Thursday, September 19, 2024

World News & Views

The latest from the Black community worldwide.

Thomas Sankara: Better one step forward with the people than ten steps without!

The speech was delivered by Burkina Faso's Thomas Sankara at the Non-Aligned Movement Summit in New Delhi in March 1983. by Thomas Sankara  "Long live international cooperation, long live the solidarity of the peoples of the...

Queen Iminah: from Oakland to Harvard to Ghana and back

From Ghetto to Goddess is the movement.

Support Black owned San Francisco-based entrepreneurs for a stronger Black community

by Rodney Wrice San Francisco has long been a hub of innovation and entrepreneurship, but for Black business owners, success has often been hard-fought. Despite facing systemic barriers and discrimination, many Black entrepreneurs in San...

What are the repercussions of the U.S. sliding into a cashless society?

by JR Valrey, the People’s Minister of Information and editor in chief of the SF Bay View A little more than a week ago, Kenyan President William Ruto offered this warning on national television to...

Sex workers call foul on SFPD’s prostitution sting 

The SFPD’s sting operation in The Mission District Capp Street Corridor doesn’t stop prostitution. It simply moves it to more dangerous locations. San Francisco — The Erotic Service Provider Legal Education and Research Project (ESPLERP) joins...

Bay View’s new editor-in-chief!

by Xion Abiodun The Bay View has a new editor-in-chief! The honorable title has been given to JR Valrey, minister of information, writer, author, activist and teacher. He has been working with the Bay View...

The ucptsa is GUILTY of GENOCIDE and ECO-CIDE!

by Baba Jahahara Amen-RA Alkebulan-Ma’at 6263 AAAK / April 2023 JC-PG Blessed (not “Happy”) 69th Birthday Beloved Baba Mumia Abu-Jamal Africans Deserve Reparations! ‘Cause Black Lives Matter! Blessings of IMANI (FAITH) Beloved, Brilliant, Bold, Brave and Beautiful G-o-ds,...

Homelessness is public health: Is Keith Carson a friend or foe to the houselessness...

by Juju Angeles, POOR Magazine formerly houseless poverty skola, Homefulness resident  On Thursday, Feb. 23, 2023, we met with Keith Carson and some powerful Black and houseless poor women led organizations that directly work with...

U3Fit separates the fitness real from the fitness fake

by Robbie Jackson In this post pandemic world, we have seen the value of a “clean bill of health.” Any fitness expert (qualified or not) will tell you your health is your wealth, you are...

Steatopygia and the modern Venus

The history of racism in medical science and sexualization of Black Beauty. The story of Sarah Baartman.

The Oakland Roots Soccer Club is making their presence known

In 2018 the Oakland Roots Soccer Club was formed. In the Fall of 2019, they began to play in the National Independent Soccer Association. In 2021, the Oakland Roots Soccer Club began to play in the USL Championship, the second division of professional soccer in the United States.

Introducing Zaire Saunders, the SF Bay View’s new copy editor

So that’s how I see myself and my work. I want to liberate at least one (Black) person, multiple people would be astounding. If I can offer them a good story, or a poem that just touches the soul and gives them hope, I want to remind us of our humanity so we can go forward and free someone else; then my life would never be in vain.

A comical stoner’s paradise seen on film in ‘Hippie Hill’

by Robbie Jackson April 20 is upon us, and in the Bay Area, it’s more than just a holiday. It’s a way of life. So on 4/20, the actual day, there will be so many...

Let’s talk about botanical sexism

For everything in the environment to function properly there has to be a balance between male and female trees

Jeffrey Blankfort: photographing the Black community and the Panther Party

The fight for freedom and revolution is kept alive through photos of the Black Panther Party, captured by Jeffrey Blankfort

Bakers delight: an interview with local baker extraordinaire Kayla Watson

After a slow start, Kayla Watson became the go-to baker for her friends’ children’s birthday parties. When you look at her creations, it is unimaginable that she made these goodies in her house, instead of at some world class commercial facility.

Afatasi The Artist: ‘In our case for reparations’

There must be sweeping systemic changes; there is no amount of saving, no amount of small business savvy nor educational advancement, that can combat the effects of the racist public policies that are keeping us in poverty

Haiti: “The Truth Speaks for Itself”

Support the popular movement in Haiti. Demand an end to U.S. funding for the Haitian National Police and military.   Demand an end to the Biden Administration’s unconscionable attacks on refugees.

The garden that grew from grief

During my deepest moment of despair, loss and grief, I received a vision reel that played in my mind as a movie, which resembled a large healing community farm on land much further than I could even see.

Why is the Anti War Movement not prevalent in the Black community today?

WWIII is gearing up and we trying to survive already with no time or energy to worry about it.