President Biden has Parkinson’s Disease

biden-loses-fight-with-his-jacket-0724-tik-tok-screenshot, President Biden has Parkinson’s Disease, Featured World News & Views

by Ahimsa Porter Sumchai MD

Parkinson’s Disease is a brain disease caused by the death of nerve cells in areas that control movement and neurological function. There are no simple blood tests or imaging tests that detect early Parkinson’s. The diagnosis is made by doctors, patients, caregivers and family members by simple observation.

The most common early signs and symptoms are slowed movements, muscle stiffness and changes in speech and posture. The characteristic “pill rolling” tremor seen in Parkinson’s is not seen in over 25% of patients.

I believe President Biden demonstrates multiple signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and dementia. And I believe the White House and those who surround him and claim to love him must recognize and acknowledge the constellation of signs and symptoms that threaten his life and the security of our nation.

One of the characteristic signs of Parkinson’s on display at the Presidential Debate is called a vocal tic. Vocal tics are involuntary sounds as simple as repeated coughing or throat clearing, or more complex like repeating, words or phrases.

Biden exhibited evidence of vocal tics during a segment of his speech in which he demonstrated word finding difficulty and repeated phrases similar to “a broken record.”

This is my professional opinion, having trained, researched and published in neurological surgery. Board certified neurologist Tom Pitts MD agrees with me! [See]

President Biden faces the greatest threat to the United States of America and that threat comes not from without … but from within.

The specter of nuclear war in Europe, the unfolding genocide in Gaza and explosive conflict in the Middle East is on no scale greater than the risk President Biden faces from fall injury.

A preventable risk due to an unacknowledged, untreated, undiagnosed, neurodegenerative disorder that is progressing in front of the “lying eyes” of the American public and mainstream media.

President Biden exhibits clear signs of Parkinson’s in the rigidity of his gait, his mumbling speech, his frozen facial expressions, his publicly acknowledged sleep disorder and about 12 YouTube video compilations of his falls that are drawing laughter from his political opponents.

“Agent Murphy, try telling the Eagle there’s an ice cream cone waiting for him at the end of that jacket.” – Secret Service audio of Biden “Losing Fight with his Jacket”

One of the most ridiculing videos circulating on YouTube captures live audio of his Secret Service agent mocking “The Eagle losing the fight with his jacket” as the president of the United States struggles to exit from Air Force 1 helicopter while simultaneously trying to locate the arm hole of his jacket … as his sunglasses fall off his face.

These videos offer clear and convincing evidence of his three year decline and include Sky News’ video of Biden falling while climbing stairs to enter Air Force One on March 19, 2021, and Joe Biden falling over in public. [See]

By 2023, three separate videos document Biden falling in a face downward position while climbing the metal stairway to Air Force One, in addition to his widely captured public fall on June 1, 2023, as he handed out diplomas at the US Air Force Academy Ceremony. [See]

“For reasons we don’t entirely understand, certain brain cells begin to die off before they otherwise would … it’s different from normal aging.”Jori Fleisher, MD, Movement Disorder Specialist and Professor of Neurological Sciences at Rush University [See]

In a White House press briefing, Karine Jeanne-Pierre acknowledged, during a contentious media debacle, that a neurologist expert in Parkinson’s Disease had visited the White House and met with the president’s medical doctor numerous times.

Pastel water color portrait of my mentor Dr.Carlton Goodlett painted by his loyal secretary Eleanor Ohman. As a Sun Reporter Contributing Editor I witnessed “Doc’s” decline due to Parkinson’s Disease from about 1988–1995.

dr.-carlton-goodlett-water-color-portrait-by-eleanor-ohman, President Biden has Parkinson’s Disease, Featured World News & Views
This pastel watercolor portrait of my mentor, Dr. Carlton Goodlett, was painted by his loyal secretary Eleanor Ohman. Dr. Goodlett was both a physician and the publisher of the Sun Reporter newspaper. As a Sun Reporter contributing editor, I witnessed “Doc’s” decline due to Parkinson’s Disease from about 1988–1995.

Spotlight on Carlton B. Goodlett – July 23, 1914 – Jan. 25, 1997

“A man of struggle, a man of peace. A man of intellect and compassion. A man of action and accomplishment. A man of powerful will and, at times, contradiction. A man with an intense dedication of the cause of social justice.” In Memory of Carlton B. Goodlett, PhD, MD — Obituary by Ahimsa Sumchai MD []

The street on the east side of San Francisco City Hall was named Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place by Mayor Willie Brown, following his quiet death in 1997. Born a “Leo” on July 23, 1914, Doc — as he was affectionately called — was publisher of the Sun Reporter newspaper and founding president of the National Newspaper Publishers Association. Additionally, Goodlett founded the San Francisco chapter of the NAACP while practicing as one of three Black doctors in the city.

A brilliant mind, Goodlett graduated magna cum laude from Howard University in 1935. At the age of 23, he received his doctorate in child psychology from the University of California, Berkeley. He went on to receive his medical degree from Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee.

I met Dr. Goodlett in 1970 after being selected to represent San Francisco at the White House Conference on Youth. By 1972 I was on staff at the Sun Reporter as youth editor and editor at large serving the emerging community in Bayview Hunters Point. Doc would be proud to know I kept the assignment.

dr.-carlton-goodlett-obituary-in-ucsf-synapse-newspaper-021397, President Biden has Parkinson’s Disease, Featured World News & Views
The University of California San Francisco Synapse newspaper published this obituary when Dr. Goodlett died; it was their Valentine’s Day edition, Feb. 13, 1997.

I want to speak from the heart about observing Doc’s decline. A brilliant orator and persuasive speaker, the first thing I noticed was Doc’s speech became mumbled and unintelligible by about 1988. He was alert and his cognitive function remained high as evidenced by his editorial writings.

The second thing I noticed about Doc during the early years of his decline due to Parkinson’s was his tendency to hesitate while walking, his shuffling gait and his tendency to fall face forward.

This is why fall risk from Parkinson’s can be deadly and disabling. The tendency to fall forward may not be broken by the reflex of outstretched hands.

Fall risk for people with Parkinson’s ranges from 60 to 90%, according to an AI Overview. This fall risk is higher than for seniors of the same age. It is contributed to by problems with balance, rigidity and slowness of movement.

New therapies light the horizon of treatment for Parkinsons’ Disease that halt progression to dementia, psychosis and hallucinations and prevent the life threatening risk of falls. These therapies are available to those who recognize and seek treatment.

SF Bay View Health and Environmental Science Editor Ahimsa Porter Sumchai, MD, PD, founder and principal investigator for the Hunters Point Community Biomonitoring Program, founding chair of the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard Restoration Advisory Board’s Radiological Subcommittee and contributor to the 2005 Draft Historical Radiological Assessment, can be reached at Dr. Sumchai is medical director of Golden State MD Health & Wellness, a UCSF and Stanford trained author and researcher, and a member of the UCSF Medical Alumni Association Board of Directors.