Saturday, May 4, 2024

Vote Yes on Prop H: Don’t believe PG&E’s fossil fuel-powered lies

In early October, ethics reporting revealed that PG&E is the source of all but $100 of the entire $5.5 million spent so far to attack Prop H - the San Francisco Clean Energy Act. Prop H is a vital ballot measure that will switch us to 100 percent clean electricity in just three decades, and at the same or lower rates than PG&E.

Cindy Sheehan speaks at Bayview Hunters Point Town Hall Meeting

Peace mom Cindy Sheehan, who has traveled the world speaking out for peace with justice, spoke to a full house of grassroots activists at the Oct. 2 Bayview Hunters Point Town Hall Meeting about her campaign to replace Nancy Pelosi in the U.S. Congress Nov. 4.

Bringing democracy to Amerikkka

With Black youth on the front lines this election season, along with all youth plus older Blacks and other people of color, the struggle for real democracy can finally claim victory in the U.S. Masses of new voters have registered and are already lining up to vote wherever early voting is available, as it is here in the Bay Area.

Please don’t feed the PiGE!

Proposition H offers an opportunity for San Francisco to obtain up to 51 percent of its power from renewable sources by 2017 and 100 percent by 2040. The storm of anti-Prop H mailers and television ads bombarding us is funded by PG&E from the money you pay for your steadily rising electric bills.

My two cents on the engineering of media around the murder of Chauncey Bailey

On the murky day of Aug. 8, Black Oakland remembered the life of career journalist Chauncey Bailey, who had been murdered the week before on a downtown Oakland street. Hundreds of people filled every place imaginable in the East Oakland Catholic Church of St. Benedict.

Investigating the assassination of Post Editor Chauncey Bailey, Part 1

Every week in the mainstream media there is a new episode in the saga surrounding the assassination of Oakland Post Editor Chauncey Bailey, which took place Aug. 2 in downtown Oakland. Hours after his murder, the police made the heavily publicized arrest of 19 suspects from Your Black Muslim Bakery.

Investigating the assassination of Post Editor Chauncey Bailey, Part 2

This the second part in a short series to give you the raw information regarding the investigation into who killed Oakland Post Editor Chauncey Bailey, the investigation into the Black Muslim Bakery and the whole controversy surrounding the Oakland Police Department's involvement in a cover-up.

Investigating the assassination of Post Editor Chauncey Bailey, Part 3

In Part 3 of this exclusive interview with Oakland Post Publisher Paul Cobb and Post Attorney Walter Riley, they discuss some of the tribulations that the newspaper was going through prior to the murder of Post Editor Chauncey Bailey, as well as what Paul told the police hours after Chauncey was murdered.

One on one with Yusuf Bey IV: Part 1

After the death of Chauncey Bailey, some journalists created an investigative collaborative called the Chauncey Bailey Project - known in the Black community as the Anti-Muslim Bakery Police Project - which seems to be a vehicle for digging up real and imaginary dirt on Your Black Muslim Bakery and the Bey family.

A journalistic critique of the Chauncey Bailey Project

The Chauncey Bailey Project was never about honoring and continuing the work of the late journalist Chauncey Wendell Bailey Jr. and answering questions regarding his death, as it claims on its website. The project and the Oakland police seem to have more of a lynch mob mentality in their investigation.

Barbara Lopez fights for a School Board that looks like San Francisco

San Francisco has the worst achievement gap in the state of California. With a record high homicide rate, too many young people have been directly affected by violent crime in this city. We need a candidate who can carry out the district's new strategic plan to close the achievement gap.

Cindy Sheehan’s progressive response to the financial crisis

I believe healthcare, housing and education are basic human rights, not privileges. Nancy Pelosi, my opponent, can come up with $850 billion when her buddies need it; now, my buddies, THE PEOPLE, need a bailout!

Free Dee Allen

We, the undersigned, stand in solidarity with student, activist and poet Lamont (Dee) Allen, who was singled out and arrested while participating in the July 30 counter-demonstration against the Minuteman Project. Allen's only "crime" is having the courage, as a Black man, to stand up against an aspiring lynch mob.

Betraying the legacy of Chauncey Bailey

Everything about Chauncey Bailey's life and work spoke of his devotion to the Black community. Yet the Chauncey Bailey Project appears to have veered far off the course that Chauncey was taking.

Nadra Foster and the resignation of KPFA Business Manager Lois Withers

On Nov. 10, KPFA General Manager Lemlem Rijio announced through email that Lois Withers, KPFA's business manager, was resigning. Lois is the white woman who called the police on Black programmer Nadra Foster, falsely accusing her of being banned, on Aug. 20.

Confirmations of the conscious: Lynne Johnson and Palo Alto’s war against Black folk

With the landslide victory of Barack Obama, there are segments of our society who feel racism is a thing of the past. Thankfully, we have tyrants in positions of power like Palo Alto Police Chief Lynne Johnson to keep everything in proper perspective.

Big victory for California Hotel tenants

In a huge victory for the tenants of the California Hotel, Alameda County Superior Court Judge Richard Keller ruled to keep in place a temporary restraining order against Oakland Community Housing Inc. (OCHI), stopping the corrupt nonprofit housing developer from evicting the tenants or shutting off the utilities at the historic hotel.

Pimping Blackness in the fight against Prop 8

After Proposition 8 passed, Black gay men holding "No on Proposition 8" signs were verbally assaulted by white gay anti-Prop 8 protesters. They were called "niggers," and "their people" were blamed for its passage.

King-Garvey shareholders protest land grab by bailed out bank

A Yes We Can Coalition of Asian and Black King-Garvey shareholders chanting, "Stop the land grab; yes, we can!" marched outside Citibank subsidiary Citi Community Capital in the heart of San Francisco's Financial District on Thursday, Nov. 13.

Polluter pays!

Lennar's LEN stocks had sunk to $3.60 per share by mid-November despite restructuring and partnership with the financial firm CB Richard Ellis, headed by Richard Blum, a UC regent and husband of Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a principle sponsor of the Lennar-funded Proposition G.