Cinque’s return – a poem

Ruchell-Cinque-Magee-1, Cinque’s return – a poem, Abolition Now! Local News & Views News & Views
After 67 years in prison Ruchell Cinque Magee has reached Freedom upon being released.

by Julia Wright 

tell us

what is the opposite

of the Blues

because there is such a thing

as struggle-shaking news

no words to say it

except laughter in our hearts

Mother Earth

feels the tremors of Hope

in our souls

the ancestors are drumming

at our side

we are beginning

to hear the cascade

of falling dominos

our pens were straws

dipped into darkness –

 now each word we write


 a deep gulp

 of light

Please donate to Ruchell Magee’s fund to ease his transition back to ”Freedom.” Here is the link :