by People’s Minister of Information JR Valrey, Oakland Bureau Chief
On Feb.8th, investigative journalist Seymour Hersh released his long awaited findings from his investigation into the bombing of the Nord Stream pipelines, which implicated the US in an act of war committed against its European allies and Russia. Because of this action, the world is a blink closer to nuclear war.
Before this bombshell story was due to drop, U.S. corporate media prepared itself, by broadcasting wall to wall coverage of the “Chinese spy balloon.” National Security Agency whistleblower, Edward Snowden, said this about the news covering the shooting down of “spy balloons” and UFO’s, on Feb. 13th on Twitter:
“It’s not aliens. I wish it were aliens, but it’s not aliens. It’s just the ol’ engineered panic, an attractive nuisance ensuring natsec (National Security) reporters get assigned to investigate balloon bullshit rather than budgets or bombings (a la nord stream). Until next time.”
The question remains, why has the Black media, and for a large part the independent media, been silent on the NATO-Russia proxy war in the Ukraine, that can cost many Black people’s lives, and the lives of people of color in general, if it goes full speed ahead, as it is being instigated by globalists to do.
A lot of Black people have been conditioned to see the military as a non-risky, safe career choice for their children, with a guaranteed pension after 20 years of service. What is not often talked about is the people who don’t come back from war, and how people come back from war insane, drug addicted, or maimed after committing terrorist acts, in the name of defending U.S. interests.
Last century saw World War I and World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, Iraq, and a number of other skirmishes, and almost a quarter century into the millennium we may be looking at the beginning stages of another World War.
Feb. 24th marked the first anniversary of the beginning of NATO’s proxy war on Russia, which is being staged in the Ukraine, and the SF Bay View is writing about it because there has not been much talk about an anti-war movement in the Bay Area, which has always been a hotbed of anti-war activism and activity, since at least the Vietnam Era.
The difference between Vietnam and the conflict in the Ukraine today, is that what is being instigated with Russia can easily roll into World War III; especially if you consider the United State’s ongoing independent conflicts that could lead to war soon with Russian allies – China in the South Pacific, North Korea, Syria, and Iran currently, as well as diplomatic conflicts with Saudi Arabia, Turkey, France, and Germany.
“There is an anti-war movement but at the same time, you have people trying to survive day-to-day, because of the economic climate that we are in, with multi billions spent on war and the economy collapsing,” said Emory Douglas, the Black Panther Party’s Minister of Information who worked alongside the Vietnam anti-war activists during that era.
“You have the extremists in both the Democrat and Republican Party who are allocating whatever resources to war, and cutting back on quality of life issues. This plays into the psychology (of people not being active) because the people have to focus on how they’re gonna pay the rent, mortgage, or electric bill which has doubled for many folks.”
As inflation rises to historic levels, the bottom continues to fall out of the dollar, a technocratic fascist system is being implemented, where lethal robots are being considered by police departments nationwide, Ohio victims of the chemical disaster are being forced to use devices that track their movements, spending, and health – as well as banks and stores opening up without employees, just AI systems that are aware of what you take, and will automatically charge your account accordingly.
Although we are looking to be attacked in the United States by some country overseas, is it possible that we are being attacked by the United States government and corporate Amerikkka domestically without it even being declared?
“The difference between now and the Vietnam War is that one, the draft is not going on, and two, we see it as a war going on in Europe. We don’t see how we are directly affected by this war. With the draft, Black people, Brown people, people of color, working class people in general were all being drafted. The atrocities of the war, we saw it every day, compared to now after 911, we don’t. And everybody became patriotic; anti-terrorist and anti-muslim. Now with social media, society dictates our level of patriotism towards others,” said community activist, labor organizer, and former Nassco 3 political prisoner Shabaka ji Jaga.
“We don’t see ourselves involved in the anti-war movement because of our patriotism, and we have been duped. We think with the Civil Rights and Human Rights struggle of the 60s and 70s, we achieved equality, when we all know that we didn’t.”
JR Valrey, The People’s Minister of Information, is the Oakland Bureau Chief for the SF Bay View. He is also the instructor for The SF Bay View Community Journalism Program.