison, or exploited in other nations, are directly tied to our liberties and earnings as workers here. 

Or, the absolute necessity of building alliances based on mutual respect and support being critical to our success and that of others; whether cross nation, organization, ethnicity, industry, gender or various orientations. So, i’m thrilled to see workers, inside and outside the walls, coming together again. And, activists from different justice campaigns uniting. As well as nations like Cuba and Venezuela, maintaining their independence and steps toward a socialist economy. Certainly, if WE include MA’AT in our studies – and as revolutionaries, WE MUST STUDY! – planning, actions, celebrations and evaluations, more victories are certain. 

Beloved readers, if it’s in our Divine’s order, WE will share more on MA’AT and isfet, next month. Amen. Asé.


WE condemn the vicious police terrorist murder of KEENAN ANDERSON in the Chumash and Tongva Indigenous sacred lands, named los angeles by the brutal genocidal settlers from Spain. A Father of a 5-year old, high school teacher, artist and cousin of Black Lives Matter co-founder Queen Patrice Cullors, Brother Keenan was tased to death at the hands of criminal white and Black officers after a traffic incident. More to come. Amen. Asé.

WE also condemn the filthy fascist, racist and sexist cowards who have been leaving threatening messages for our powerful leaders doin’ real work. This includes targeting Queen Mama Carroll Fife our incredible visionary, leader, organizer and Black Panther Cub, who is also my/our representative in oakland’s city council district 3. Our CommUNITY is furthering preparations to defend Queen Carroll and our beloved extended Family. Amen. Asé.

#BlackLivesMatter #AfricansDeserveReparationsNow #FreeTheLand #BringOurEldersHomeNow #AbolishPrisonsandPolice #AbortPatriarchy #LoveandDefendMotherEarth #BlackNewDeal #DISBANDusaImperialistAfricaCommand

Jahahara Amen-RA Alkebulan-Ma’at is the fourth of seven Suns of Ancestors Baba CLEVELAND LEE ARMSTRONG, SR. and Queen Mama ELIZABETH ELIZANN OAKS ARMSTRONG; Baba of Chioke Bakari; and, traces his roots to the Ewondo (present-day Cameroon) and Yoruba (Nigeria) in Alkebulan-Afrika. He is the author of several books, including Afrikans Deserve Reparations! With Many Paths to Kujichagulia (Self-Determination). Baba Jahahara is also a Life Member and former National Male Co-Chair of N’COBRA. Take a listen to a few songs from his musical catalog here. Invite Baba Jahahara to present at your group, school, spiritual gathering or event c/o or FONAMI, P.O. Box 10963, oakland, ca 94610.