Concerned Network of Women presents the 2023 African American Breast Cancer Conference Sunday, Oct. 1, 12:30 p.m., 1550 Evans
“After years of providing education on the early detection of breast cancer in Bayview Hunters Point, I must conclude that the high rate of breast cancer may be due to women living and/or working in close proximity to the Hunters Point Shipyard,” says Dr. Betty McGee, a long time resident and good neighbor. She will convene the Concerned Network of Women, a subsidiary of the Health and Environmental Resource Center (HERC), this Sunday, Oct. 1, 12:30 p.m., at the Community Center at 1550 Evans Ave. We will explore possible contributing factors and how we can strengthen the health and raise the spirits of our people.
Women who had to place everything on hold during the COVID-19 pandemic are looking forward to our event.
Betty McGee, MPA, DBA
Dr. Betty McGee, born and raised In Mansura, Louisiana, has more than four decades of experience in managerial and leadership positions, with responsibilities in project and budget management, resource development and personnel procedures. McGee also has extensive experience in empirical research. She is listed as one of the principal investigators in the effectiveness of Chinese acupuncture treatments in eliminating substance abuse craving among people suffering heroin addiction.
McGee is a trailblazer in the Bayview with women’s health issues. Despite defunding by the San Francisco Department of Public Health in 2006, Dr. McGee is determined to bring current information concerning early detection of breast cancer among African American women annually. She is the founder of the Concerned Network of Women that hosts an annual African American Breast Cancer Conference in Bayview Hunters Point, San Francisco.
Her work at Golden Gate University as an adjunct professor is an important accomplishment in her life but fails to surpass her work with many voiceless people in low income communities. She refers to teaching at a university as dealing with an “old boys’ network.” As a result, she has elected to spend time and energy assisting with bringing new and innovative services to her own people.
Dr. McGee is currently researching how women react to setting priorities using evidence based mindfulness meditation. Her belief is that it is time to take back the independence of Black women as head of her household and manager of her own and her family’s health. The project is being funded by Dr. McGee and will run for 30 days effective October 2023. Register for the sessions and obtain more information by emailing and/or text her at 3187173023. Dr. McGee will be hosting a mindfulness meditation session at the Oct. 1, 2023, conference.
Should you need additional information, please email